Wildcat Board Updates
February 2024
Wildcat Proud
This semester we are starting to give out "Wildcat Proud" cards. These are small, business card-style cards that any adult in the building can hand out. These cards are for students who go above and beyond in their actions, attitudes, and achievements here at Mill Creek West. Students then bring the cards to the office, get their picture taken, and then on Friday, I will draw out 4-5 cards and those kids will get to spin the wheel for prizes. Some of the prizes include lunch with me, extra STEM time, extra art time, a treat from the basket, a prize from the cart, etc. Lots of different options on the prize wheel! Pictures of some of this week's recipients are below. Great job, Wildcats!
Congratulations to our Teacher of the Month - Mrs. Eisenbarth!
Mrs. Eisenbarth was nominated by her peers for her positive attitude & willingness to always help out!
Happy Birthday Millie!
Millie is our therapy dog here at Mill Creek West. She can be found greeting students at the front doors most mornings, visiting classrooms, and serving as a friend to anyone in need. On Friday, February 2, we celebrated Millie's birthday as a school. If families wanted to, they could donate to the backpack ministry here in town in honor of Millie. Students did special activities in STEM and PE on this day as well to celebrate MIllie.
According to a recent article in Education Weekly, besides positively impacting children’s emotional well-being, therapy dogs also contribute to cognitive development. Some of the key benefits of interacting with therapy dogs are as follows:
- Improved reading skills
- Enhanced executive-functioning skills
- Stimulating memory and problem-solving skills
Studies show that the very presence in an educational environment tends to improve the areas of attention, concentration, relaxation, and motivation. This helps in reducing stress levels that would otherwise affect proper learning.
We are so thankful to have our girl, Millie, here at school with us each day!
Recycling Bottle Caps
Thanks to the Thrive group at the high school we now have a bottle cap recycling can at Mill Creek West! We are so fortunate to partner with them in this endeavor.
Do you know a child ready to start school next year?
Grandparent's Day
Mark your calendars & invite the grandparents! More information to come!
Friday, Mar 15, 2024, 01:00 PM
Mill Creek West Elementary, North Pearl Street, Amo, IN, USA
From the Principal's Desk
I love serving as your principal at Mill Creek West! If you ever have any questions or concerns, please contact me so that we can work together to come up with a solution. Your child's safety, well-being, and overall happiness at school is my number one priority every single day. Education is one of the most precious gifts we can give the future - let's make it the best we can - together!
Email: sschafer@mccsc.k12.in.us
Website: https://mccsc.k12.in.us/
Phone: (317)539-9255
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MillCreekWestElementarySchool
Twitter: @MillCreekwest
Mrs. Schafer