Green Lane Gazette
The Night Before - 2024

Important Dates
- 9/3 - First day of school
- 9/5 - Truman Family Night (Back To School)
- 9/23 - 9/24 - Underclass Photos
AM/Arrival Process
Student Parking Permits
Parking pass applications for the 2024-2025 school year are now open to Seniors. No student will be permitted to park on campus without an updated parking pass. Passes from the 2023-2024 school year are not valid for the upcoming school year. If you want to drive to school and park a car on campus, please apply for a parking pass by completing the attached google form.
We will be flexible on the first few days as students process their passes, but please take immediate steps to register vehicles.
Qualified applicants will be issued passes on a first come first serve basis. If your application is approved, you will be contacted to set a time to deliver your signed contract (signed by you and a parent/guardian), pay your fee, and receive your pass.
If you have any questions about this process, you can contact the Truman student affairs office at 267-599-2112.
PM/Dismissal Bus Lineup
2024-2025 Gmail/ICampus Access
If you have yet to to try and access your gmail or Icampus account, it was reset to the following temporary password: Your birthday in this fashion - MMDDYYYY - Your username is still your student ID number.
Students having issues accessing ICampus should email icampus.portal@bristoltwpsd.org from their school district accounts for assistance.
2024-2025 School Counselor Assignments
Please review the chart below to determine the school counselor assignments for 2024-2025.
School Counselor Emails:
- Mrs. Miller - karen.miller@bristoltwpsd.org
- Mrs. Allen - greta.allen@bristoltwpsd.org
- Mrs. Jones - adrienne.jones@bristoltwpsd.org
- Mrs. Bodnar - ann.bodnar@bristoltwpsd.org
- Mr. Wright - micah.wright@bristoltwpsd.org
- Ms. Mallon - rebecca.mallon@bristoltwpsd.org
Locker Assignments
In recent experience we have found that a limited number of students utilize their lockers during the school day as many school items have gone digital and are typically carried in a backpack. With that being said, we'll be assigning lockers by REQUEST ONLY. By doing this, students who want to utilize a locker can also seek for that locker to be assigned in an ideal location. To request a locker, please click the button below to fill out the form.
Technology Insurance Fee
Protect your student's Chromebook from accidental damage and costly repairs by purchasing a technology insurance fee for the 2024-2025 school year. All purchases can be made through the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus. Review this flyer for more details.
$35 today can save $100's later!
Attendance is 🔑
No factor has a more direct relationship to a student's success in school than a good attendance record. Attendance is required of all students enrolled at Harry S Truman High School during the days and hours that school is in session.
All attendance notes, excuses, doctors notes, trip approval requests, and other inquiries should be emailed to hst.attendance@bristoltwpsd.org or call 267-599-2109 to speak with Staci Spoon, our attendance clerk. **Excuse notes can also be submitted through our app**
Educational Tours & Trip Approval Requests
The Board may excuse a student from school attendance to participate in an educational tour or trip not sponsored by the district if the following conditions are met:[12]
- The parent/guardian submits a written request for excuse 10 days prior to the absence.
- The student's participation has been approved by the Superintendent or designee (principal).
- The adult directing and supervising the tour or trip is acceptable to the parents/guardians and the Superintendent.
Please submit absence notices and questions to: hst.attendance@bristoltwpsd.org
and enter your school login code: (This will be emailed directly)
OR CALL: 908.964.3040
Enter your Last Name as your username and Student ID# as your password to login and schedule.
lorsstudio.smugmug.com and enter your school’s name in the search box
Find the Talking Points App in Your App Store Today!
Truman Contact Information
Instagram:@officialharrystrumanhsFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/bristoltownshipschooldistrict
Twitter: @TrumanTigerBTSD