Mills Moments
September 6th, 2024
This week we held our first Trojan Assembly to review our schoolwide behavior expectations. We reviewed our Trojan P.R.I.D.E. matrix and introduced our youngest Trojans to our school song. Students were absolutely amazing as they listened attentively to the presentation and then they were rewarded with a Trojan Ticket. We ask that you reinforce the expectations of being kind, respectful, and responsible in your home. When your child demonstrates one of these characteristics, recognize them for it and celebrate. Thank you in advance for your partnership.
We look forward to seeing you at our Open House Thursday, September 12th 5:00-6:30! Stop by to meet all the teachers, see the classrooms, learn about curriculum and other fun things!
🔼Click "Attendance Matters" to learn more about absenteeism affects student achievement.🔼
Student attendance is critical to the learning process. If chronic truancy persists after interventions and other resources are made available, the school and district will take further action, including: Parent Contact (may include phone call, letter, and/or home visit), conference with student and parent, referral to the West 40 Truancy Outreach Advocate, reporting to officials under the Juvenile Court Act, and appropriate school discipline. Student attendance matters for academic performance.
- Research shows that students who miss too many days of preschool have weaker literacy and numeracy skills entering kindergarten.
- Absenteeism in kindergarten can affect whether a child develops the grit and perseverance needed to succeed in school.
- A habit of attendance IS a school readiness skill. Along with social-emotional and readiness skills, consistent on-time attendance is a habit that lasts.
- Research shows starting as early as preschool and kindergarten, chronic absence—missing 10% of the academic year—can leave third graders unable to read proficiently, sixth graders struggling with coursework and high school students off track for graduation.
Kids and Screen Time
Children and adolescents spend a lot of time watching screens, including smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, TVs, and computers. On average, children ages 8-12 in the United States spend 4-6 hours a day watching or using screens, and teens spend up to 9 hours. While screens can entertain, teach, and keep children occupied, too much use may lead to problems. Managing a child’s screen time is challenging for families. Your child is never too young for a screen-time plan:
- Familiarize yourself with programming to make sure it is age-appropriate.
- Talk to your child about what they are seeing. Point out good behavior, such as cooperation, friendship, and concern for others. Make connections to meaningful events or places of interest.
- Be aware of advertising and how it influences choices.
- Encourage your child to learn other activities such as sports, music, art, and hobbies that do not involve screens.
- Set a good example with your own safe and healthy screen habits.
- Teach children about online privacy and safety.
- Encourage using screens in ways that build creativity and connection with family and friends.
Remind App for Urgent Messages
If you have not done so already, please sign up for Remind to receive all urgent messages from John Mills School.
Attendance Hotline
Attendance phone number 708-583-6288
Attendance email
School Meals Information
The cafeteria menus can be found by clicking on the link above or you can download the FD Meal Planner app on your smartphone.
Meal prices for the 2024-2025 school year: Breakfast is free; lunch is $3.10
Food service questions can be directed to Ms. Tara Canty at
Daily Schedule
Daily Schedule for Early Release Mondays
- PK students are dismissed at 10:25am for AM session and 1:45pm for PM session
- K-5 students are dismissed at 2:00pm
Daily Schedule for Tuesdays through Fridays
- PreK students begin entering at 8:10am for AM session and 12:10pm for PM session
- PreK students are dismissed at 10:50am for AM session and 2:45pm for PM session
- K-5 students begin to enter the building at 8:20am and instruction will start promptly at 8:40am
- K-5 students will be dismissed at 3:00pm
BASEC- Before and/or After School Extended Care
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
PreK students may begin entering at 8:10am and 12:10pm.
Students in grades K-5 may begin to enter the building at 8:20am.
Any students eating breakfast must report directly to the cafeteria using Door 14 (south side of the gym down the stairs) at 8:20 and stay there until the 8:35 bell. No food is to be brought out of the cafeteria.
Students will report directly to their designated area.
At 8:35am, doors 2, 3, 6 and 12 will close and students will have to enter Door 1. Any students who arrive after 8:40am, will receive a tardy pass from the main office prior to going to class.
Instruction will start promptly at 8:40am.
Mondays are Early Release!
PreK students are dismissed from Door 6 at 10:50am and 2:45pm Tuesday- Friday and 10:25am and 1:45pm on Mondays.
K-5 students will be dismissed at 3:00pm on Tuesday-Friday and 2:00pm on Mondays.
If a student is not picked up within 5 minutes of dismissal, they will be escorted into the office where they will call home and wait. Parents who continually pick their students up late will be required to have a meeting with the administration.
All changes to dismissal must be made 10 minutes before dismissal time with a phone call to the main office.
PTA News
The John Mills PTA Membership Drive is now open! By clicking the link and purchasing your PTA membership for the school year, you will be entered to win one of two Amazon Gift Cards worth $25!
Memberships can be purchased at any time throughout the school year, however this promotion is only open until September 25th. By purchasing a PTA membership, you will stay informed of all the PTA happenings, know when volunteer opportunities arise, be informed of meetings and events and vote on important matters such as budgets, board memberships and more.
SAVE THE DATE! Our first PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday September 10th at 6:30 pm in the John Mills media center and monthly meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month at the same time and place. Children are welcome if you cannot find childcare.
Our first Restaurant Night will be at Portillo’s in Norridge from 5-8pm on September 11th. A portion of proceeds will go back to PTA and our school.
Don’t forget Open House on September 12th. Look out for our PTA table where you can also sign up for your PTA membership and see what we have planned for the year.
Thank you and we hope to see you soon!
-John Mills PTA
Trojan Tribune
Attention 4th and 5th Graders: If you enjoy writing, editing, and working with friends, please join Trojan Tribune! The informational letter linked here was sent home digitally to all 4th/5th grade parent/guardians this week. If your student wishes to join, please fill out the attached form, linked here (same one that is in the letter) by Friday, Sept. 20.
- 10th PTA Meeting 6:30pn in the John Mills Media Center
- 11th Portillo's Dinner Night, PTA Fundraiser (Norridge) 5pm-8pm
- 12th BMX Assembly sponsored by PTA
- 12th Open House 5:00-6:30pm
- See our upcoming Theme Thursdays!
John Mills Information
Frank Kuzniewski
Natalia Gomez
Assistant Principal
District EL/Bilingual Director
Kari Collins
Assistant Principal
EPCUSD 401 School Board Members
Peter Volpe, Vice President
Susan Capraro, Secretary
Jennifer Ranallo
Jonathan Rivera
Jason Shipinski
Michelle Silver