St. Mary & St. John Weekly Update!
January 10, 2025
God seeks out the sinner and loves us unconditionally.
My friends,
This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord, which brings us to the end of the Christmas season. After this weekend's masses, the vestment colors will change and we will go back to Ordinary Time. But before we do, the Church gives us this feast which is a wonderful ending to the Christmas season. This feast offers us one more moment of revelation (an epiphany, if you will) as to who Jesus Christ truly is, and it serves as a good transition into Ordinary Time, as this event signals the end of Jesus’ hidden years and the transition into his public ministry.
Let us ponder two insights from Feast of the Baptism of the Lord:
First, Jesus had gone out to the Jordan River to seek baptism by John. If we recall, John was preaching a baptism of repentance. Even though Jesus was not a sinner, and was therefore not in need of repentance, he chose to go where such people were. He chose to join them, to become one with them. This seeking out of sinners and identifying himself with them is one of the hallmarks of Jesus’ ministry. In fact, a complaint leveled against him was that he broke bread with sinners. This is who Jesus is; this is who God is. God is the one who goes out in search of the sinner and helps him to carry his burden.
This is wonderful news communicated throughout the Scriptures, and especially during the Christmas season. It is a truth that offers great comfort. We can know with certainty that any time we stray, the Lord, who knows the weight of sin, will seek us out. We can know with certainty that if our loved ones have strayed, the Lord is seeking them as well.
Then we have this wonderful moment after the baptism, when Jesus is praying and the heavens open. The Holy Spirit descends upon him in the form of a dove, and a voice from heaven speaks those powerful words: You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased. These are words we long to hear from our parents. They are words that reflect unconditional, total love. The good news is that, in our own baptism, the Father speaks these words to us. In our baptism, we are united to Christ and through that union, to the blessed Trinity. By grace we receive what is Christ’s by nature: we are unconditionally loved and united to the Father.
As we move forward with our day and our week, let us do so comforted by these truths: God seeks out the sinner, bears our burdens with us, and loves us unconditionally.
May each of you know His love, today and always!
Deacon Don
Be sure to click "View Entire Message" below to see entire Newsletter! 😁
Second Saturday Social Returns! January 11!
Please plan to help take down the Christmas Decor after the Masses on January 12
What can you share with your parish family - Anyone?
No experience necessary!
We consistently rely on a small group of parishioners and staff to do "everything". We all need to share the gifts God has given us, particularly our time and talent with our Parish Community. Please prayerfully consider where YOU and your family might be able to help! Have questions? Call the Parish Office!
Knights of Columbus FISH FRY-DAY! January 10, 2025!
K of C Fish Fry!
Join the Knights on
Friday, January 10, 2025
at their Menasha Hall across from Manderfield's Bakery for
great food and fellowship.
Dine in or Walk-in To Go!
Serving from 4:30 to 7:30 pm.
Note - Take Out orders can be called in starting at 4:30pm.
(920) 725-5202
Hope to see you there!
Have you toured St. Mary?
You can now schedule a tour!
New Tour availability, by appointment!
We are now offering tours by appointment
for the following tour times:
Monday 10am-3pm
Tuesday 1-4pm and 6:30-8:30pm
Wednesday 1-5pm
Thursday 2-4pm
To come for a tour you need to sign up at least 2 days ahead of time
so that we can make sure we have our docents ready for you!
Click here to visit our beautiful Church today!
Help protect St. John's Stained Glass Windows! $ 3,050 left to raise!
Thank you for your continued donations to our
We have raised more than half the $20,000 needed ($400 per window). Your donations are helping to restore the frames around the beautiful stain-glassed windows at St. John’s.
Work on the windows will continue into the Spring of 2025.
You can drop a donation in the collection baskets at masses or in the Parish Office.
Please clearly mark your envelope or check..
We are so thankful for your help!
For Donut Sundays to continue after 11am Mass at St. Mary, we need your help...
WELCOME WEEKEND - January 18 & 19!
Parish Needs, can you help?
With Cold and flu season, the parish office has a need for
Disinfecting Wipes
We also have an ongoing need for
8-1/2 x 11, 20lb, bright white copy paper.
Your kind donations are truly appreciated.
Donations can be dropped off at the parish office.
You can also make donations towards the purchase of these items.
Our next "We Lift" Women's Group speaker is January 18!
Thursday January 16 - A Talk by Father Michael Lightner!
St. Peregrine Prayers for those with Cancer or other Illnesses
If you or someone dear to you is afflicted with cancer, a chronic illness, or other medical conditions, join our community in prayer on the 4th Tuesday of each month following the 7:30am Mass at St. Mary. Gather by the Mary altar for this time of prayer and spiritual renewal. Next Service January 28, 2025
St. Peregrine is our intercessor because he knows what we are going through. He was faced with incurable cancer and was miraculously healed through prayer and he helped to cure others. Now through St. Peregrine’s powerful intercession, we will ask that God bless our sick friends and loved ones and help cure them of all physical and emotional ailments.
You are invited to share in the consolation of prayer and spiritual renewal by joining our devotion. Those that are ill may receive a blessing with the relic of St. Peregrine.
Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions
Please join us on the 2nd Tuesday of every month after the 7:30am Mass we we say the Devotions of St. Alphonsus Liguori to honor our Blessed Mother and ask her to intercede to our Lord Jesus for our intentions. Next prayers January 14, 2025
Devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help is the most widespread Marian devotion throughout the world. As long as we have doubts and fears, uncertainties and preoccupations, worries and problems, devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help will never grow old. Since she accompanied her son Jesus with faith throughout the events in his life (cf. Mt 1:18, Lk 2:35), she is ideally positioned to understand our situation today. Once the woman of prayer in Nazareth, she is now also the woman of help, who set out with haste from her own village to go to see Elizabeth and be of service (Lk 1:39). The public veneration of the icon of our Mother of Perpetual Help has resulted in striking miracles and marvels of grace.
The miraculous image of Our Mother of Perpetual Help is an icon, painted on wood, and seems to have originated around the 13th century on the Greek island of Crete. The original artist of the icon is unknown is unknown. However, at some point in the late 15th century, the icon was brought to Italy from Crete. In 1499 the icon came to the Church of St. Matthew in Rome where it was venerated for nearly 300 years until the church was destroyed in 1798 during the Napoleonic invasions. The icon disappeared for over 50 years but was discovered through the intercession of our Mother of Perpetual Help. On December 11, 1865, Pope Pius IX entrusted the icon to the Redemptorists and asked them to “make her known throughout the world.” The image was enshrined in the Church of St. Alphonsus Ligouri in Rome, built at the site of the former Church of St. Matthew, where it remains to this day.
Each element of the icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help has a specific meaning:
- Mary’s eyes, filled with compassion and love, are directed toward us.
- Our Lady is clothed in the colors of virgins (red) and of mothers (blue). These are also royal colors.
- Jesus, depicted as a young boy, wears the colors of a king.
- The star on Mary’s veil reminds us that she is the dawn announcing the coming of Christ.
- Our Lady’s hands hold her Son securely, and her right hand directs our gaze to Him.
- The Christ Child grasps his mother’s hand as though he is frightened by what he sees.
- On Our Lady’s left and right we see the reasons for the child’s fear. On the right is the Archangel Gabriel, holding a cross and four nails. On the left is the Archangel Michael, holding a lance, a pole with a sponge, and a vessel of vinegar. This vision of the instruments of the crucifixion has driven the young Jesus to his mother’s protective embrace.
- In His hurry to reach his mother, Jesus has almost lost one of his sandals. He became human, like us, in all things but sin.
- Yet Our Lady’s gaze is fixed on us, her children on earth. She is our source of constant comfort and hope.
“Prayer to Our Mother of Perpetual Help”
O Mother of Perpetual Help, grant that I may ever invoke thy most powerful name, which is the safeguard of the living and the salvation of the dying. O Purest Mary, O Sweetest Mary, let thy name henceforth be ever on my lips. Delay not, O Blessed Lady, to help me whenever I call on thee, for, in all my needs, in all my temptations I shall never cease to call on thee, ever repeating thy sacred name, Mary, Mary. Amen
Need a beautiful Gift idea? Star Certificates!
Give the gift of perpetual prayer to those you love!
Give a "Star" to your loved ones and honor them with the cherished gift of perpetual prayer. We can even provide you with a beautiful gift certificate that is suitable for framing that they can open. You can come into the Parish Office to buy the star and we will take care of the certificate. Or you can purchase your star online through We Share. Give the gift of perpetual prayer!
Faith Formation / Youth Events!
CGS Corner
CGS Corner (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd)
In our Atrium, we learn about the History of the Kingdom of God and the 3 moments that are part of this history: Creation (when God created EVERYTHING, and so many different kinds of things), Redemption (When Jesus came into the world, lived, died and rose again), and Parousia (when God will be all in all, it will never end and there will only be joy!)
One of the ways the children learn about this is by working with a REALLY long Ribbon—which illustrates these three moments, along with many of the other moments that happen during creation (God creates animals, plants, birds, etc.) It also shows when people were created, when Jesus came into the world—the moment of Redemption, which is the moment we are in now. And it shows the “blank page” that God has yet to write, and we don’t know how long the blank page will be until Parousia! It’s beautiful to see when they realize God spent SO MUCH time creating everything (which is demonstrated by most of the long ribbon), so that He would have this world ready for US!
In our parishes AND this year, in our St. Mary Elementary School, children in grades 3K-2 are listening for God’s voice through CGS. If you would like to observe a session, please contact Bethany.
Mission and Steubenville Trips OPEN for registration!!
Join us on MISSION this summer! Questions? Contact Bethany Robinson for more details and information!
Mission Trip - Oklahoma City, OK July 13-20 Reigster HERE: https://forms.gle/B8MdimyjZUMLSttj7 Steubenville Conference - Joliet, IL June 27-29 Register HERE: https://forms.gle/2Fjzu8m1D5ekfzWQA
Burr Basket Making
January 11, 2025 for Gr. 9-12
St. Margaret Mary Parish, Neenah
Option to join us for Mass at 5pm
Dinner and Basket Making to follow!
Please look at the attachments and link for more information. Thank you!!
Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4BA8AD28A7FDC16-54109920-burr
Tubing and Skiing at Nordic!
Who - Middle and High School Students
When - Saturday, January 18 from 8:45am - 2pm
You must sign up PRIOR to January 11th to secure a spot! (This requirement also applies to adult chaperones)
When you click the link, you will be taken to a page that asks for a group code. Our code is:
Here is the link: https://shop.nordicmountain.com/groups
Mega Mini Lock-In
Join us for a day of fun, competition and prizes - can you finish the race??
Where: St. Mary, Menasha
Who: Grades 6-8
When: February 1 from 1-11pm
What to bring: a friend, parent signed waiver, and $5 for dinner (optional)
Sign up here to join us! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040545AAAA22A7FC1-54166119-megamini#/
Pillars Adult Shelter
provides safe, overnight shelter for adults experiencing homelessness.
St. Mary and St. John the Baptist parishioners provide and serve a meal once per month at the shelter.
Can you help?
Do you have a special anniversary or want to honor someone?
Pick a date that we are serving a meal at the Adult Shelter and sign up!!
The link to sign up is at the bottom off our parish website:
March Medjugorje Trip Canceled
Please note that the Pilgrimage to Medjugorje that was scheduled for the end of March has been canceled. A New Pilgrimage opportunity will be announced at a later date. If you ware interested in being put on a list to be notified of future pilgrimages in the future, please call the parish office.
Community Announcements
Men's Hops & Hope - January 13!
-High Cliff lower level
-Cold winter nights- 3 kinds of Hot Chili available at 5pm.
-2 speakers start at 6:30.
-College kids are home; invite a young person.
-Bring someone new and that person is eligible for a prize.
HOPE to see you 1/13!
Jesuit Retreat House Men's Retreat
This specific men's retreat, has been coming together for over 60 years. It is constantly evolving with men from 3 states attending and the coordinators having shifted between different Appleton parishes over the years. Typically about 20% of the group made is up of first time retreatants. There are also multigenerational family retreatants. The quiet and contemplative nature of the retreat can provide a space to rest, recharge, and reduce stress. The silent aspect of the retreat allows for deeper introspection and a more focused connection with God.
From Deacon Don: One of the beautiful gifts of the Ignatian silent retreat and the Exercises is that they live on beyond the time of the retreat. On many occasions I have drawn from the wisdom and practical applications of the Exercises in everyday life, when needing to make big decisions, or when trying to grow deeper in my relationship with God. My experiences in the retreats have also planted a seed deep within my soul to find many moments of silence in my day and to cherish the gift of silence. And the JRH Facility is awesome and the food is fantastic! Do yourself a favor and try a retreat!
ALL RISE! The Northeast Wisconsin Passion Play Open Auditions
Open auditions for ALL RISE! The Northeast Wisconsin Passion Play, a dramatic musical based on the life of Christ, will be held on Thursday evening, January 30th and Saturday morning, February 1st, at the Xavier Fine Arts Theatre, 1600 W. Prospect Avenue, Appleton. Adult and student performers, grades three through twelve, of all faiths are invited to audition. Director Jim Romenesko seeks singers, dancers and actors for the community production.
Performances dates for the 2025 season are April 10-13, with a special performance for Religious Education / Faith Formation groups on April 9th.
Chorus, lead and supporting roles, both singing and non-singing are available. Those auditioning will also be asked to do a simple movement/dance audition.
Performances and rehearsals are held at the Xavier Fine Arts Theatre, 1600 W. Prospect Avenue Appleton on Sunday evenings with soloists & actors in leading roles also rehearsing on some Sunday afternoons. Peter Leschke is the show’s musical director. Mary Doverspike, Jr. is the choreographer.
For more information visit the production’s website: www.newpassionplay.org and click or tap the “Join Our Cast” button near the top of the page.
Have you registered as a Parishioner?
Are you registered with us?
One way to know is if you receive regular communications from us, such as offertory envelopes, newsletters or emails. If you do not receive at least one of these, then perhaps you are not registered here, you may want to check with the parish office staff.
Registering in the parish is a statement of faith and confidence in the life and work of our parish.
As parish members, we are all here to help each other on our spiritual journey; we don’t want to do this alone.
As much as you need us, we need you, too! Stop by the welcome table at either parish for a New Member Form. Please call Deacon Don in the Parish Office if you have any questions. (920) 725-7714 x416.
Consider Online Giving, snap the QR Code to go directly to our Giving Page!
Spend time in Adoration with Jesus!
Spend an Hour with Jesus!
Jesus is waiting for you!
Adoring Christ in the
Blessed Sacrament takes no special skill —
just a willingness to spend time with the Lord.
We are blessed to have 8 hours of Adoration followed by Benediction available to us each week!
Find a time that meets your schedule. Spending time with Jesus will change your life!
Eucharistic Adoration is available at
St. Mary
Tuesdays: 6:30am – 7:30am and 12pm – 1pm
Wednesdays: 12pm – 1pm and 6pm – 7pm
St. John the Baptist
Thursdays: 6:30am – 7:30am and 12pm – 1pm
Fridays: 12pm – 1pm and 6pm – 7pm
Perpetual Adoration is available at the Twin Cities Perpetual Adoration Chapel at St. Margaret Mary.
Prayer Cards Available.
Pray for one another. One of the greatest things we can do for our friends and family is to pray for them before the Blessed Sacrament. When we pray for others, it also allows us to experience the joy that comes from seeing someone else receive God’s blessings. It is a wonderful feeling to know that we have played a part in someone else’s healing or salvation.
To let you let your loved ones know you have prayed for them, we have made some beautiful prayer cards for you to fill out and give them.
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” ( Galatians 6:2)