Fredericktown Elementary
Family Newsletter

Principal Letter
Dear Families,
I hope all of you stayed warm during the arctic blast of cold we have gotten this week! Mittens, hats, and warm winter coats ventured from closets to help many stay warm. If your child needs any winter weather gear please let us know. We have had some donations from a local church.
We are all looking forward to warmer days and full school days. We have several special events planned for January and February including the Second Grade Musical Program Bugz, and a school visit with Jim Basketball Jones to celebrate Kindness week. Of Course we expect kindness every week of the year from our Freddies, and they do not disappoint!
When winter weather keeps your children inside invite them to take outdoor adventures through the pages of a book! It's never too cold to read.
Stay curious and keep reading,
Gina Sackman, Principal
Fredericktown Elementary
Looking ahead
January 29th
- Ohio University Jazz Ensemble performance for grades 3-5
- Ohio University Jazz Ensemble performance with select FHS students free evening performance for the community see details graphic for details.
January 31st
- 2nd grade musical program Bugs at 7:00
February 3
- Kindness week
February 7th through the 21st PTO Stoller Bread Fundraiser.
February 10th Spring Picture Day
February 17th
- President's day No School
Reminders about reporting your child absent
Elementary Learning Highlights
Fifth graders are discovering that 2/4 is equal to ½ (equivalent fractions), which sets the stage for adding and subtracting fractions. Additionally, they will be focusing on vocabulary that includes Greek and Latin roots, along with scientific terms related to Space. In the picture students are completing a Venn Diagram about the Sun, Earth, and Moon.
5th Grade Band Members have been working hard since October. They have learned several notes and rhythms and are learning to play as an ensemble!
4th Grade has been studying landforms and bodies of water in Science. Students tied the Christmas Theme into a project where they had to create their own Christmas Islands.
Our 2nd graders are putting the final touches on our program, “Bugz”! We can’t wait to show off all of our hard work on Friday, January 31 at 7:00pm for our families!
Second grade is learning about different types of weather. We are doing experiments like these two to demonstrate how clouds hold water and how a blizzard forms (which is fitting for our current weather conditions lately).
During P.E. Miss Rutherford's kindergarten class, the Bean Bag Boogie unit has begun. They are showcasing their ability to balance, build bridges, and toss and catch.
The second grade students of Mrs. Hoover and Mrs. Carpenter are rehearsing their Oho PE Assessment questions. Additionally, these students are honing their jump roping techniques. This is an additional component of the Ohio PE assessments.
In art classes students are finishing up their “polar projects”! Creating arctic villages to cold climate animals created in tempera paint. 5th grade even made personality penguins out of clay!
There is a new resource for elementary families: The Care Now Clinic in Mount Vernon now serves students as young as 5 years old. Get help with mental health emergencies, regardless of ability to pay. Visit bhcpartners.org for more information.
Outdoor Recess
We will continue to have outdoor recess during the winter months if the weather permits. Please encourage your child to wear weather appropriate clothes.
Lost and Found
If your child is missing jackets, sweatshirts or other items you may want to check the lost and found. We have many lonely items waiting to be reunited with their owner.
General Monitoring of School-Issued Devices
Please be aware that the Fredericktown Local School District, either directly or through a technology provider, is electing to generally monitor all school-issued devices (as that term is defined by R.C. 3319.325). The monitoring will include the following features: location tracking and student interactions with school-issued devices (e.g., keystrokes and web-browsing activity). The District generally monitors these features for the noncommercial education purpose of instruction, technical support, and/or exam proctoring. Additionally, these features are generally monitored as a necessary precaution for preventing and/or responding to threats to life or safety.
Reminder about Smart Watches:
Smart watches can not be used during school hours as communication devices. We want our students focused on their learning.