High School Happenings
Senior Portrait Update:
OCTOBER 24 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
We will have make-up sessions for senior portraits on October 24! Even if you are not purchasing pictures, seniors should still get their picture taken for the yearbook. You should receive an email from CADY to sign up for a time.
Home and School Needs Your Help!
MHS Home & School DONATIONS NEEDED for the No-Frills Fundraiser
The MHS Home & School counts on the generous donations from all its families to carry out our programs every year. A suggested donation is $75 per child.
Company matching is available through this link: https://www.charitynavigator.org/donor-basics/giving-101/employee-match-programs/
This is the ONLY fundraising activity for the year, please consider supporting with your donation! If our goal is not reached, events and funding may need to be cut.
Here’s how to donate :
Venmo : @MethactonHS-HSTreasurer
Memo : Home & School donation
Paypal : MHS_HS@methacton.org
Memo : Home & School donation
Check : Made out to “Methacton Home & School”
Memo : Home & School donation
Mail to : Methacton Home & School, PO Box 269, Eagleville, PA 19408-0269
Methacton Backpack Program
The Methacton Backpack Program provides students in need with supplemental food items. Families who qualify for free/reduced meals are eligible to apply for the Backpack Program.
Complete the following form to register your child(ren) for the 2024-2025 school year. Backpack Program distributions for families are done on a monthly basis. This form will remain open through the end of the school year to accommodate our families as their needs may change.
If you have any questions or issues registering your family, please contact Dr. Dani Fowlston at dfowlston@methacton.org.
There are several ways you can contribute to the Backpack Program:
Collection Bins:
· Donations can be dropped off (Monday through Friday) at Arcola Intermediate School. Collection bins are located near the entrance.
Or contact Dr. Dani Fowlston at dfowlston@methacton.org if you need to arrange a pick-up or drop-off.
· You can place an order through Amazon and ship it directly to Arcola Intermediate School. Please remember to select "No Weekend Delivery".
The address is: Arcola Intermediate School c/o Backpack Program, 4001-A Eagleville Road, Eagleville, PA 19403
· Financial Donation
o Provide a one-time donation or recurring donation to the Backpack Program. Click here to be directed to the RevTrak web payments system.
· Volunteer
o Volunteers can help sort donated items and pack bags for distribution. Visit the district's volunteer page to learn how to become a volunteer.
· What items can I donate?
Individual Food Items Needed (single-serving only):
· Shelf stable/not refrigerated boxes of milk (individual)
· Mini cereal boxes
· Canned soup (cans with "pop tops")
· Oatmeal packets or cups
· Applesauce and fruit cups
· Chef Boyardee, Hormel, Dinty Moore Meals, etc.
· Easy Mac cups
· Cracker Packs
· Sweet snacks: fruit gummies, pudding, granola bars, etc.
· Salty snacks: pretzel packs, Goldfish, popcorn, etc.
· 100% juice boxes
Thanks for all you do to support our school community!
SEA is Having a Fundraising Opportunity on 10/15!
Class Rings
Methacton students are getting ready to order their official Methacton High School Class Rings. A time-honored tradition, your student will wear their custom class ring with pride for years to come! The program is introduced to the sophomore class, but juniors and seniors are invited to participate as well if they haven't already.
Please take a moment to view this short class ring presentation: here
You can view our digital class ring brochure here
You can submit your student's class ring order by simply going to sscrings.com and following the steps.
The deadline for all orders is Thursday, September 19th!
All rings ordered by this deadline will be delivered before Winter Break this December, giving your child an optimal amount of time to wear his/her ring while still in high school and making this purchase a great holiday gift idea.
If you have any questions, our professional staff is ready to help!
Phone: 610-539-1330
Email: rings@studentservicesco.com
Making Sure All Students Feel Like They Belong!
Monthly Newsletters are Coming!
Each month, we will be highlighting important topics intended to provide valuable insights, resources, and strategies to help create and maintain a supportive and welcoming environment for all students and staff.
Here’s a preview of some of the topics we will be covering:
● Signs of Bullying and Appropriate Responses
● Reporting Threats to the School or Others: Safe2SaySomething(S2SS), Title IX Form
● Signs of Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
● Supporting Your Student’s Mental Health Needs Utilizing the Student Assistance Program (SAP)
● Focusing on the Whole Child: Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
● Increasing our Sense of Belonging through the Lens of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
If you have any questions, suggestions, or require further assistance on these topics, please feel free to reach out to me.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to another great academic year.
Dr. Euker
Seniors: PSAT Information
The following link has content that can be used for information on seniors' PSAT Day https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f94PC18dB6NN_JOt6auMmgSGsUhJKQhrWaa5231kRWQ/edit?usp=sharing
These forms are being distributed for the seniors this Friday in English classes. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1np3idya52U-YifAH4lufauTP7w7mT3ZW/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109774268408503603846&rtpof=true&sd=true
Look at Our New College and Career Readiness Guide!
A step by step guide to life after high school!
It's never too early to start thinking about the future.
Get Ready! Homecoming weekend is right around the corner: 9/20!
Buy your tickets now for the Homecoming game on 9/20 and the Homecoming Dance on 9/21!
Remember, the Homecoming Dance is for METHACTON STUDENTS ONLY!
All tickets need to be purchased online at https://events.hometownticketing.com/organization/a829c5a6-d6b8-4a2c-8e7b-9e108978ce5b
Tickets will not be sold at the door.
Important Information for the Start of the Year!
Contact Information Verification: Please review your student’s emergency contact information in PowerSchool (Navigation Menu > Forms > General > Emergency Contacts) to verify the information is correct or make any necessary updates.
The following forms can be found under Navigation Menu > Forms > General Forms.
· Acknowledgements (available on August 19, 2024 after 6pm)
o Handbook Sign Off: Please review your student’s school handbook in PowerSchool or on the Methacton website. You will be prompted to acknowledge that you have reviewed and discussed the document with your student.
o Code of Conduct Sign Off
o Acceptable Use Policy
o 1:1 Student Device Program Guidelines
o Board Policies
o Optional Publicity Refusal Form: If you DO NOT want your student videotaped or photographed in the 2024-2025 school year, print and complete the Optional Publicity Refusal Form (available in PowerSchool and on the Methacton website) and deliver it to your school building Secretary by September 10, 2024.
College Rep Visits
Have your 10th, 11th, or 12th graders sign up to meet a college rep.
Looking for Information on Financial Aide for College?
Morning Drop Off
Doors do not open until 7:15
We have moved our car line up to the auditorium this year. The auditorium doors open at 7:15. Please follow the direction of the staff who are out guiding traffic. We are moving through the line much quicker this year so there should not be a need to drop your child off before the doors open. There is no supervision before 7:15.
Student Behavior
Student Expectations:
Students are expected to be on time to school and classes. Teachers may issue after-school detentions if students are late to class three or more times in a semester.
Students may be asked to use cell phone holders as they enter the classrooms. Teachers will inform students as to when students can use their phones. After school detentions may be given for inappropriate use of technology during the school day.
Please read the Student Handbook and the Code of Conduct located on the Methacton web site for more explicit information on student expectations!
Check Out Our Counseling Department Site!
Looking for information on college? Or resources to help your child adjust?
Check out all the amazing resources on this Google Classroom created by our counselors. Click on the grade levels on the picture of the cork board for more specific grade level information!
Want to Know When Your Favorite Methacton Team is Playing?
Check Out the Calendar Below for all HS Athletics and Activities:
We will continue to update this throughout every season for every sport! Use the buttons across the top to scroll through the months!
We will be gathering feedback...
As part of our implementation plan, we intend to gather your feedback on your satisfaction with our new photography company. In the fall, we will send out a form to collect your responses and schedule meeting times to discuss the experiences.