Alameda Friday Newsletter
August 30, 2024
A Message from Principal Goldstein
August 30, 2024
Dear Families,
And away we go! It has been a pleasure to welcome students to Alameda and to launch the 2024-2025 School Year. I have had a great time visiting classrooms, meeting our new students, saying hello to “old” friends, and hearing all about summer fun. Each classroom has been doing important beginning of the year work - setting expectations, getting acquainted, and building a strong community. I have been impressed with the positive energy I have seen throughout the week.
Outside of the classrooms we are working hard to build a schoolwide community that is consistent with our school-wide values - what does it look and sound like when we are safe, kind, joyful, and inclusive? This week, and continuing for the next couple of weeks, our counseling team, Britt, and I have been/will be visiting every classroom. We have been talking about how each of us can bring our school values to life, and how we can celebrate our collective successes and learn from our mistakes.
One new tool to help teach critical skills and develop a kind and safe school environment is our Social Emotional Learning curriculum called Caring School Community (CSC). An integral piece of this curriculum, across all classrooms, are morning circles. During this brief, but critical time, students are building confidence, getting to know one another, and learning important skills about how to be a member of a community. As I mentioned in my welcome back email, CSC is built around the following framework, specifically targeting Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision Making. CSC also emphasizes the importance of student autonomy, a sense of belonging, and developing critical skills or competencies.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday and welcoming our entire crew of kindergarteners!
Be well,
Matt Goldstein
Updates and Reminders
Arrival/Dismissal: Thanks for doing all you can to make sure that your child arrives at school, on-time, and ready to learn. Please remember that the first bell (and the opening of the doors) is at 7:55 AM, with class beginning at 8:00 AM. If your child plans to eat breakfast, they should arrive at 7:45 AM. Students should either come through the front door or, if they are riding the bus, they should let the staff member know that they want to eat breakfast. Our goal is to make sure as many students who need breakfast have access to it, without this becoming a disruption and a delay to the start of the school day.
Being Kind to Our Neighbors: If you are driving to Alameda, please be very careful of where and how you park. Many of our neighbors are trying to get to work or have places to go. If their driveway is blocked, or car pinned in, this can be stressful and challenging. Take an extra minute to make sure you are parking in a good spot. I suggest looking for a spot a block or two away and enjoying a short walk to school. Please do everything you can to avoid driving either direction on NE 27th, between Fremont and Klickitat.
From our Counselors: Just a reminder that our school counselors are Molly Clark (grades 1, 5) and Anna Tofel (grades K, 2, 3, 4). Ms. T is here full time and Ms. Molly is here 3 days a week this year (typically T, W, Fri). There are so many transitions happening this time of year, and we are a resource of support. Check out some tips for a healthy start to the school year here. And our back to school bulletin boards are here. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with questions or concerns!
Staying Healthy: It is great to have everyone back this week. Of course, there are plenty of viruses and other fun things that are also coming back as well. Please consult the PPS GUIDE on preventing illness in schools and how to help limit the spread of illness throughout our school. If you have additional questions, please reach out to our school nurse Xin Xiang.
Part-time EA Position: Due to the incredible level of generosity from our community and the effort of our Foundation Board, we have the ability to add an additional part-time EA position to help better serve and support our students. If you (or someone you know) are interested in applying for this position, please email Matt Goldstein.
September Events: We have two exciting events coming up this September. First is the 2nd Annual Back-to-School Picnic Extravaganza set for Tuesday, September 17th, beginning at 5:30 PM. The following week, on Thursday, September 26th, from 5:30 - 7:00 PM is Back to School Night. More details about BTSN will be coming out next week.
Early Release: Our first early release of the year will be on Wednesday, September 25th. Dismissal is at 11:50 AM, and will follow the same exact procedures as a normal end of the day. Arrival time and the start of the day is not impacted by early release. Students will have a compressed schedule, with shortened specials. They will also have lunch and lunch recess (though it might seem a bit more like brunch).
PTA Update
There are multiple ways to keep in touch! Visit our website, email PTA@alamedaschool.org, follow the Alameda PTA Instagram page, or join the Alameda Families Facebook Group!
Bike Bus Update
Bike Bus - Every Wednesday Coach Balto & parent volunteers lead the world-famous Alameda Bike Bus! Students, families, and community members bike to school "on a vast ocean of joy" as one student calls it. Click here for a route map and start times, as well as how to join the Bike Bus WhatsApp. Bikes are parked in a secure area at school (no lock needed) and are picked up after school.
PPS has Early Release Wednesdays each month
Trackers camps have you covered!
Portland Public Schools (PPS) has announced Early Release Wednesdays for the 2024-25 school year. These will occur almost every month. We understand this might disrupt your plans, but don’t worry—Trackers has got you covered. Our new PPS Early Release Day Camps are now open for registration.
To support working parents, we have made these camps as cost-effective as possible. Kids can spend their afternoons connecting with friends and learning awesome Trackers skills. They can craft in our pottery studio, build in our woodworking shop, hone their archery skills, create characters for epic role-playing games, or explore the great outdoors while connecting to nature.
Our PPS Early Release Day Camps are available at our SE and NE Portland site, with easy parent pick-up from 5 PM to 6 PM. Remember, students of our After School Program already get early release camp as part of their Wednesday membership. While you tackle your workday, your kids can have a blast learning new things—all in a safe and fun environment!
From Y-Care
Before & After School Programs 2024-2025
Dear Alameda Families,
Are you looking for a nurturing environment for your child to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally? Enroll them in our YMCA Before and After School Program conveniently located on-site at Alameda. Our programs provide a supportive atmosphere where your child can explore interests, acquire new skills, and engage in interactive learning. With dedicated staff fostering personal growth, your child will gain confidence for the future. For families looking for financial support, the YMCA accepts ERDC. The Y also has the Open Door Program, where families can apply for a discounted rate.
Current participating families will have an opportunity to register prior to the open registration date listed below. Please contact your location's Site Director for more information.
Open Registration: May 21, 7:00am