Back to School Weekly Preview
August 12, 2023

Hello, Longwood Families!
Wow! Thank you for joining us for Back to School Night. We had a blast! What a fun way to kick off the 2024-25 school year!
Teacher Assignments
Teacher assignments are live in ParentVue. Please log-in to view which one of our amazing classroom teachers will partner with you to foster your child's growth and success this year!
Teacher Meet & Greet: Monday!
We look forward to seeing you on Monday, August 19th anytime between 9:00-10:00am to meet your child's teacher and drop off supplies! Please Note: The building will close promptly at 10:00am for teacher meetings and workshops.
School Supplies
A number of incredibly generous community organizations donated backpacks, lunchboxes, and sets of school supplies for our students! If your family is in need of assistance, please give us a call at 630-428-6789 to set up a time to pick up items for your family or pick up supplies at Meet & Greet on August 19th in the hallway near the main office.
We will share regular communication throughout the school year via our Weekly Preview newsletters. Please take a few minutes to read the newsletter each week to stay updated on school news and important events and information.
This first Weekly Preview includes A LOT of information about what to expect our First Day of School on Thursday, Arrival/Dismissal Procedures, and Lunch/Recess schedule. Thank you for your time and attention to these important details!
We wish you a wonderful weekend, Lions! Thank you for being a part of our Pride!
🚌 Arrival & Dismissal Forms Needed! 🚙
Transportation Forms Needed!
Safety is our top priority at Longwood. It is essential for staff to know how each of our students are going home each day.
Complete a transportation form for each Longwood student in your family. Forms can be returned to Mrs. Meunier by email at samantha_meunier@ipsd.org or by returning it to the Main Office during Meet & Greet on Monday, August 19th. Paper copies of the form will be available in your child's classroom and in the Main Office.
A unique feature of our community is that all Longwood students live within 1.5 miles from our school! This means we do not have any busses at our school. All students are car riders, walkers, or have transportation provided by a daycare.
We greatly appreciate your support in ensuring a safe and smooth arrival/dismissal process!
Thursday, August 22nd - First day of School for All!
Arrival: Blacktop at 8:50am
*Note: PLAYGROUND IS CLOSED during arrival and dismissal*
8:50am: Arrival Begins at the Blacktop. Students line up with their teacher. Support staff will be around the blacktop to guide students to the right class and/or look-up the name of their teacher.
9:05am: Mr. Zeman will welcome us to the 2024-25 school year, we'll say the Pledge of Allegiance, Longwood pledge, and sing our school song. Classes will enter through Door #2 (K, 1st & 2nd) or Door #3 (3rd, 4th, 5th). *Note: No family members will be allowed in the building through door #2 or #3. If you are in need of assistance or need to return a form, please plan to enter through Door #1 at the Main Office after 9:30am.
Breakfast: Breakfast will be delivered by cart to classrooms the first few days. Typically students will pick up from a station as they enter the building at door #2 or #3. All Longwood students are eligible for free breakfast! Please talk with your child if they will need to request breakfast.
Lunch: Each grade level has a designated lunch/recess time. Students have 15 minutes of recess time, then 20 minutes for lunch. All Longwood students are eligible to order a free lunch meal or they can bring lunch from home. Breakfast & lunch menus can be found HERE. Students will give their lunch order to their teacher when they arrive to school.
- Lunch Times: 5th: 11:15 3rd: 11:25 1st: 12:05 2nd: 12:30 4th: 12:55 Kinder: 1:20.
*Note: We do not accept UberEats, Grub Hub, or other food delivery services for students.
Dismissal: Begins at 3:30pm
**NOTE: THE PLAYGROUND IS CLOSED at arrival and dismissal each day**
More than 90% of our students are car riders or walkers. Ensuring our students are going home the correct way and matched with their family is our priority - even if it takes a few extra minutes. Please plan for dismissal to take longer and the car line to move slower our first week or so. We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we settle into a safe and efficient dismissal process.
Our school's Arrival/Dismissal Map and information can be found HERE.
Student will be dismissed by the plan noted on their Transportation Form. If changes are needed to their plan, call the office before 3:00pm so that we can get the change to your child and their teacher before dismissal. (630)428-6789
- CAR RIDERS: If your child(ren) leave by car at the end of the day, print and display a car tag. This tag can be found HERE. Paper copies will be available in the Office and at Meet & Greet. Longwood dismissal staff will have radios to call students out when your car arrives. Please stay alert and keep moving forward and around the circle drive.
- WALKERS: Grade 1-5 walkers will dismiss through Door #2 or Door #3. Kindergarten walkers must be matched with a familiar adult before leaving the building at Door #2. To help our staff pick up your kindergarten walker more efficiently, show a car tag with your child's name and class (KE, KD, KR). We'll begin matching Kindergarten walkers with their adult at 3:25.
- VAN/BUS: Special Transportation and Day Care riders will be dismissed as their vehicle arrives and they will exit through Door #1
Please take 2 minutes and check out the arrival and dismissal video from Mr. Zeman so that we can be safe and efficient from day one this school year. Your patience during arrival and dismissal will make the process smooth, as timely as we can and most importantly safe. Please plan for dismissal to take longer and the car line to move slower our first week or so.
✨ Friday, August 23rd: ✨
Arrival: Blacktop 8:50am
*Note: PLAYGROUND IS CLOSED during arrival and dismissal*
8:50am: Arrival Begins at the Blacktop. Students line up with their teacher.
9:05am: Mr. Zeman will greet us, we'll say the Pledge of Allegiance, Longwood pledge, and sing our school song. Classes will enter through Door #2 (K, 1st & 2nd) or Door #3 (3rd, 4th, 5th). *Note: No family members will be allowed in the building through door #2 or #3. If you are in need of assistance or need to return a form, please plan to enter through Door #1 at the Main Office after 9:30am.
Breakfast: Breakfast will be delivered by cart to classrooms again on Friday. Typically students will pick up from a station as they enter the building at door #2 or #3. All Longwood students are eligible for free breakfast! Please talk with your child if they will need to request breakfast.
Lunch: Breakfast & lunch menus can be found HERE. Students will give their lunch order to their teacher when they arrive to school.
- Lunch Times: 5th: 11:15 3rd: 11:50 1st: 12:05 2nd: 12:30 4th: 12:55 Kinder: 1:15.
*Note: We do not accept UberEats, Grub Hub, or other food delivery services for students.
Snack: In addition to breakfasts and lunch, students will have a designated snack time scheduled by their teacher. Students are welcome to bring a nutritious, easy to open, nut free snack.
Dismissal: Begins at 3:30pm
**NOTE: THE PLAYGROUND IS CLOSED at arrival and dismissal each day**
- Our school's Arrival/Dismissal Map and information can be found HERE.
- Student will be dismissed by the plan noted on their Transportation Form. If changes are needed to their plan, call the office before 3:00pm so that we can get the change to your child and their teacher before dismissal. (630)428-6789
- CAR RIDERS: If your child(ren) leave by car at the end of the day, display a car tag. This tag can be found HERE. Dismissal staff will have radios to call students out when your car arrives. Please stay alert and keep moving forward and around the circle drive.
- WALKERS: Grade 1-5 walkers will dismiss through Door #2 or Door #3. Kindergarten walkers must be matched with a familiar adult before leaving the building at Door #2. Show a car tag with your child's name and class (KE, KD, KR). We'll begin matching Kindergarten walkers with their adult at 3:25.
- VAN/BUS: Special Transportation and Day Care riders will be dismissed as their vehicle arrives and they will exit through Door #1
Your patience during arrival and dismissal will make the process smooth, as timely as we can and most importantly safe. Please plan for dismissal to take longer and the car line to move slower our first week or so.
Before & After School Care
Students should not arrive to Longwood before 8:50am. Staff begin supervision at 8:50am. This includes the blacktop and playground, too.
We have compiled a list of local programs with before and after school care for your convenience. Local Day Care Facilities If the program on this list is not housed at Longwood, the center provides transportation to our school!
AUGUST Breakfast/Lunch: Menus
Mon, 8/19: Teacher Meet & Greet 9:00-10:00am
Thu, 8/22: First Day of School! Meet on the Blacktop at 8:50am
Fri, 8/23: Meet on the Blacktop 8:50am
Mon, 8/26: Typical Arrival Begins. Doors Open 8:50am - Students go directly to class.
Wed, 8/28: *Late Start Wednesday* Doors Open 9:00am
Fri, 8/30: Longwood Spirit Day! Wear Longwood Gear, Red and/or Blue!
Mon, 9/2: No School - Labor Day
Wed, 9/4: *Late Start Wednesday* Doors Open 9:00am
Wed, 9/11: *Late Start Wednesday* Doors Open 9:00am
Tue, 9/17: Curriculum Night 6:00-7:30pm
Mon, 10/14: No School - Columbus/Indigenous Peoples' Day
🍎 Previous Updates 🦁
- 8.14.24 Notes from Mr. Zeman
- 8.5.24 Summer Scoop