ATA Weekly
November 15th, 2024
President's Message
In this newsletter, I want to highlight the crucial roles our Instructional Coaches (ICs) play in enhancing our classroom experiences. Our ICs collaborate with us, providing guidance and resources that empower us to succeed in our teaching. By focusing on effective instructional strategies and fostering a culture of reflection and continuous improvement, they help us overcome the challenges we face in the classroom.
Let’s celebrate our partnership with our Instructional Coaches and acknowledge how their efforts enhance our shared mission: to create the best possible learning environment for our students. Remember, our coaches are members of the ATA and are here to support you, not evaluate you. Their role is to offer guidance and resources to help you succeed, not to assess your performance. Additionally, our contract states that administrators should not use the words of other unit members when conducting evaluations.
I encourage you to read on and learn more about the meaningful work our Instructional Coaches do.
Ralph Hernandez
Remember to Wear Your ATA Blue Every Tuesday!
“So, What Exactly Is Your Job?” A Response Provided By AUSD Instructional Coaches
We are the fifteen AUSD Instructional Coaches and we are each a part of the elementary school sites (Fun Fact: each Dual Immersion school has two coaches). We each find an enormous amount of comfort, and pride, in knowing that we each have fourteen counterparts that are in the same position. Together, we regularly collaborate and push each other to constantly grow. Though we all possess different experiences, cultural backgrounds, skill sets, interests, and personalities, we all strive to do the same job.
“So, what exactly is your job?” This question is often asked of AUSD Instructional Coaches. One would think that the response is complex, but it really isn’t. Instructional Coaches are teachers: we are your peers. We plan, just like you do. We look at data, just like you do. We gather resources, just like you do. We think about effective instructional practices, just like you do. We are supervised by our site administrators, just like you are. We want students to have a rich educational experience, just like you do. We are a part of a school community, just like you. We have a passion for teaching, just like you.
The big difference between an Instructional Coach and a classroom teacher, is that rather than being a direct service to students, our intention is to have an impact on student learning by partnering with teachers, who want/need our support. This support is instructional coaching. Coaching might be deep conversations with teachers about their craft and asking questions that encourage reflection on practices and self reflection in the actions a teacher takes. Coaching might be working side by side with a teacher to plan for, critically thinking through an instructional “stuckness”, or a newer program/approach. Coaching might be the opportunity to work with a teacher in “real time” - in the classroom with students, to observe, support, model lessons and then follow up with discussions that again prompt reflection on practices, or self reflection decisions made. Coaching is also collaborating with grade level teams in a professional learning community (PLC) on a weekly basis. Instructional Coaches facilitate collaboration among grade level teams to discuss their instructional ongoings and push for the endless search for best practices weekly. We guide our PLC’s by questioning:
What do we want students to learn?
How will we know if they have learned it?
What do we do if they have not learned it?
What if the student already knows the content?
Much like teachers within their classroom among their students, we experience a variety of personalities, talents, and perspectives, and we do our best to get familiar and work with each. We maneuver through various grade levels to try and fill the instructional needs of our fellow teachers, and students, by knowing standards, resources and expectations. We too do our best to stay current on the ever-changing worlds of technology resources, online platforms, and websites. We often take deep dives into instructional approaches, programs and strategies, in search of the instructional gems that will shine in classrooms. Oftentimes, we have the pleasure of learning from other teachers and spreading the word of the effective practices that would otherwise go unknown. We collaborate both with teachers and administrators to evaluate our site's progress on school/district goals and push to do better as a whole school. We are mindful that on a daily basis, that our job offers us the privilege to work with people: individuals with feelings, thoughts and values and for the betterment of our students' learning.
So, what exactly is our job? We are the fifteen AUSD Instructional Coaches: we work like you, with you, and always for AUSD students.
Photographed from left to right: Patricia Simental-Diaz, May Lee, David Byer, Anne Luong, Myriame Steep, Melissa Vu, Dr. Wendy Molina-Solis (Director of Multi-Tiered System of Supports), Débora Palafox-Perry, Deborah Garcia-Negrete, Mara Reyes, Denise DiConti, Jennifer Huang, Christine Tsai, Calvin Ly, Van Duong & Monica Gonzalez
Important Notice on Special Education Confidentiality
Maintaining the confidentiality of student information in special education is essential. Details about a student's disabilities, accommodations, and progress should only be shared with teachers, parents, and service providers involved in the student’s education. Breaching confidentiality can damage trust between families and the school.
Remember, according to Article VIII - Unit Member Working Conditions, telephone facilities will be provided for unit members' reasonable use. Administrators will ensure appropriate facilities are available for confidential discussions. Additionally, psychologists will have access to secure office space, and the District will support Speech/Language Pathologists with suitable workspaces. Let’s prioritize confidentiality and strengthen our relationships with families.
Important Update: Special Education Committee Preparation Meeting
Please note that the date has been changed due to scheduling conflicts. We apologize for this last-minute adjustment and hope you can attend.
Preparation Meeting Details:
- Date: November 20th
- Time: 4 PM
- Location: ATA Office
We encourage all unit members (both Special Education and General Education) to join this preparation meeting to ensure we are well-prepared for our upcoming discussions.
Committee Meeting with District:
Our Special Education Committee will meet with the District on November 21st to discuss important issues and concerns regarding the special education program. The Association has selected five representatives to serve on this committee:
- Gina Centeno (Ramona)
- Stephanie Dunne (Moor Field)
- Rachel Fall
- Jose Martinez (AHS)
- Kimi Suehiro (Brightwood)
Building Action Teams for a Stronger Union
It is truly remarkable to see our Building Action Teams (BATs) working together. The power of unity is undeniable and serves as the cornerstone of our mission. By collaborating, we can strive for a brighter future for both our profession and our students. As we continue this journey, let's remember that our strength lies in our unity, and we must remain committed to our collective efforts. Each one of us plays a crucial role in this unity, and your contributions are invaluable.
As part of our commitment to maintaining clear and effective communication, please remember to use your personal email for all union-related matters instead of your AUSD district email. This practice helps us differentiate between union and district communications while also safeguarding your privacy.
Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication!
Upcoming Events
Come join us for a holiday Paint & Sip! Painting, food beverages and fun!
Alana Acosta-Martin,
ATA Vice-President
Member Engagement Chair
Please Help Fill The New AUSD/ATA Food Pantry!
Mark Your Calendars
November 18
- Grievance (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
November 19
- Joint BOD and Rep Council (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
- Board of Education (6 pm, Marengo West)
December 6
ATA Paint & Sip
December 9
- Grievance (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
December 10
- Joint BOD and Rep Council (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
December 17
- Board of Education (6 pm, Marengo West)
Contact Us
The Alhambra Teachers Association (ATA) exists to protect and promote the well-being of its members; to improve the conditions of teaching and learning; to advance the cause of free, universal, and quality public education; to ensure that the human dignity and civil rights of all children and youth are protected; and to secure a more just equitable and democratic society.
Email: ataoffice3030@gmail.com
Website: www.alhambrateachers.org
Location: 3030 West Main Street, Alhambra, CA, USA
Phone: (626)289-1933
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlhambraTeachersAssociation/