Sells eNews
June 27th, 2023

OCTOBER 11, 2024
From Mr. Sachtleben's Desk...
The first quarter ends NEXT Thursday. This is a perfect time for you to have conversations with your child concerning their academic progress. The conversation can include asking if your child has turned in all of their work and are caught up in each of their classes. If not, encourage them to reach out to their teacher in order to make a plan where work can be completed in time and credit given for this first quarter.
Thank you for your continued partnership with us as the school year progresses. We are fortunate to have supportive parents who want their child to be successful and to be here to learn and to take advantage of their opportunities.
Have a great weekend! If you have any specific questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to use the email addresses below so we can address these. Thank you!
Admin Email Addresses
Principal: Matt Sachtleben (sachtleben_matt@dublinschools.net)
Assistant Principal: Katy O'Neal (oneal_katy@dublinschools.net)
School Counselor Assignments
Last names A-F: Mrs. Erin Bissell (bissell_erin@dublinschools.net)
Last names G-M: Mrs. Jessica Lanka (lanka_jessica@dublinschools.net)
Last names N-Z: Mrs. Dawn Wolf (wolf_dawn@dublinschools.net)
Building Info
8th Grade Parents - Washington, DC Trip Meeting
Parents whose child(ren) are traveling with us to Washington DC are invited to join us for a meeting on Wednesday, October 16 at 7:00pm in the Commons. During this time we will discuss FINAL plans for the upcoming trip. We will go over the final itinerary, hotel expectations and specific safety measures that will be taken during the trip. Thank you for considering joining us for this informational meeting.
OAGC Virtual Family and Community Day
PSAT 8/9 - - 8th Grade Students
On Wednesday October 16, all 8th-grade students will be offered the free PSAT 8/9 assessment. The PSAT 8/9 is the first in the College Board's SAT Suite of assessments offered by Dublin City Schools. Click here for more information about the PSAT 8/9.
Our students will participate in this assessment on October 16. ALL students who report to the high schools for their world language class should ride the middle school bus to Sells that morning. These students will NOT be reporting to their class.
Please be sure that your child arrives on time to school on Wednesday so we can facilitate the test and meet our timelines for it.
Save the Date! Redistricting Public Input Session on October 21
Dublin City Schools invites you to a public input session on Monday, October 21, from 7-8:30 PM at Jerome High School. Our school may be impacted by upcoming boundary changes, and your input is important. Cropper GIS will present in the Center for Performing Arts (CPA), followed by a review of proposed boundaries in the Commons. We hope to see you there as we work to balance student populations and plan for future growth!
Meal Prices Add Up! Apply Now for Free/Reduced School Meals
Check a back-to-school box off your list by going ahead and filling out the Free and Reduced Meal Application for your students. Apply online through PaySchools Central or use one of our printable forms (translated in multiple languages) to submit your information.
October Menus
Attendance Information
If your child will be absent from school, please email our attendance line at sms_attendance@dublinschools.net
Or leave a voicemail at 614.718.8572
Please do not call the main line for attendance before 9:00am.
Please utilize the attendance EMAIL or attendance VOICEMAIL.
- Students MUST be in Rock period by 8:28am - Anytime after 8:28am is considered LATE and MUST sign in at the Main Office.
- LEAVING EARLY - A note from the parent/guardian should be given to Mrs. Stevenson (Attendance Secretary) first thing in the morning. She will give them a pass to leave class at the given time and your student will meet you in the Main Office at that time. You as the Parent/Guardian will need to come in to the office to sign them out.
- ARRIVING LATE - If your student is arriving late to school due to an appointment, they will need to sign in at the Main Office with Mrs. Stevenson. Medical appointments will be excused with a note from the medical provider.
The complete attendance policy is located in the Middle School Student Handbook on
pages 11-13.
PTO Information
Help the Sells’ PTO provide snacks for our super Sells staff before parent-teacher conferences!
With your help, Sells staff will be able to quickly grab a snack between the end of school and the start of conferences. It's a very long day for them - so let's work together to help them out!
Please review the list of drinks, fruits/veggies, snacks, and sweet treats below and click on the button to sign up.
Items should be labeled "PTO Staff Snack" and dropped off to the front office by 1pm on Thursday, October 10th or 17th depending on what day you sign up for. (If you cannot drop off your donation, please reach out to Sarah about other arrangements.)
You are more than welcome to sign up for more than one slot, but no pressure. This is a team effort.
A cooler will be provided for produce and cheese.
If you have any questions, contact Sarah N at confidentlybeautifulwithsarah@gmail.com
-Sells PTO
Restaurant Night!!!
October 16th from 4pm-8pm stop by the Sawmill Chipotle and mention Sells Middle School to have 25% of your order donated back to Sells! You can also order online with code 4TNYFVY.
Blue Jackets Fundraiser is back!!
Let's get ready for some hockey! We have partnered again with the Columbus Blue Jackets to offer 4 different fundraiser games which means they will donate a portion of the ticket cost back to Sells PTO. It is a great opportunity to raise some money and have fun!
You can donate to the Sells PTO all year and it is easy to do! Donations support several
fun, FREE things planned for the students and teachers and they wouldn't be possible
without your support!
Just click link below or your child can drop off a check in the office in an envelope
marked PTO Donation.
Don’t forget to join the Sells Middle School PTO Facebook page!
DCS News
Last Chance to Reserve Tickets for Why Teens Take Risks
We are nearing capacity on this important event featuring Dr. Jess Shatkin, a leading expert in child and adolescent mental health. Join us Monday, Oct. 14, at Coffman, when he will offer insights to help DCS parents and staff support and protect our children. Reserve your seat here.
6:00 p.m. Gather information and learn about available resources and services
7:00 p.m. Keynote Presentation with Dr. Shatkin
Elementary/Middle School Redistricting Input Session Scheduled for October 21
Dublin City Schools invites you to a public input session on Monday, October 21, from 7-8:30 PM at Jerome High School. Whether your school is impacted or not, we appreciate input from our DCS community. Learn more on our website.
Don't miss the opportunity for your child to see the world!
Save the date for our Travel Information Night - Tuesday, Oct. 29. DCS teachers will lead students on several international educational trips in 2026. To learn more about the trips and how your child can participate, parents and students alike can join us for an informational session via Zoom on October 29 at 6:30 p.m. Learn more about travel plans, itineraries, what’s included, and how to enroll! RSVP here to receive the Zoom link! Can’t make the meeting but want more information? RSVP and mark “Request information.” Want more detail? Check out the Global Travel page on our website!
DCS Pathways to Success: College & Career Fairs TIME CHANGE
DCS is hosting events this fall to help students and families explore career pathways, DCS programs, and postsecondary opportunities. Each event will focus on specific career pathways and feature representatives from the 4 Es: Education, Employment, Enlistment, and Entrepreneurship. Attendees can connect with college faculty, local professionals, military representatives, and DCS staff to gain valuable insights for future planning.
Target Audience: Students and families in grades 6-12
Location: Emerald Campus
Tues, Oct 22 - Featuring Business & Law, Education, Hospitality, and Human Services
Tues, Nov 19 - Featuring Engineering/Technology, Transportation, and Arts & Communication
NEW TIME: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
*Live virtual panels will also be held and recorded leading up to each DCS Pathway Fair to help educate students on different pathways - click here for more details about virtual panels. Questions? Please contact DCS Pathways Counselor, Kevin Patton at patton_kevin@dublinschools.net
From the City of Dublin
Watch: Tap Into the Slow Down Dublin Toolbox
Did you know your family can borrow a speed laser from Dublin Police? The Slow Down Sloth describes the ins and outs of our Speed Management Toolbox, which helps promote traffic safety community wide. Request a Laser!
Japanese and ASL Guided Park Tours
Join the Heritage Interpreters to discover ancient earthworks at Ferris-Wright Park! Japanese interpreters will lead the Oct. 12 guided tour, and an ASL interpreter will join the event Oct. 13. What times to visit the park.
Survey: On the Move in Dublin
The City of Dublin has undertaken several innovative transportation initiatives to expand mobility options. As the City explores micro-transit to and through Dublin, tell us about your current travel experiences and what you’d consider in the future. Share Your Thoughts