WBHS Student Newsletter
March 2025
Message from Administration
Dear WBHS Students,
March is here, and with it comes an important time in our school year! As we move closer to the finish line, I want to remind you to stay focused, work hard, and take advantage of every opportunity to succeed. As we move into March, I want to share a few important reminders:
📚 Spring Testing – As a reminder, our ACT is March 18th. Our Pre ACT Secure and WI Forward is April 10th. Be sure to prepare, get plenty of rest, and do your best - you’ve got this!
🌷 Spring Break – A reminder that our schools will be closed from March 24th - March 28th. Take time to recharge and return ready to tackle the final stretch of the year. Enjoy your break!
🚀 Looking Ahead – Whether you’re preparing for graduation, final exams, or end-of-year activities, now is the time to stay motivated and make these last months count.
Keep working hard, supporting one another, and making positive choices. I am proud of each of you and excited for all that’s ahead!
Jennifer Potter
Executive Principal
West Bend High Schools
Important Dates
March 18: ACT Testing
March 21: End of Quarter 3
March 24-28: Spring Break
March 31: Classes Resume
April 3: Sophomore Class Meeting (7:15-7:44 a.m. in the Auditorium)
April 4: Freshman Class Meeting (7:15-7:44 a.m. in the Auditorium)
April 10: Pre-ACT Secure Test
April 16: Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
April 18: No School
Important ACT Info & Details for March 18
Monday, March 10
Attention Juniors! There is a mandatory Homebase on Monday, March 10. During this time, you will set up your MyACT account and receive important information about the upcoming ACT test. It’s essential that you arrive on time and attend Homebase!
Tuesday, March 18
Juniors: You will take the ACT on Tuesday, March 18. Report directly to your assigned testing location by 7:15 a.m. You’ll find your testing room during homebase on Monday, March 10.
To ensure a quiet testing environment, freshmen, sophomores, & seniors will have a virtual learning day. Please see below for grade-level specific activities for students:
- Freshmen & Sophomores: You will have a virtual learning day and will complete Xello activities. (Xello is an online college and career readiness program that helps you explore careers, build skills, and create academic plans for your future.) These activities, along with a Google Form for attendance, will be sent to you on the morning of March 18 via your WBSD email.
- Seniors: You will also have a virtual learning day and are expected to complete your senior survey, which will be sent to you on the morning of March 18 via your WBSD email.
If you need a place to work during the virtual day, the East cafeteria will be open for freshmen, sophomores, and seniors who come to school.
ACT Schedule
See below for the ACT Test Schedule for March 18.
Students with accommodations will have an alternative testing schedule. Please ask your child’s coordinator for more information.
Reminders for Juniors:
Get a good night’s rest.
Eat a healthy breakfast.
Review the message below from ACT regarding items allowed in the testing room. Personal technology will not be accessible until dismissal on test day.
- All items brought into the test room are subject to search. Items suspected of being used to engage in misconduct may be confiscated and retained.
- Cell phones, smart watches, fitness bands, and any other devices with recording, Wi-Fi, internet, or communication capabilities are prohibited.
- You may not handle or access such devices during testing or during breaks.
- All electronic devices must be powered off and stored out of sight.
Important Reminders & Updates
Library Chromebook Support
Here is a list of ways the library staff can support you if you are having issues with your Chromebook.
What to do when your Chromebook doesn’t work: Bring your Chromebook to the library. The library staff will assess your device, attempt to reset it, and if necessary, issue you a loaner Chromebook while yours is being fixed.
The most common issues with Chromebook are:
Wi-Fi connection failure
Keys not working, even when pressing hard
Chromebook not powering on
Issues that require immediate attention:
Liquid spill on the Chromebook
Screen shatters or falls out
If your assigned Chromebook is sent to technology for repair, the library staff will email you when your Chromebook is ready to be picked up in the library.
These are some Chromebook issues that are NOT handled by the library staff:
Unable to access your class on Canvas
Unable to download class documents from Canvas
Unable to access a teacher authorized website
Please see your teacher for these issues. Your teacher will write a tech ticket on your behalf.
Charity Week Recap
The 21st Annual WBHS Charity Week was a MASSIVE success!! A total of $80,955 was collected for the various charities chosen by the WBHS Student Council for this year's event. This year's donations brought the grand total of donations since the first Charity Week (in 2004) to over $500,000 benefiting local charities!
We are so grateful to all of the students and staff in the school district who donated to this drive as well as all of our community partners:
- Alpha Custom Apparel
- American Companies
- Delta Defense
- Kettle Moraine YMCA
- Next Level Builders
- Nifty Nibble Cafe
- PSA Laboratory Furniture
- Regal Ware
- Shooting Star Travels
- Skip & Cindy Clark Family
- Steiner Electric
- Tennies Ace Tru Value
- WBHS Student Council
- Weimer Bearing
- West Bend Insurance
- West Bend Sunrise Rotary
- Westbury Bank
Check out the images below for a full recap of the funds raised and some fun-filled pictures from the week!
*Click on the upper corner of the photos to enlarge.
Counseling Office Updates
Summer School Registration
Summer School Registration opens on Monday, March 10 and is completed through the Family Skyward portal. Summer School can be utilized both for credit advancement and credit recovery. Please visit the Summer School website for more information and available options. Counselors will be sending home letters shortly for those students who are recommended to complete credit recovery.
Here are some important things to note:
In person Classes available for Physical Education and Credit Recovery
Virtual Classes available or a variety of classes, including Physical Education and Health
In Person Physical Education Classes fill quickly
Direct Admit Wisconsin - For Juniors
The Universities of Wisconsin will offer three paths to first-year student/freshman undergraduate admission:
Traditional first-year student/freshman admission application process
Direct Admit Wisconsin
The Wisconsin Guarantee
All three paths to admission require students to meet the minimum admission criteria. Neither Direct Admit Wisconsin nor The Wisconsin Guarantee provide guaranteed admission into a specific major, program, school, or college. Rather, they provide admission to Universities of Wisconsin universities.
Direct Admit Wisconsin offers early and proactive admission to participating Universities of Wisconsin for rising seniors at participating Wisconsin high schools. The UWs collaborate with participating high schools to review student academic records (high school courses and GPA) at the end of their junior year and make offers of admission to participating UW universities without the need to submit a traditional admission application.
An email was sent to all Junior Families and Students on Monday, February 24. Please refer back to it for more detailed information and your opportunity to opt into the Direct Admit Wisconsin program.
Self-Harm Awareness Month: Supporting Each Other
March is Self-Harm Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness, break the stigma, and offer support for those struggling with self-harm. It's essential for high school students to understand that self-harm is a sign of deeper emotional pain, not a desire for attention.
What Is Self-Harm?
Self-harm involves deliberately injuring oneself to cope with overwhelming emotions, such as cutting or burning. It's important to remember that self-harm is a serious issue and requires compassion, not judgment.
How to Help a Friend
If you suspect someone is struggling:
Be kind and non-judgmental.
Encourage seeking help from a counselor or therapist.
Listen and offer support.
Where to Find Help
If you or someone you know is struggling, reach out for help. Talk to a school counselor, call a helpline, or talk to a trusted adult/parents.
Remember: You don’t have to have all the answers. Showing compassion and listening can make a huge difference in someone’s life. Let’s create a community of understanding and support.
Career Readiness Center Updates
Start Exploring Careers - Hop on the Business Bus Tours!
Hop on the All Around the Bend Business Bus Tours and get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at West Bend’s most exciting businesses in the career fields that you’re interested in!
April 10 Tours (7:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.) - Juniors & Seniors Only
- Group 1: Marketing
- Group 2: Entrepreneurship
April 11 Tours (7:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)
- Group 1: Manufacturing
- Group 2: Healthcare
Sign up for a date and one group using the link! Permission slips are available in room 2417.
Earn and Learn
It’s not too late to sign up for a Youth Apprenticeship. Applications are still being accepted. The Youth Apprenticeship (YA) program is a program that combines school-to-work experience paid, on-the-job training that makes real world connections for students.
The overview of the YA program is as follows:
450 hours of employment over the course of a year (200 hours can be completed in the summer)
Paid at least minimum wage for hours worked
Course that aligns with the job with one credit Monthly meetings with high school career coordinator Quarterly self-reflections
Semester grades assigned by employer
Interviewing Workshop
Need some tips for interviewing? Join business professionals on March 11 and/or March 20 to learn how to increase your confidence when applying for a job! Sign up now!
Career Planning Available
Are you undecided about your life after high school? Still figuring out the career pathway that might be best for you? Unsure of the college that has your major? Taking the ASVAB might help! The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) CEP (Comprehensive Educational Plan) is a comprehensive and completely FREE career planning resource that aligns students' strengths and interests with an after-high-school plan.
The ASVAB will be administered on April 8 in Room 2719 beginning at 7:30 a.m. It will last about 90 minutes. If you would like to participate, you will need to register for the exam by April 1.
WBSD Way Team Updates
Expanded Release for 2025-26 School Year
Hey Sophomores and Juniors! Here’s your chance to earn Expanded Release for next school year! If you meet all the eligibility requirements by the end of this semester, you’ll be able to start the year with the privilege of Expanded Release as a Junior or Senior (pending parent/guardian approval!).
However, if you don’t qualify at the end of this school year, you can (re)apply at the first grading period next school year. That means the hard work you put in right now will pay off next year!
As a reminder, below are the requirements for expanded release:
I have 1st period, 7th period, or consecutive study halls and lunch periods off AND/OR I am requesting Period 0 off Tuesday through Friday.
I am on track for graduation and have earned at least the amount of credits listed at time of application. (At the start of the 2025-26 school year, juniors must have 11 credits, and seniors must have 17 credits.)
I will enter through the main West doors only when using my pass. I will exit only through the main West doors when using my pass.
I will carry my student ID and pass with me at all times and I will present either/both to any staff member who requests to see them.
I will maintain a B- average (3.0 GPA) at all reporting times (mid-quarter and report card).
I will attend my scheduled classes.
I will attend all scheduled homeroom classes and assemblies unless excused by a parent/guardian.
I am not requesting a teacher or class change in an effort to receive a release pass.
I will not engage in any behavior that results in a major behavior referral at any time.
I acknowledge that I have no outstanding fees or I am on a plan to pay them.
Stay focused, meet the requirements, and set yourself up for success. If you have any questions about eligibility, check with your counselor or an administrator.
Finish strong—you’ve got this!
WBHS Highlights & Celebrations
A group of East and West High Schools students attended the 67th Annual Youth Government Day last month. These students learned about how community government works and toured the Washington County Courthouse and its various departments.
The WBHS Multicultural Club’s 8th annual Black History Month Celebration was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who came to this amazing event featuring inspiring musical & dance performances and speeches as well as interactive demonstrations for all!
Be sure to check out the East and West Facebook pages for more highlights of the great things happening here at WBHS!
For highlights from our athletics teams, clubs, and co-curricular teams, be sure to check out the East and West Athletics' Facebook pages, too!
Don’t forget to read our latest edition of our electronic school newspaper, The Current, for the latest updates, stories, and student highlights!
Staff Shout Outs
Please help us recognize staff members who are doing great things at WBHS. You can fill out this staff shout out form as many times as you wish!
Helpful Links for Students
WBHS Contact Information
1305 E. Decorah Road
West Bend, WI 53095
Phone Numbers:
(262)335-5530 (East Office)
(262)335-5570 (West Office)
(262)335-5550 (Attendance)
(262)335-5580 (Counseling Office)
Athletics Websites: East | West
Jennifer Potter- Executive Principal
jpotter@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5629
Dave Uelmen - Associate Principal
duelmen@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5592
Jared Kiesow - Assistant Principal - Freshmen
jkiesow@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5587
Bob Feldkamp - Assistant Principal - Sophomores
rfeldkamp@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5571
Dave Riley - Assistant Principal - Juniors
dsriley@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5532
Kelsey Petersen - Assistant Principal - Seniors
kmpetersen@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5569
Kara Phillips - Freshmen & Sophomores with last names A-Ha
Jenni Hanni-Schmitz - Freshmen with last names He-Z
Kris Kemp - Sophomores with last names He-Z
Jamie Thomas - Juniors with last names A-P
Matt Coyle - Seniors with last names A-P
Nicole Miller - Juniors & Seniors with last names Q-Z
Juliana Delgado - Virtual Students and Students with 504 Plans
Audrey Sobczak - School Psychologist