Coyote Chronicles

Cloverdale families,
Happy New Year! We hope you had a relaxing, fun-filled winter break and enjoyed time with family and loved ones. Remember, there is still no school on Monday, January 6th. We will see everyone back on Tuesday, January 7th. Have a wonderful day!
Keira Quintero, Principal
Kasey Aponte, Assistant Principal
🗓️Important Dates
1/7/25 School Resumes
1/14-1/15 Be Seen, Be Heard presentations
1/15/25 ACCESS Testing begins
1/16/25 BOE Meeting 7:00 p.m.
1/20/25 No School, MLK day
1/21/25 Dental Van at school
1/21/25 PTA Meeting on Zoom
1/29/25 Winter Band Concert at SMS
1/30/25 BOE Meeting at Cloverdale, 7:00 p.m.
We are Hiring!
We are hiring paraprofessionals at Cloverdale! The pay rate is $19/hour and the hours are Monday, 8:15-2:45, T-F 8:15-4:15. Interested or have questions? Email Mrs. Quintero at quintek@ccsd93.com and apply here.
Dental Van, January 21, 2025
DuPage County offers dental services to students through their Dental Van, which will be visiting Cloverdale on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. We must have 25 students in order for the van to visit. If you are interested in using these services, please fill out the consent form and return to school. Call Nurse Morrical with any questions.
Health Reminders
There has been a rise of upper respiratory infections as well as Norovirus throughout the state. Please remember to call your child in if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
- Fever
- Vomit
- Diarrhea
Your child must be symptom free for 24 hours without medication in order to return to school. If your child has any prolonged illness of more than 5 days, we do require a doctors note that clears them to return to school. Please contact Nurse Morrical at morricd@ccsd93.com with any questions.
ACCESS Testing Begins January 15th
ACCESS testing for students who are English Language Learners begins on January 15th. Over the next few weeks, students will take tests in the domains of reading, listening, speaking, and writing, to assess their English Language Proficiency. A letter was set home with more information before break. If you have any further questions about ACCESS testing, please contact your child's EL teacher, classroom teacher, or Mrs. Quintero.
Attend CCSD93 Preschool Registration on 1/23
If you have a child who will be age 3 or 4 by September 1, 2025 and are in need of a preschool next year, look no further than CCSD93's award-winning Early Childhood Center (ECC)!
You’re invited to attend Preschool Registration for the 2025-26 school year at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 23, 2025 at the ECC 280 Old Gary Ave. in Bloomingdale. Space fills up quickly, and attending Preschool Registration for your best chance at a spot. Be sure to bring a valid photo ID and your child's original birth certificate. For more information, visit www.ccsd93.com/preschool. Preschool Registration is a parents-only event.
Parking Reminders Behind the School
Please remember to adhere to no parking zones on Stonewood and Yardley if you are parking there to walk to door 7 to pick up your child. We also need to mindful of not cutting through our community members yards without their permission. There have been many parents not adhering to parking zones as well as leaving their vehicles running. Thank you for attention to this matter.
Need Before- or After-School Childcare?
CCSD93's partners at the Carol Stream Park District host ActivKids Before- and After-Care programs for kindergarten through 5th grade students at CCSD93's elementary schools throughout the school year. Participants enjoy games, crafts, sports, free play and time outside, as weather allows, along with optional homework time. Flexible options are available! For details and to register, visit www.csparks.org/activkids.
Our next PTA meeting will be held Tuesday, January 21st via Zoom only! We will not be meeting in person.
Join Zoom Meeting https://ccsd93.zoom.us/j/84513516859?pwd=yTMPulhtVSiXM0GIdja7C752vpuK3p.1 Meeting ID: 845 1351 6859 Passcode: 411148
👏Staff Shout-Out
Do you have a staff member you would like to recognize? Fill out this Google Form at any time during the school year and Mrs. Quintero will share the note with the staff member.
Cloverdale Mission Statement
At Cloverdale, we are an inclusive community of honest and self-motivated learners. We are respectful, responsible, and safe.