A message from the Superintendent
Weekly Communication

May 8, 2024
Greetings PV Families,
I hope this message finds you well! As the school year begins to wind down, I wanted to take a moment to share some bittersweet news. After years of dedicated service to our school community, we are bidding farewell to two administrative leaders. Dr. Cynthia Moss, our Lead High School Principal, and Dr. Kim Boyd, our Director of Special Education, have both decided to transition into a well-deserved retirement. Their commitment, passion, and expertise have been instrumental in shaping the academic and personal growth of countless students over the years. Dr. Moss' leadership has guided our high school, fostering an environment where students thrive academically and socially. Likewise, Dr. Boyd's advocacy and dedication have provided for all special education students receiving the supports and resources necessary to succeed.
We are grateful for the lasting impact Dr. Moss and Dr. Boyd have had on our students, staff, and families and wish them well as they embark upon a new journey!
As we bid farewell to these esteemed colleagues, let's also remember that spring is a busy time in our school calendar. With various activities and events unfolding, from concerts to athletic competitions to academic endeavors, let's come together as a community to support our students during this bustling season. Thank you for your partnership with us in educating your children.
Barbara A. Russell, Ed.D.
In This Issue...
- Board Work Session Summary (5/6)
- Superintendent's Community Engagement Forum
PV Art & Food Truck Festival
PV Power Packs
- LIFT Summer Programming
- Community Bulletin Board
- Important District Dates
Board Work Session Summary (5/6)
During the Education Committee of the Whole (ECTW), Dr. Dietrich was joined by Mrs. O'Sullivan, STEM Supervisor, and Mrs. Hrynko, Humanities Supervisor, to discuss curriculum document and resource updates in the areas of AP Social Studies, Art, Spanish, Chemistry and Physics. Dr. Boyd, Director of Special Education, shared special education staffing and program updates as a result of current needs and enrollments.
During the Finance Committee of the Whole, Mr. Weaver provided updates for the 2024-2025 Budget. He also shared progress reports on several capital projects including concession stand improvements for the Keenan Stadium, vape sensors in key student areas, renovations to the District Office, and science furniture at Middle School West.
In the Business section, the board approved the Proposed General Fund Budget for 2024-2025 with a real estate tax increase of 2.75% over the 2023-2024 tax rate.
May represents Student Loan Month. The Perkiomen Valley Student Loan Association, Inc. makes interest-free loans available to Perkiomen Valley graduates to assist them in meeting the costs of post-high school education. If you'd like to make a donation, checks should be made payable to the PV Student Loan Association and sent or dropped off at the district office.
For detailed agenda information visit BoardDocs. To view the meeting recording, which was broadcast live, visit PVSD YouTube Channel.
Superintendent's Community Engagement Forum
Please join us for the next Superintendent's Community Engagement Forum scheduled for Tuesday May 14, 6:30pm – 8:30pm. The meeting will be held at the District Office (3 Iron Bridge Drive).
Join us for a Celebration of Art & Culture!
Saturday, June 1st, 2024
11 – 3 pm
Perkiomen Valley High School Campus
Power Packs
Power Packs will once again be offering 3 opportunities for Perkiomen Valley families experiencing food insecurity to come and "shop" for food this summer at Middle School East. We will have perishable and non-perishable food, including milk, eggs, lunch meat and fruit. Because some of the food will be perishable, you MUST be signed up in order to participate. Please complete a form for each child in your household, including children who are not yet school age.
The Summer Power Packs Pantry will be open in the Middle School East cafeteria from 5:30 - 7:30 pm on the following dates:
- June 13 (sign up no later than Friday, June 7th)
- July 11 (sign up no later than Friday, July 5)
- August 8 (sign up no later than Friday, August 2nd)
LIFT Summer Programming
Registration for our 2024 LIFT (Learning Is Fun Together) programs is NOW OPEN! Visit our LIFT website for details and registration information.
Online Community Bulletin Board
Wondering about family and community events in the area? Curious to learn about local sports clubs and other opportunities? Planning for Summer 2024? Visit our online Community Bulletin Board!
Learn about:
- Summer Camps (Bear Creek, Camp Rainbow, etc.)
- Family/Parent Events (Mountain Bike Try-It Event, Suicide Awareness Training, Mindfulness, etc.)
- Sports Opportunities (Basketball Summer Camp, Palmer Park Tennis, etc.)
- and more!
To submit an event for posting, please send a PDF version of your flyer to webmaster@pvsd.org for review.
Please note that Community Bulletin Board items may contain links to websites of organizations outside Perkiomen Valley School District. Items are posted to this bulletin board as a free service to the community, and should not be interpreted as being sponsored or endorsed by the district.
Upcoming District Dates
- Thursday, May 9 - Safety & Operations Committee Meeting @ 6:00pm
- Monday, May 13 - Board Business Meeting @ 7:00pm
- Tuesday, May 14- Superintendent's Community Engagement Forum @ 6:30pm
23-24 v14 5/8/2024
Perkiomen Valley School District
3 Iron Bridge Drive, Collegeville, PA
(610) 489-8506
What Will You Learn Today?