The Panther Pulse
Pershing Middle School Newsletter: Vol. 3, Edition 11
It was a big weekend for our middle school athlete as all four of our teams competed in playoffs and finals for their respective sports. A big congratulations to our Boys Basketball team on winning the League Championship and to our track and field athletes who competed and won medals during the Track and Field finals. Pictures and additional updates are below in the Middle School Athletics sections. Way to go Panthers! We are so proud of you!
I also wanted to thank families that have been participating in our "Hungry Games" Food Bank Donation drive. We have already filled one large red barrel, please keep those donations coming! If you have any questions you may contact our ASB Advisor Ms. Stacy Robe at srobe@sandi.net.
And last but not least, a huge thank you to the parents who volunteered their time on Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning to help get our new lockers built. Your support is much appreciated and we all know Pershing Families are the best!
Melanie Kray
Pink Panther Day!
A friendly reminder that we will be hosting Coffee with the Principal online via MS Teams at 8:30 AM. Link is below:
Meeting ID: 231 630 202 635
Passcode: kmGs5j
At Pershing, we take our role as a strong community partner very seriously and speak often with students about practicing Panther PRIDE not just on our school campus, but also out in the greater San Carlos community. Unfortunately some students have not been living up to these high expectations we have for them after they are dismissed from school. There are limits to the authority and control schools have over students once the school day ends, but please know we do work hard to address issues involving our students that occur after school when we are informed about them. When an after school incident occurs we always inform families and, when appropriate, issue disciplinary consequences. We want to thank the community for their strong support and informing us when issues occur so we can work to address them.
Avoid disappointment and take care of ordering your Panther’s 2024-25 yearbook(s) today!
Details can be found here on the Foundation website: Yearbook info
Prices increase by $5 after 12/31 and Final order deadline is 4/11/25. If you're unsure if you already ordered, search for an email from yearbooks@m.lifetouch.com
If you missed out on a 2023-24 one and would like one, please reach out too PershingFoundation@outlook.com) as we still have a few.
Our ASB is search of a family willing to donate 2 hay bales for our upcoming Fall Dance on Wednesday, Novembere 20. If you are interested in donating please contact our ASB Advisor Ms. Robe at srobe@sandi.net
The ASB will be selling Boo Grams at lunch the Week of Oct 21. Boo Grams cost $1.00. Unfortuntaely Boo Grams we are not able to accommodate parent sales for Boo Grams. Boo Grams are intended to be purchased by students for students.
Monday: "Lei Off Drugs" - wear your favorite Hawaiian/beach gear
Tuesday: "Don't Be Tricked, Drugs are no Treat" - Candy Corn Grade Level Battle. Show your grade level spirit: 6th Grade wears yellow, 7th Grade wears orange, and 8th Grade wears white
Wednesday: "Living Drug Free" Red Out Challenge - wear read to school in honor of Red Ribbon Week
Thursday: "Say Boo to Drugs" - students may wear costumes to school
Friday: "Follow Your Dreams, Don't Do Drugs" - wear your favorite pajamas to school
Students may wear costumes to school on Thursday, October 31st but all students must adhere to our dress code guidelines and following these additional guidelines:
- Masks or make-up that conceal the entire face or prevent staff from identifying students are not allowed
- Weapons, pretend or real, are not allowed including but not limited to guns, knives, swords, sabers, etc.
- Costumes cannot promote violence, drugs, alcohol, or any inappropriate behavior
- Costumes that may offend others due to race, culture, gender, religion, or sexual orientation are not permitted
- Costume should not include items with sound effects, lights, or other components which would disrupt the classroom learning environment
- And finally, costumes must not inhibit the ability of a student to participate fully in all classes
For the past 3 years Pershing Middle School has partnered with Gage Elementary to participate the Ruby Bridges Walk to School Event on November 14. In anticipation of this years event If anyone is interested in planning or volunteering for our RBW2S event they may fill out a volunteer form. Our meetings will be on Sundays on Teams every 2 weeks unless otherwise noted. See below for info.
Ruby Bridges Volunteer Form:
Ruby Bridges Meeting Information
Ruby Bridges Committee Meetings via Microsoft Teams
Sunday, September 22 at 5:30pm-6:15pm
Sunday, October 6 at 5:30pm-6:15pm
Sunday, October 20 at 5:30pm-6:15pm
Sunday, November 3 at 5:30pm-6:15pm
Tuesday, November 12 - TBD
Meeting ID: 286 016 087 441
Passcode: ybLiDs
Pershing Lego Robotics in Action!
Congrats Boys Basketball MSA League Champions!
Track and Field MSA Finalists!
Are You Signed Up for the Winter Season?
We are excited to have over 240 students confirmed to participate in 6th Grade Camp on March 24-28, 2025!
Are you unsure if your 6th grader will attend 6th Grade Camp?
Several families specified they were unsure on whether their student will attend. We ask that you please notify our camp coordinator team as soon as possible (no later than 12/1, but ideally sooner), letting us know if your sixth grader(s) will attend.
We have received great questions around meals, allergies, and other accommodations, and as with Pershing Middle, Cuyamaca Outdoor School is very well equipped to provide any required assistance and accommodations. If you or your student are anxious/curious about the experience, there is a very helpful video which documents the experience from a Sixth-grader’s perspective. There is also great information for parents and students, specific to Cuyamaca Outdoor School here. If you do have any questions or concerns, we invite you to please reach out to our camp coordinator team so we can help you navigate them.
Contacts for Cuyamaca Outdoor School
If you’d like to talk directly to Cuyamaca Outdoor School, you can find a list of their staff members here (this list is filtered on Cuyamaca Outdoor School staff). If you’re unsure who to contact, you can start with their general questions line at 858-292-3500 or send them an Email Inquiry. For those with Special Education / IEP accommodations, we encourage you to discuss any camp questions or concerns with your child’s case manager at school. Many have first-hand experience of camp, and as usual, some of them will be joining our students at 6th Grade Camp this school year.
Payments due 10/25
Please send us your payment before 10/25, (unless you have opted for a payment plan) using the links / instructions here: 6th Grade Camp (2025). As well as the convenient credit card paypal link, there are instructions for sending checks and payments.
A huge thanks to all our families who already have registered and paid, and thanks in advance to everyone else for your payments!
Questions / Concerns / Payment Plan Setup
If you have any questions about camp or need any assistance in registering / paying, or would like to set up a payment plan, please reach out to Valerie on our 6th Grade Camp Coordinator Team, at this email: Valerie Kennedy valeriemarie78@gmail.com.
Rubio’s Dine Out – Nearly $300 raised – THANK YOU!
Our Dine-out at Rubio’s this week was a great success with over $950 spent and nearly $300 of that coming back to Pershing to benefit our students and school.
A huge THANK YOU to all those that participated! Watch this space for future Dine-outs!
6th Grade Camp
For EVERYTHING you need to know about 6th Grade Camp, visit our landing page on the foundation website here: 6th Grade Camp (2025)
If you would like to generously make an additional donation to help get all our 6th Graders to camp, please donate using this link: CAMP PAYMENTS / DONATIONS.
When asked for '+Important please add student here', please type 'Camp Donation'
We very gratefully accept Donations year-round, and can provide our nonprofit Tax ID, Donation Receipts, and/or anything needed for corporate matches!
Please contact us on PershingFoundation@outlook.com if you need anything from us for a match!
Year-round donations can be made here at this link: DONATE TODAY!
If you would like to donate using alternative means to PayPal, please also reach out to us on PershingFoundation@outlook.com.
Foundation Dates:
October 25: 6th Grade Camp Payments due (unless requested a payment plan)
November 13th: Next Foundation Monthly meeting.
Email: pershingfoundation@outlook.com
Website: https://pershingmiddleschoolfoundation.org/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/pershingpanthers
Panther PRIDE Behavior Expectations
Calendar Heads-Up 🗓
October 8: Campus Tours for Potential CHOICE 25-25 Families @9:00 AM
Octover 18: Pink Panther Day
October 22: Coffee with the Princpal @8:15 AM via MS Teams
November 1: P2 Grading Window Ends
November 11: Pershing Middle School Turns 60!
November 11: Veteran's Day - NO SCHOOL
November 15: Turkey Trot in PE Classes
November 20: Fall Dance
November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
Stay Connected!
Follow Pershing Middle on Instagram & Threads
Interested in volunteering on campus?
Contact our Ms. Sylvia Patton a spatton1@sandi.net
Website: https://pershing.sandiegounified.org/
Location: 8204 San Carlos Drive, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 352-3550
Twitter: @melanie_kray