Blevins Bulletin
December 8th , 2023

December 6th 2024 Principal's Message
Hello Blevins Families,
I hope the Fall Break treated you well and brought rest and joy. We missed our Bruin students and we've been excited to have them back. This has been a strong week of settling back into our routines and focusing on our academic success. With our first semester winding down, this is also the perfect time to check on student progress on ParentVue and check in with teachers about grades. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our teachers, counselors, and administrators for questions and help. We're here to partner with you to support our students' success.
This month is also a fun time of year for many concerts, performances, and athletics. A shout out to our many families supporting our students in their engagement of these events. I can't wait to see all of the students' efforts and passion shine through!
Joe Zappa, Principal
Important Dates
Friday, December 6th:
- Select Music Students Performance @ Joseph's Hardware Winter Festival 6:15pm
Monday, December 9th:
- RMHS Open House 6:00-8:00 (Information Below)
Tuesday, December 10th:
- Beginning Band and Jazz Band Concert 7:00pm (Blevins Auditeria)
Thursday, December 12th:
- Last Day of Bruin Club for 1st Semester
- 6th Grade Choir Concert 7:00pm (Blevins Auditeria)
- Murder On The 518 Rehearsal 3:00-5:00pm
Tuesday, December 17th:
- Murder On The 518 Rehearsal 3:00-5:00om
- PTO/SAC Meeting 5:30-7:30pm (Collaboration Café)
Wednesday, December 18th:
- Mr. Holders' Aviation PBL Field trip to Ft. Collins/Loveland Airport 11:50-2:00
- Murder On The 518 Rehearsal 3:00-5:00pm
⭐Thursday, December 19th:
- Performance of Murder On The 518 7:00pm (Blevins Auditeria) (Actor Call Time 5:00)
- No Charge for Admission/Donations Accepted
December 23rd- January 3rd:
- NO SCHOOL/Winter Break
Monday, January 6th:
- NO SCHOOL/Teacher Workday
Presenting the Production of MURDER ON THE 518
Red-eye travelers on the westbound 518 are in for a surprise when first one passenger, and then another, mysteriously drop dead right before their eyes — just as the train is halted by a rockslide in an isolated canyon. Because the pair appears to have been poisoned, anyone and everyone in the train dining car is a suspect!
Unable to call for help, the eccentric passengers — including two newlyweds, an astronomy professor, a sports recruiter, a CEO, a movie star, an aspiring musician, and others — try to work together to find the murderer before they reach their destination and the killer escapes for good! Unfortunately, not everything — or everyone — is as it seems.
Hold on tight — Murder on the 518 is quite the ride!
Thursday, 19 December 7:00 PM (Blevins Auditeria)
No Admission Charge, Donations Accepted
RMHS Open House & Curriculum Fair
Meet teachers and staff, learn about Rocky clubs and athletics, and join us for a tour of the school.
Parents and students welcome!
Monday, December 9th 6:00-8:00pm
Rocky Mountain HS Parent Athletic Association will be selling Rocky gear (T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, stickers, etc...) and hotdogs, chips, and drinks at the 8th grade Open House.
Monday, December 9th 6:00-8:00pm
Winter Spirit Week
Bruin Club
This is a reminder that the fall session of Bruin Club will end on December 12th, 2024. There will be no clubs the week of December 16th although school will be in session. During the final week of Bruin Club, December 9th through December 12th, only homework help will be available.
Bruin Club will resume on January 13th, 2025, and will only offer homework help from 2:25-5:00 pm during the first week. Enrichment clubs will begin on January 21st, 2025. More information regarding winter program offerings will be sent out in early January.
To continue improving and growing our programs, we are asking families to please fill out our program session survey: Bruin Club End of Session Survey, Bruin Club encuesta de fin de sesión.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Izzy Crume at icrume@psdschools.org or (970)657-6612. Have a great holiday season!
Buenos días, Familias Bruin
Este es un recordatorio de que la sesión de otoño de Bruin Club terminará el 12 de diciembre de 2024. No habrá clubes la semana del 16 de diciembre, aunque la escuela estará en sesión. Durante la última semana de Bruin Club, del 9 al 12 de diciembre, solo estará disponible ayuda con las tareas.
Bruin Club se reanudará el 13 de enero de 2025 y solo ofrecerá ayuda con las tareas de 2:25 a 5:00 pm durante la primera semana. Los clubes de enriquecimiento comenzarán el 21 de enero de 2025. A principios de enero se enviará más información sobre las ofertas del programa de invierno.
Your Feedback is Needed
The City of Fort Collins is partnering with PSD to conduct a transportation safety assessment for our school. City and PSD transportation staff have met with our school staff and have completed on-site observations of traffic dynamics during arrival and dismissal times. We also want parent feedback to add to the safety analysis. Please take a few minutes to fill out this online survey to provide your important perspective on this topic.
We would like this feedback by the end of this calendar year, and we’ll begin looking at survey results in January.
Parent Survey English
Parent Survey Spanish
Thanks so much for your assistance. This parent feedback will be a very valuable component of our analysis.
Nancy Nichols
Sr. Coordinator, Active Modes
Safe Routes to School Program Manager
City of Fort Collins
#BruinStrong T-Shirts Available for Purchase
Holiday Assistance
Hello Blevins Families - If you are in need of any Holiday assistance , winter coats, or other resources, please reach out to Erin McCain, emccain@psdschools.org or 970-488-4009 (please leave a message with your full name and number!).
Wrestling Information for the 2024-2025 season
Open mat will begin 12/2/24 -12/20/24 2:45pm-3:45pm on school days in the Auxiliary Gym.
*Please bring a water bottle, tennis shoes, shorts/sweatpants. Please bring inhalers, if needed.
Students will need their silver card prior to the first official day of practice 1/21/25
This is a non-cut sport available to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students.
Preseason Camp
Open mat will begin 1/13/25-1/17/25 2:45pm-3:45pm on school days in the Auxiliary Gym.
*Please bring a water bottle, tennis shoes, shorts/sweatpants. Please bring inhalers, if needed.
Students will need their silver card prior to the first official day of practice 1/21/25.
This is a non-cut sport available to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students.
Official Practices
Official Practices will be from 2:45pm-4:15pm on school days and non-meet days in the Auxiliary Gym.
To receive their silver card, they need the following items:
-Sports Physical (once per year)
-Registration (for each sport)
-Payment of fees/Shared waiver of fees (for each sport)
A silver card is required prior to tryouts and first day of practice. For more information on how to complete the above requirements, please visit our Blevins Middle School Athletics page at https://www.psdathletics.org/blevins
Also, feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.
Coach Ben Rees
7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball
A silver card is required prior to tryouts and first day of practice. For more information on how to complete the above requirements, please visit our Blevins Middle School Athletics page at https://www.psdathletics.org/blevins
Preseason Camp: No preseason camp.
Tryouts: 1/13-1/15 2:35pm-4:10pm in Gym 200. Cuts will take place on 1/15/24. Please wear athletic clothing/shoes and bring a water bottle. Please pick up students promptly at 4:10pm.
Practice: Practices will be 2:35pm-4:10pm in Gym 200 on school days and non-game days.
Also, feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.
Varsity/JV Coach-Trey Cormia
C1/C2 Coach-Ken Hartley
RMHS Adopt-A-Family program
We are students from Rocky Mountain High School who are participating in our annual Adopt-A-Family program that aims to help bring all the joys of The Holidays to families in need. Our homeroom Entrepreneurship class is currently working on a project to develop products that can be sold in order to generate proceeds to fund some of our efforts to provide for our family in need. We have web pages showcasing our specific products linked below. On those pages you will be able to find order forms and all of the information needed to support our cause.
Rocky’s Entrepreneurship Website
We are reaching out to the feeder schools and (feeder school) specifically because we wish to encourage more participation in the Adopt-A-Family program, especially from individuals outside of Rocky. We also wish to encourage the soon-to-be members of the Rocky community to participate in the program as well.
Purchase Your 2024-2025 Blevins Yearbook
Order a yearbook now so you don’t have to worry about it later! ✔ Check it off your to-do list today: https://www.jostens.com/yearbooks/students-and-parents/about-yearbooks
Show Your BRUIN PRIDE Holiday Sale
- Sale Dates: 11/4/2024 - 12/10/2024
- 25% off all merchandise
- Free shipping on orders over $75
- Guaranteed delivery by Dec. 23rd
Thank you Ed Carroll Motor Company
Thank you to Ed Carroll Motor Company for Sponsoring our
Lego Robotics Team. We appreciate your support!
Support Blevins
Who To Contact
Joe Zappa, Principal
Dusti Sanger, Assistant Principal
Scott Schreiner, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Michele Trujillo, Office Manager
Kirsten Bovbjerg, 6th/7th Grade Counselor
Anna Burris, 7th/8th Grade Counselor
Erin McCain, Academic Dean* & School Counselor
*Guidance for academic supports for Blevins students
CSU Department of Mechanical Engineering Presents
Techie Tackles & Turbo -Goals:
The RoboRam Cup