Gettys Middle: Weekly Newsletter
Message from Mr. Nelson
Dear GMS Families,
It's hard to believe that we have arrived at the final week of school. This year has been such a joy to me because of the opportunity that I have had to serve as principal of an incredible school. Thank you to all of our teachers and staff for a great school year. We are excited to celebrate with our students during grade level field days this week. Thank you to our parents and community for the support all year. I wish you all a restful and joyful summer. Please remember that Thursday and Friday of this week are half days for students. We will dismiss at 11:45 on each of these days.
Have a great summer!
Jacob Nelson
Principal, Gettys Middle School
All medications must be picked up from the nurses' office by 3 PM on May 22. Also, all rising 7th graders must have a TDAP immunization before the 1st day of school, August 1.
Please send in donations to the front office for Mrs. Esuary
Attendance E-mails
If you prefer to e-mail in your child's excuse please send to