Harambee Life | January 23, 2025

News for January 23, 2025
Hello Harambee Families,
I hope that you all enjoyed the long weekend. Four days is too long for a school to be without students. It was a rush of positivity to welcome students back to school yesterday morning!
Tuesday was our first weather related school cancellation this school year. If we have another day called off due to weather, it will be a remote learning day. Each student should have, or will be bringing home, a choice board of learning activities to complete if this happens. Please make sure that you know where your student's choice board is located in the event of another weather related school closure.
If your student will be absent for any reason, please remember to call our attendance line at (651) 379-2595 in the morning to notify us. When you call, leave a message including your child’s name, grade, teacher, and the reason for the absence. Thank you for helping us ensure that we can account for every student each day. Your diligence in calling helps us maintain a safe and organized learning environment.
Stay warm (it looks like warmer weather is on horizon!).
Same Team,
Principal Nathan
Save the date for the Harambee African American Parent Involvement Day Celebration
Monday, February 10 is National African American Parent Involvement Day, and we are celebrating at Harambee! All families are invited to join in our learning for all or part of the day:
Drop your student off at school, have breakfast with them, and stay for morning meeting.
Come for lunch and recess with your student
11:00 - 2nd Grade Lunch
11:20 - 4th Grade Lunch
11:40 - 3rd & 5th Grade Lunch
12:00 - Kindergarten Lunch
12:10 - 1st Grade Lunch
12:40 - 6th Grade Lunch
Beginning at 2:00 there will be refreshments and conversation in the Maker Space.
At 3:00 there will be an assembly lead by our Student Advisory Team and featuring musical performances from all grades. A live stream link will be sent out if you are unable to attend.
- January - American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge - sponsored by PTO
- Friday, January 31 - Staff Development (NO SCHOOL)
- Monday, January 3 - Staff Development (NO SCHOOL)
- Thursday, February 6 - PTO meeting @ 6 PM
- Friday, February 7 - PTO Bingo Night
- Monday, February 10 - National African-American Parent Involvement Day
- Friday, February 14 - Friday, February 28 - Winter Intersession (NO SCHOOL)
- Tuesday, February 18 - Friday, February 21 - Kaleidoscope
Sign Up TODAY! Kids Heart Challenge Last Week!
Dear Harambee Elementary families,
Kids Heart Challenge is wrapping up soon, and we are so proud of all we have accomplished! Your enthusiasm, dedication, and commitment to learning about our hearts and brains have created an incredible community of heart heroes!
The challenge isn’t over yet! There’s still time to make a difference, please sign-up and join our school’s team of lifesavers. Donations are due 1/30/2025. Together, we can reach our goal and continue spreading awareness about the importance of heart and brain health.
Remember, every action counts. Whether it’s learning about Hands-Only CPR, understanding the warning signs of heart attack and stroke, or simply sharing our cause with friends and family, together we are making an impact.
Help us Save Lives by following these steps:
♥ Download the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android and click on “Register Now” then scroll down to join your school's team.
o Next, click on “send a text today” to easily reach friends & family!
We have some BONUS incentives for our students this year:
School Goal: 50 Students Sign up and/or 10 Students Complete Finn’s we will have an ALL-SCHOOL POPSICLE PARTY!
Every student that completes Finn’s Mission will have a special pizza lunch with Principal Nathan, will receive a Finn’s Lifesaver cape and entered to win 2 tickets to the 2026 NFL Superbowl!
• Top Participating Class will receive a popcorn party and a either get to watch a movie or get an extra gym time
• Raise $150 and receive Wylie and Bingo collectible keychain.
• Classroom Incentive: Help your classroom teacher earn $50 in Amazon rewards when 50% of class registers and 3 or more students/staff complete Finn’s Mission.
• For every 18 students that complete Finn’s Mission your school will be entered to win a $10,000 gym makeover on behalf of the NFL.
Thank you for being part of the Kids Heart Challenge, supporting our school and the American Heart Association. Together, we are providing hope and health for everyone, everywhere
🍎 Help support our kitchens in providing nutritious breakfast, lunch, and super snacks for our students! Our dedicated kitchen restaurant managers offer onsite training to ensure students receive high-quality meals every day.
As a substitute, your responsibilities might include:
🥗 Prepping fruit and vegetable bars 🍉🥕
🍕 Serving meals to students 🍽️😋
🧽 Washing dishes 🫧✨
And more!
You’ll enjoy flexibility to choose your availability and location options. For more information and to apply, visit https://bit.ly/623nutritionsub.
Youth Summer Camps - Register February 3! ⏰ 🗓️
Roseville Community Education offers summer camps, classes, and field trips for youth! Registration for summer 2025 youth opportunities will open on Monday, February 3. Mark your calendars to sign up for these exciting experiences! We recommend registering online at isd623.ce.eleyo.com for the best experience. If you have questions or need to register by phone, please call us at 651-604-3770.
Tour Our 3 Pre-K Sites 🔍 📍
Are you thinking about registering your child for Pre-K during the upcoming school year? Our district's Pre-K program is offered to children who are age 3 or 4 by September 1, 2025! We have Pre-K at three different Early Childhood Centers. Join us for a site tour to see your options for Pre-K class locations. No registration needed, just join us:
Wednesday, February 19 at 10:00am
Early Childhood Center at Harambee (30 County Road B East, Maplewood)
Wednesday, February 19 at 10:45am
Early Childhood Center at Parkview (701 County Road B West, Roseville)
Wednesday, February 19 at 11:30am
Early Childhood Center at Aŋpétu Téča (1910 County Road B West, Roseville)
Adult Open Pickleball in the Gymnasium! 🌟 😄
It's chilly outside, but we have INDOOR pickleball for adults at Aŋpétu Téča Education Center! Bring your friends to open pickleball this winter. Ages 18+. Balls and nets are provided, just bring your own paddle! Players rotate in and out of games to ensure everyone gets to play. Purchase a $25 pass for 5 sessions.
Current Schedule:
⏰ Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
⏰ Sundays, 9:00 -11:00 a.m.
A Grand Time at the Royal Ball 👑 😊
We had such a grand time at the Roseville Royal Ball this weekend! These young princes and princesses danced, played games, twirled, and sang their hearts out among their favorite famous characters. 🎵✨ Special thank you to all of the families who joined in the fun! 💜💚
“PEP Talks” (Parent Education Program) are held in Shoreview, MN, at Presbyterian Church of the Way. Designed to be a “sequel” to ECFE, we invite talented speakers from our community to discuss a wide range of parenting topics. Presentations are non-religious in nature and open to all. Childcare is available (please sign up in advance) and any free-will donations are used to compensate speakers and childcare providers. We hope you’ll join us as we grow into this lifelong journey known as “raising kids.”