Message from the Executive Director
Querida TABE Familia,
As 2024 comes to a close, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible milestones we’ve achieved together this year and share our vision for the future.
This year, TABE celebrated 52 years of championing bilingual, biliterate, and multicultural education. In October, we hosted the 52nd Annual TABE Conference at the Kalahari in Round Rock, where educators, administrators, partners, and advocates came together to share knowledge, build connections, and inspire one another to elevate dual language and multilingual education. La energía y pasión demostradas por todos los asistentes fueron verdaderamente inspiradoras.
In 2024, we launched several initiatives, including the Latino Leaders and Educators Alliance (LEA), dedicated to increasing male representation in bilingual education and supporting Latino men in pursuing careers in the field; the Seal of Biliteracy Trajectories, which celebrates and elevates multilingual students and families throughout their educational journey (find out more HERE); the New Bilingual and ESL Administrators Mentorship Program, designed to guide and support new administrators in this critical role; a revamped membership website offering a variety of asynchronous professional development sessions for our members; and the transition of the Journal of Bilingual Education Research and Instruction (JBERI) to an Open Journal System platform, enhancing accessibility and distribution of our scholarly work. These are just a few highlights of the exciting progress we’ve made this year!
As we look toward 2025, we are reminded of how important it is to come together as a bilingual community to advocate for equitable policies and resources for our students and schools. With an important legislative year ahead, nuestra voz colectiva será esencial para garantizar que nuestras comunidades bilingües sean escuchadas y representadas. Together, we can continue driving positive change for emergent bilingual students and their families across Texas. To review our 2025 Legislative Agenda, click HERE.
In the new year, TABE will continue offering professional development opportunities to educators across Texas, covering a range of topics such as Content-Based Language Instruction, Dual Language implementation, bilingual/ESL certification preparation, and TOEFL courses, among others. We’re eager to strengthen our partnerships, enhance leadership development programs, and broaden our impact on a global scale. We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events! For more information, visit www.tabe.org.
As we prepare for the new year, I encourage you to take a well-deserved winter break to rest and recharge. Your dedication to bilingual education and the students you serve makes a difference every single day. Estoy profundamente agradecida por su arduo trabajo y su compromiso con nuestra misión compartida de educar un Texas bilingüe.
On behalf of TABE’s Executive Board and staff, I wish you and your loved ones a joyful holiday season and a prosperous New Year. ¡Mil bendiciones y que disfruten de las fiestas decembrinas!
Mil gracias,
Karina Chapa
TABE Executive Director
A Special Message From Our TABE President
Dear TABE Familia,
As my term as president of TABE comes to a close, I want to take a moment to express my deep gratitude to each one of you for your unwavering support and dedication. Mil gracias for the collective commitment to bilingual education in Texas. This work could not have been possible without You, a comunidad of resilient educators that thrive in working together to improve the quality of bilingual education for students, familias, educators, and the community.
This past year has been a time of growth, challenges, and many significant achievements. Together, we have worked tirelessly to increase professional development opportunities to our TABE members, successfully delivered the 3rd DLI Symposium and 52nd Annual Conference where we recognized exemplary leaders in classrooms, campuses, district, university, and life-long contributors to the field of bilingual education in Texas, and I am incredibly proud of what we have accomplished as a comunidad. Your commitment, enthusiasm, and hard work have truly made these years memorable, and I am confident that the strong foundation we’ve laid will continue to serve the organization well for years to come.
I would like to extend a special thank you to the members of the board for your guidance, wisdom, and unwavering support throughout my tenure. Your leadership has been invaluable in helping me navigate both opportunities and challenges, and I am deeply grateful for your trust and collaboration. In addition, my sincere appreciation to all of the members of TABE for your continuous involvement and passion for bilingual education. Your support and dedication fuels the spirit of our comunidad and drives the mission of our organization forward.
As I hand over the leadership to the incoming president, Mr. Hugo Hernández, I am confident that TABE will continue to thrive and do great work. I look forward to supporting the next phase of our journey and being part of this incredible comunidad, albeit in a new role.
Desde el fondo de mi corazón, mil gracias once again por la oportunidad de servir como su presidenta. It has been an honor, and I look forward to seeing all the great things we will continue to accomplish together. I wish each and everyone one of you a fantastic rest of the 2024-2025 school year.
Best wishes during the Holidays and may you take some time to self-care and enjoy quality time surrounded by friends and family.
¡Feliz Navidad y un Prospero Año Nuevo 2025!
Respectfully y mil gracias,
Dra. Xóchitl Anabel Rocha
¡Felicidades y bienvenida!
José Hernández Legacy Scholarship
Hola TABE community,
Another school year is half-way gone and your TABE board, with the support of our TABE Lobbyist, Ikenna Okoro, have been able to represent and advocate for our emergent bilingual students.
On August 13, 2024, TABE said ¡presente! at theTexas Capitol. Dr. Claudia Treviño García, TABE Treasurer, spoke on behalf of TABE and shared a powerful testimony before the Public Education Committee. Dr. Treviño García emphasized the critical importance of bilingual education in Texas, and highlighted the significant role of fostering academic success and enhancing cultural awareness among students. She articulated TABE's mission to advocate for equitable access to high-quality bilingual, biliterate, and multicultural education for emergent bilingual students. The presentation focused on the need to elevate effective dual-language programs and support policies that reflect the linguistic and cultural diversity of Texas communities.
The testimonial presented by TABE's leadership underscored the current challenges facing bilingual education, such as the necessity for increased funding, resources, and support for bilingual educators and programs across the state. Dr. Treviño García, alongside Okoro, and Karina Chapa, TABE Executive Director, called on the Public Education Committee to consider essential policy changes that would strengthen bilingual education efforts and to create more inclusive and effective learning environments for all Texas students.
Additionally, TABE's leadership has continued to collaborate with IDRA in the advocacy and recognition of emergent bilingual students' biliteracy skills. TABE Legislative Chair, Dr. Elizet Hernández Kneisler and TABE Lobbyist, Ikenna Okoro, have also continued to communicate and meet with state senators and house representatives to highlight the immediate needs within the education system and to prioritize bilingual education as a fundamental component of public education reform. The Texas 89th Regular Legislative Session is scheduled to begin on January 14, 2025 and TABE is committed to advocate for state policy that advances educational equity for all students.
Pictured below: Karina Chapa (left), Dr. Claudia Treviño García (center), Ikenna Okoro (right)
Pictured above: Dr. Elizet Hernández Kneisler and TABE Lobbyist, Ikenna Okoro
52nd Annual TABE Conference in Round Rock, Texas
Gracias y Mirando Hacia el Futuro: Celebrating 2024 and Building for 2025
Hola TABE Familia,
As Chair of the TABE Instructional Professional Development (IPD) Committee, I want to thank all bilingual educators, leaders and stakeholders for an incredible year of dedication and impact. Your commitment to making a difference in the lives of bilingual students continues to be inspiring. I wish you and your loved ones a Feliz Navidad and Happy Holidays filled with joy, peace, and well-deserved rest. Here’s to another year of transforming lives together!
Teachers of the Year Luncheon
I’d like to share with you some highlights from the Teachers of the Year luncheon at the TABE Fall Conference. The event was attended by district teams from across the state, creating a vibrant and supportive atmosphere. A special thank you to Highland Park Elementary from Pflugerville ISD for their amazing ballet folklórico performance!
During the luncheon, the Bilingual and ESL Teachers of the Year were celebrated alongside their families. Each honoree was recognized and presented with a TABE plaque and a special gift from the Embassy of Spain. The Bilingual Teacher of the Year was awarded an all expenses paid three-week summer course in Spain, along with $500.00 towards flight costs. The ESL Teacher of the Year received a fully funded one-week summer course in Spain, also with $500.00 dollars towards flight costs. A heartfelt thank you goes out to Dr. Zelaya, who generously covered the remaining flight expenses, ensuring these outstanding educators could fully enjoy their well-deserved recognition and awards.
I look forward to organizing this event again next year, and I encourage bilingual teachers across the state to join your local TABE affiliate and submit an application for the 2025 Bilingual or ESL Teacher. This is a wonderful opportunity to advance to the state level and potentially move on to the national level at NABE!
TABE Leadership Panel
This year, we had the privilege of hosting a leadership panel featuring three outstanding leaders who shared their experiences advocating for bilingual education programs and supporting emergent bilingual students in their districts. A heartfelt thanks to Dr. Angela Dominguez, Superintendent of Donna ISD, Dr. Kathy Vergara, Multilingual Director at Klein ISD, and Dr. Larry Berger, Superintendent of Pearland ISD, for their contributions.
The panel was an inspiring event that left a lasting impact on everyone in the room. Each leader shared significant celebrations, highlighting the successes of their dual language programs and the literacy growth of their students. They also candidly discussed challenges they are striving
to address. Hearing their passion and dedication to providing high-quality programs for emergent bilingual students was both evident and uplifting.
Future Professional Development Opportunities
Looking ahead to professional development opportunities at TABE for 2025, we are excited to continue extensive opportunities for bilingual teachers and leaders to sharpen their skills in bilingual pedagogy and leadership. We will be providing a wide range of professional development opportunities for educators across Texas. These offerings include specialized training in Content-Based Language Instruction, effective Dual Language implementation, preparation for Bilingual and ESL certification, and TOEFL courses to support bilingual educators in their professional growth.
In addition to these initiatives, TABE is focused on strengthening partnerships and enhancing leadership development programs, ensuring educators have the tools and support needed to succeed in their roles. We are dedicated to expanding our influence and impact on a global scale, further advancing the field of bilingual education.
TABE warmly invites you to explore these initiatives and join in its mission to promote excellence in bilingual education. For more information and to always be updated on the latest TABE events and trainings, please visit www.tabe.org.
"Expanding Horizons: TABE’s Impactful Journey in Spain"
Two members of TABE’s executive board had the distinct privilege of presenting at the X Congreso Internacional de Enseñanza Bilingüe, in Murcia, Spain.This is a prestigious conference hosted by the Asociación de Enseñanza Bilingüe, the leading advocate for bilingual education in Spain. Dr. Josie Tinajero delivered an impactful presentation titled Formación Inicial y Formación Permanente. In addition, Mr. Hugo Hernández had the opportunity to present Bilingual Education in Texas: A Journey of Resilience, Hope, and Success. As an organization, we are proud to collaborate and highlight the valuable contributions of Texas to the field of bilingual education. As the world becomes increasingly globalized and bilingual education reaches new heights, it is essential that we collaborate, learn, and share our knowledge with key organizations that are dedicated to elevating the field of bilingual education.
BEAM General Member Meeting
Hola a tod@s,
As the semester comes to a close, les quiero desear a todos buena suerte en sus exámenes o proyectos al fin de este semestre. No puedo creer que ya está a punto de acabarse el año, pero estoy muy orgullosa de todo el trabajo, dedicación y pasión que cada estudiante de BESO ha demostrado.
As we continue with our work next semester, I encourage you to stay in touch with TABE and each other. Here are some events to look forward to:
NABE 2025: Mark your calendars for February 19–22 in Atlanta, Georgia!
BESO Spring Leadership Institute 2025: Stay tuned for more details coming soon.
Additionally, keep an eye out for updates in your inbox! We will be sharing news, including an updated BESO directory to help you stay connected with other BESO chapters.
Espero que todos tengan un buen viaje, felices vacaciones y un merecido descanso. Gracias por hacer que este año sea tan impactante.
¡Felices fiestas!
Marcy A. Peña
TABE BESO Representative
Honoring Bilingual Excellence: Reception at Mark White Elementary
Villa Albertine Houston and the Mark White Elementary PTO are proud to invite you to a special reception at Mark White Elementary to celebrate bilingual education!
Mark White Elementary has been awarded the prestigious LabelFrancÉducation, a certification from the French government recognizing schools that provide outstanding bilingual education.
Are you interested in giving your child the opportunity to learn French and benefit from an international education? Don’t miss this event!
Event Highlights:
- Discover an international public immersion school recognized by the French government.
- Enjoy authentic French cuisine.
- Connect with Houston's vibrant Francophone community.
Where: Mark White Elementary, 2515 Old Farm Rd, Houston, TX 77063
When: January 16, 5 PM to 7:30 PM
- OCR’s Spanish language website/ Sitio web en español de la Oficina de Derechos Civiles: https://www.ed.gov/espanol
- How to file a complaint (click on link behind “español” to scroll down to the resources in Spanish) /Cómo presentar una queja (haga clic en el enlace detrás de "español" para desplazarse hacia abajo a los recursos en español): https://www.ed.gov/about/ed-offices/ocr/file-a-complaint-foreign-language-discrimination-forms-us-department-of-education#spanish
- The OCR complaint form in Spanish/ El formulario de quejas de la OCR en español: https://www.ed.gov/sites/ed/files/about/offices/list/ocr/complaintform-sp.pdf
- The OCR consent form that should be sent in with the complaint form/ El formulario de consentimiento de la OCR que debe enviarse junto con el formulario de reclamación: https://www.ed.gov/sites/ed/files/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/consent-form-sp.pdf
- Parent Resource Guide on Section 504/ Guía de Recursos para Padres sobre la Sección 504: https://www.ed.gov/sites/ed/files/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/resource-guide-201612-sp.pdf
- Dear Colleague Letter on avoiding the discriminatory use of school discipline under Section 504/ Carta de Estimado Colega sobre cómo evitar el uso discriminatorio de la disciplina escolar bajo la Sección 504: https://www.ed.gov/sites/ed/files/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/504-discipline-guidance.pdf
- Resource on confronting racial discrimination in school discipline/ Recurso para hacer frente a la discriminación racial en la disciplina escolar: https://www.ed.gov/sites/ed/files/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/tvi-student-discipline-resource-202305-sp.pdf
- OCR regional offices contact list/ Lista de contactos de las oficinas regionales de la OCR : https://ocrcas.ed.gov/contact-ocr
Lileana Ríos-Ledezma, Ph.D.
TABE Newsletter Chair