The Hook - PCMS
Parent Edition Vol. 8 - COVID-19
Unchartered Territory!
With the closing of the school buildings to prevent the spread of COVID-19 we chartered new waters in regard to student instruction. While it was not always smooth sailing, we are grateful for your support and understanding during the entire process. Now that the school year has officially ended we hope that you get some well-earned rest and relaxation.
We know that you have lots of questions about what happens next. This newsletter is chock-full of information, please feel free to share it on your social media pages and with other PCMS parents who may not subscribe. Please know that we will keep you updated as decisions are made and we receive information. Follow us on our social media pages as those are updated frequently and provide lots of information. We will also continue to disseminate information through mass call-outs, School Status and Remind.
Report Cards
Upcoming Events
- June 1 through June 26
- Monday-Thursday 8 am to 12 pm
Registration for the 2020-2021 School Year
Please stay tuned to our social media pages for the most up-to-date information in regard to registration.
A Note from our Counselor, Mrs. Posey
Summer Feeding Program
Breakfasts and lunches will be provided in the drive-thru from 11-1 on weekdays.
Summer feeding at the DeLisle Elementary campus will resume on Monday, June 8 and meals will be provided in the drive-thru from 11-1 on weekdays.
In-person camps at PCMS in July
Online camps
A Message from Tim Ladner, Pass Christian School District Athletic Director
MHSAA has allowed for athletics and activities to return on June 1, 2020. There are several restrictions that teams and coaches must follow regarding social distancing and sanitization during this return.
For the first seven days, practice times are limited to 2 hours per day with the focus on conditioning.
Returning athletes whose physicals were taken on or after April 1, 2019, will be granted another year of use. New athletes, such as rising seventh graders, will need a physical before being allowed to participate.
Athletes are required to be eligible in DragonFly Max. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or to receive signup instructions for Dragonfly.
We look forward to starting our athletic programs again!
Tim Ladner, Athletic Director
A note from Ms. Cocco - PCMS Band Director
Parents of students interested in joining the band or getting additional information can email Ms. Cocco at acocco@pc.k12.ms.us
End of the Year Honor Roll Videos
Summer Reading
She goes on to say that, reading, in general, is highly effective at building up a child's knowledge in a vast amount of subject areas, including English, math, science and history. Studies conducted by Dr. Alice Sullivan monitored the impact of reading in a child's life from elementary through adulthood. These studies discovered a greater intellectual progress in vocabulary, spelling and math than that of a child not reading more than the required school amount. Clearly, reading is a strong tool for growing in comprehension skills and general knowledge of the world. This is why children who read are able to stay ahead of their classmates during the school year.
If students have a hard time reading, suggest they read a few books over the summer to help build their reading skills. At the same time, find books that are also available on audio. This can help encourage students to keep reading even if they don't particularly like it. An audiobook still opens up the world of adventure and gives students a boost in literacy skills.
We want your input!
Pirate Car Tag
Lauren Lewis
Administrative Lead Teacher
Email: llewis@pc.k12.ms.us
Website: pcms.pc.k12.ms.us
Location: 280 West Second Street, Pass Christian, MS, USA
Phone: 228 452-5220
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pcmspirates/