Bulldog Bark

Raymond B. Stewart Middle School
- Our MISSON is to create a legacy of excellence with the support of our families and communities.
- Our VISION is to empower ALL BULLDOGS to become productive and compassionate members of society.
- Our theme for 2024-2025 is Bulldogs Unleashed!
Principal's Message
We are thrilled to welcome you to the start of the 2024-2025 school year! Our dedicated teachers and staff have been diligently preparing all summer to ensure this year is a successful and enriching experience for every student. Important Reminders:
New Legislation: Please note that due to new legislation, parents will **not** be able to walk students to class. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with this change. We will have staff available to assist students finding their classrooms and assuring their safety.
Car Loop: For student pick-up and drop-off, please utilize the designated car loop located on 10th Avenue and 10th Street. Drop-Off Time: Students should not be dropped off before 7:05 AM. Supervision for non-bus riders does not begin until 7:05 AM. Class instruction will begin at 7:25am.
Wireless Communication Devices: We would like to remind you of the new procedures regarding wireless communication devices. The use of smart watches, headphones, earbuds, or any bluetooth speaker sound systems is prohibited and all cell phones are required to be turned silent and put away. Our teachers have planned a variety of exciting activities for this week, and we can't wait to kick off the school year with a fantastic first day! Let's work together to make this a memorable and successful year for our students.
Thank your taking the time to read this week's Bulldog Bark Newsletter and being our partner in your child's education.
Joshua Borders
Raymond B. Stewart Middle School
(813) 794-6500
Things to Know:
FREE After School Program
Volleyball Tryouts
Raymond B. Stewart Middle School
Zephyrhills, FL 33542
Contact us: 813-794-6500