Akins PTSA Newsletter
February 2023
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PTSA Updates
* Student Council received a student organization grant of $420 from PTSA to help defray costs of the Valentine's Dance last Friday, and the event was a huge success. Thanks so much for all the hard work of our student, parent, teacher, and staff volunteers and chaperones.
* Nominations are still open for PTSA Board positions for the 2023-24 academic year. See below for additional details and the link to the nomination form.
* Our next PTSA meeting is March 1 at 5:30 pm in the CCC. We'll be making plans for Teacher Appreciation Week at this meeting and would love for you to attend.
Upcoming Events
Coffee with the Principal - February 23, 9:30 - 10:30 am, library
African American Heritage Celebration - February 23, 7:00 - 8:30 pm, theater
PTSA Meeting - March 1 , 5:30 - 6:30 pm, CCC
CAC Meeting - March 1, 6:30 - 7:30 pm, CCC
Advanced Academy Night - March 2, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
PTSA Executive Board Nominations - 2023-24
The Akins PTSA is currently soliciting nominees for election to the Executive Board for 2023-24. Board members meet twice monthly, once via Zoom during the last week of the month and once in person at the general meeting held on the first Wednesday of each month. Board members are also asked to attend various events throughout the year (Blue & Gold Night, Parent Conference Day, Kickoff Rally, etc.)
Position descriptions are below:
President - runs meetings, works with secretary to develop meeting agendas, coordinates with ACPTA and TXPTA, helps develop annual goals
Vice President - supports president as needed, helps develop annual goals
Treasurer - maintains all financial records for the organization, makes deposits, writes checks, files annual sales and income taxes, helps develop annual goals
Secretary - takes minutes of each meeting, maintains written records for the organization, works with president to develop meeting agendas, helps develop annual goals
If you have questions, email us at akinshsptsa@gmail.com.
Advanced Academics Night
Students and parents are invited to attend our Advanced Academics Night from 6:30-7:30 pm on Thursday, March 2nd. We will hold sessions in English and Spanish.
Come and learn about Advanced Placement, OnRamps, Dual Credit and the Early College High School Program.
Cap 10K Akins Team
New AISD Advocacy Advisory Committee Needs Members
The purpose of the Advocacy Advisory Committee is to assist the district in advancing its legislative priorities at the local, state and federal level. The Committee’s advocacy shall be in alignment with the district’s priorities, as adopted by the Board of Trustees. Its responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Becoming informed how local, state, and federal governmental action impacts Austin ISD;
- Recommend legislative priorities to the district and the Board;
- Connect with parents, teachers, administrators, taxpayers, and students, empowering them to engage with elected officials; and
- Collaborate with the Austin community to advance the legislative priorities adopted by the Board of Trustees.
This is a new district committee. Applications for membership are currently being accepted at this link: https://www.austinisd.org/advisory-bodies/application
Juntos Together Research Project
Don't Forget to Join the PTSA!
We have more than 2,600 students at Akins and our goal this year is 200 members. So far, we have 94.
As a member of the PTSA you can attend short monthly meetings throughout the year that will enable you to make suggestions and provide your input. If you don't have time to attend meetings but still want to help, you can choose to become a member and your dues will financially support our annual goals. You can also donate to specific projects at the same link below.
By getting involved or just paying your membership dues, you’ll be part of the solution, helping to make a positive change for our campus and our community. There is no wrong way to PTSA!
Membership Dues
Adult $15.00
Student $10.00
How can I pay my PTSA dues?
Online: bit.ly/joinakinsptsa
Make checks payable to Akins High School PTSA and drop off in the main office or mail to:
Akins PTSA, 10701 S 1st Street, Austin, TX 78748. Be sure to include name and email address of the person/people for whom you are paying membership dues.
How Else Can I Help?
Become a CAC Member
What is the CAC?
Campus Advisory Councils are committees of parents, students, business and community representatives, teachers, principals, and other campus staff. The formation of CACs is required by state law (Texas Education Code, §11.251).
What does the CAC do?
Specific functions of CACs include providing review and comment on:
- Campus Educational Program
- Campus Performance
- Campus Improvement Plan
- Campus Staff Development Plan
- Campus-Level Waiver Requests to the State
- Campus Budget
When does the CAC Meet?
We meet on the first Wednesday of every month form 6:30-7:30 in the Library. CAC members are strongly encouraged to also attend our monthly PTSA meetings, conveniently scheduled for the first Wednesday of every month at 5:30 pm.
If you are interested in joining the CAC please email our Parent Support Specialist Connie Miralrio at connie.miralrio@austinisd.org for more information.