Organization of the Human Body
Rubrics and Examples for this module.
Create a document that lists different organ systems, the function of each organ system, what is necessary for each organ system to properly maintain homeostasis, and how the body reacts when one of the organ systems fails to work properly. This document may be in the form of a chart, a word processing document, aPowerPoint presentation, a concept map, or a picture.
REQUIRED ORGAN SYSTEMS ARE: INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM, SKELETAL SYSTEM, MUSCULAR SYSTEM, AND THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. You should include one other as well from the following list- respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and/or excretory.
As you complete your homeostasis project, you will be analyzing the various organ systems. Some guidelines are:
- In explaining what is necessary for each organ system to properly maintain homeostasis:
- break (whole) information down into its constituent elements (i.e., going from seeing the body as a whole and breaking it down into particular systems)
- examine and separate information into parts by identifying motives or causes (i.e., identifying why each particular system does what it does)
- in explaining how the body reacts when one of the organ systems fails to work properly:
- make inferences (i.e., make predictions as to how the body reacts when one of the organ systems fails to work properly)
- find plausible evidence to support generalizations (i.e., support your assertions as to why the body reacts a particular way when one of the organ systems fails to work properly)
Check out this Example... it awesome!
BODY TEMPERATURE LAB - make sure to use the lab report format when writing this assignment
You should type up a formal lab report and include all the parts that I require for labs. You may click on the the link below to review the lab report rubric and/or watch the recorded synchronous session for further explanation. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Take your body temperature and report it using the link your teacher sent to you. A table will be made available to you that lists the class data.
You may enter your data by clicking on this link or you may also find the link on our homepage under user links.