FJVD Weekly Info
We Live the Word!
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Father Doyle Families,
Happy Fourth of July weekend! I pray you are able to spend time with family and friends and enjoy the holiday.
While things may move at a slower pace during the summer months, I plan to continue to send the Weekly Info Newsletter to families throughout the summer. My hope is that it will provide you with a small glimpse into the updates and improvements being made at the school, and also ensure that families remain up to date regarding COVID-19 response planning.
As mentioned via email earlier this week, the Rhode Island Department of Health, in coordination with the Department of Education, has released preliminary COVID-19 guidance for the fall. School administration is currently working closely with RIDOH representatives and leadership from across the Diocese of Providence to develop an appropriate plan that reflects this guidance while also considering the unique needs and qualities of our school community.
A draft of the plan will first be shared with faculty and staff for review and revisions. The plan will then be made available to parents and families. This will be followed by a series of town hall meetings to review and revise the plan as needed. While this multi-tier review process may lengthen the period of time it takes to complete a final draft of the plan, it will also help ensure that the utmost care is given to developing a plan that ensures the safety of our students and staff while continuing to promote a strong, well-rounded Catholic education.
Used Uniform Options
Mrs. Jarvis will be available July 12th-July 16th for families interested in used uniforms. Please call the school at 401-821-3756 or email Mrs. Jarvis to set up a time to visit the school and try on any available used uniforms. Families can also schedule a time outside the the week of July 12th-16th if they are away during that time.
Share Your Thoughts with Us!
We are incredibly grateful for the way in which we were able to navigate this pandemic year; however, we also remain dedicated to continually improving and growing our school community. With this in mind, we would greatly appreciate it if you would share your thoughts on the past year by completing this brief survey: FJVD End of Year Survey
Lastly, the school office remains open from 8am-1pm, Monday-Friday (and by appointment outside of these hours) throughout the summer. If you need anything or have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and a blessed week ahead!
Mr. Peloquin
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
Academic Calendar and Other Documents
Stay Connected
Fundraising & Contest Opportunities
Got Ink?
Reduce Waste and Help our School!
Do you have used ink cartridges at home? Father Doyle School is partnering with Planet Green Recycling to recycle use ink cartridges. The best part? It's entirely hassle free - all you have to do is drop your ink used ink cartridges off in the main office. We'll package and ship them to Planet Green, who ensures cartridges are properly recycled. Ultimately, the program helps save the environment and supports the school! Find out more here.
Box Tops for Education
Keep Saving Those Box Tops!
See the newsletter attached below for information on how to upload your box tops using the new Box Top App!
Participate in the FJVD Certificate Program!
This program is a great way to reduce the cost of your tuition while supporting FJVDl!
The Process:
- The school purchases shopping cards from all of your favorite stores
- You purchase the cards from the school, paying face value and spending the same dollars you would have paid to the stores directly
- The school earns a percentage discount offered by participating stores.
For each $50.00 you spend, you get a stamp on your Tuition Discount Card. Fill the entire card and redeem it for a $75.00 check!
Cards currently available include:
Stop & Shop, Applebee's, Barnes & Noble, Dave's, Dunkin Donuts, Panera, Wal-Mart and more!
Stop by the school Monday-Friday 7:45am-8:15am, the Rectory Monday-Friday 1:45-2:15pm, or in the Parish Center after the 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30am Sunday Masses to purchase your gift cards!
Shop with Amazon Smile!
For more information, see the PDF attached below. Happy shopping!
Aluminum Can Tab Collection
What: Aluminum can tabs are being collected
Why: To support the Ronald McDonald House in Providence
How can you help? Save can tabs and send them in to Mr. Godin’s room.
Bottle Cap Drive
We’re excited to share that our school is part of the Coca-Cola Give program. This provides new funding opportunities to help improve learning environments for students. The best part? Donations don’t come out of your own pocket. When you make Coca-Cola purchases, you simply send in bottle caps or product codes from boxes of beverages and our school receives a donation.
All caps and codes should be sent to Mr. Godin. Codes will be entered on one account to gain larger and quicker donations.
Thank you!
About Us
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
Email: kevinpeloquin@fjvd.org
Website: fjvd.org
Location: 343 South Main Street, Coventry, RI, USA
Phone: 401-821-3756
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gofjvdsaints