George Ranch H.S.
Sunday Longhorn News 4-25-21
Connect With Us!
Website: https://lcisd.org/campuses/georgeranchhs/home
Location: 8181 FM 762 Road, Richmond, TX, USA
Phone: 832-223-4200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeAreGRHS/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Twitter: @WeAreGRHS
ALL GRHS STAFF AND STUDENTS MUST BE PROPERLY WEARING A MASK AT ALL TIMES IN THE BUILDING AND STILL SOCIALLY DISTANCING by sitting 4 per table in the cafe. Students refusing to wear their mask will face consequences.
A Message From Heather Patterson, GRHS Principal
Happy Sunday GRHS Longhorns,
We are in the final stretch! It's testing season, but the REAL test is what you will CHOOSE to do with your motivation, work ethic, and attitude...you will need all three to finish strong! Nothing will be given if you are CHOOSING not to put in the work. We are all about grace, but I truly believe that grace does NOT erase accountability! So, buckling down now and putting in the work is what will matter...if you do...you TOTALLY got this....if you don't, we may be seeing you in summer school, and those enrollment lists are being turned in this week! *Remember your exemptions are at risk too...if you thought you would have an easy last week...you may be mistaken. You can do it, I believe in you....now you just got to show me YOU believe in YOU by PUTTING IN THE WORK (it's a choice) and get this year wrapped up (on May 27th) as a success!
Senior Weekly Update coming today!
Seniors and Senior parents please be checking your LCISD/Skyward listed email at least twice a week for emails from me, this last six weeks is going to fly by and there are deadlines that you can't miss! Two emails went out this past week, and more coming this week.
Thanks for your donations for PTO for Staff Appreciation Week, we truly appreciate all you do to support our campus! The first week of May is Staff Appreciation, so our amazing PTO along with your generosity is trying to plan a couple of treats for our hard working staff-amily! They are almost there, so any more donations are greatly appreciated! Thanks for helping our PTO spread the longhorn love for the final stretch...I smell summer!
There are two ways to donate.
- PayPal: Here is the PTO 's email grhspto@gmail.com. Just go to PayPal and use this PTO email to donate!
- PTO member already? Use this link to donate: https://www.myvlink.org/georgeranchpto/donations1.php?c=319
Lamar CISD COVID-19 safety protocols- MASKS/FACE COVERINGS MUST BE WORN INSIDE all facilities and within 3 feet of each other outside. Keep being smart and stay safe by adhering to the face to face expectations by properly wearing those masks, sanitizing regularly, and following social distancing protocols to the best of our ability. We can't completely control COVID, but we can definitely slow the spread down, and that is A LOT!
Thank you so much to all our parents and students reaching out to your Assistant Principal for questions and assistance. Please CONTINUE to email your (or your student's) Assistant Principal , as they can assist you the quickest.
Admin contact info:
Chris Cuellar - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split A-Dan) ccuellar@lcisd.org
Carrie Yanta -Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Dao-Hou) cyanta@lcisd.org
Jessie Eilenstine Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Hov-Mom) jessie.eilenstine@lcisd.org
Judy Momanyi - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Mon-Sac) judith.momanyi@lcisd.org
Quantas Floyd Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Sad-Z) qfloyd@lcisd.org
GRHS Counselors: (by alpha split)
Jamie Rufo (alpha split A-Dan) jrufo@lcisd.org
Stacey Richards (alpha split Dao-Hou)stacey.richards@lcisd.org
Abraham Vil (alpha split Hov-Mom) abraham.vil@lcisd.org
Marci Macha Dual Credit & (alpha split Mon-Sac) mamacha@lcisd.org
Ashley Hunt (alpha split Sad-Z) ashley.hunt@lcisd.org
Carin Reeves 504/AP creeves@lcisd.org
Included in this edition of our GRHS Longhorn News:
- Grades are a requirement to graduate and be promoted - Choose to finish strong!
- Passing ALL STAAR (EOC Exams) is a requirement for HS Graduation!
- May 27th is the Last Day of School! (it's coming fast)
- GRHS PTO Donations-for Staff Appreciation Week!
- SENIORS Check your Email for Weekly Updates!
- SENIOR PROM TICKET LINK (closes May 3rd)
- DUAL CREDIT Registration NOW OPEN through MAY 3rd!
- Make sure and visit the Counselor and Career Corner WEEKLY in Canvas- LOTS of INFO!
- Virtual Learner Info - Synchronous days Zoom calendar
- Transcript and VOE Requests Procedures
- CLUB Information
- Sports/Fine Arts Coach/Director Updates (Submitted by Coaches and Directors)
Celebrated This Amazing Group of Admin Assistants and Crew this Week for All Their Hard Work! #adminprofessionalweek
Last week Business Information Management (BIM) Students completed their Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Exams! Mrs. Hydo was able to catch a few F2F students to highlight!
Hope Braun earned our FIRST ever Microsoft Office Specialist-EXPERT Certification here at GRHS. She completed both the Associate Certification and awarded the Expert Level Certification as well!
Abbigail Albright, Ade Bello, Hope Braun, Skylar Payton and Drew Sorbel all showing off their Microsoft Office Specialist-Associate Certifications!
Ori Limbrick and Ava Ward earned their Microsoft Office Specialist - Associate Certification!
TSA -1st Place for the state in National Qualifying Events with 28 students moving on to nationals. 3 events and 10 students were state champions, Andrew Phillips earned a state scholarship, and Caleb Hall is a state officer! Congrats Longhorns and Teachers!
STARR (EOC Exams) Updates and Info! Please keep in mind if your student CHOOSES not to come to school to take any of their tests, they will have to take double test next year (without being enrolled in that course anymore), as passing these exams is a state GRADUATION requirement for all students. Freshman, Sophmores, and Juniors please do not procrastinate and risk not graduating with your class.
STAAR Testing
We have another round of STAAR EOC testing for students who are currently enrolled in Algebra 1, Biology, and/or US History. All students enrolled in those courses will be required to take and pass the STAAR EOC in order to graduate. All students will automatically be registered for the STAAR EOCs. If you are a virtual student, please complete the link to let us know if you will be coming on campus for planning purposes. If your child will not be coming on campus to test due to COVID, please specify that on the link. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=YLr5XW0hUkih1cpB5PakUj2cTO3vs-hBnIKhiv7QRxdURjJaRERPVkRGNEFIM1EwNFFENVI0MUcyNi4u
US History - Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Algebra 1 - Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Biology - Thursday, May 6, 2021
All testing must be done on campus at George Ranch High School. There is no virtual option for STAAR testing. Testing will begin promptly at 8:15am. Virtual students can be dropped off and picked up from the outside of the competition gym. Rosters will be posted in the gym with their testing assignments. Students are given 4 hours for the test. Once virtual students are finished testing, they will be allowed to leave the testing area and contact their ride home. All on campus students will remain in their testing room and go back on normal schedule once testing has completed.
If you have any specific testing questions, please contact Kyra Thomas kthomas@lcisd.org.
Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshman Exam Schedule! (see pic and printable PDF Below)
EXEMPTION CRITERIA (See pic below and Printable PDF)
Are you ZONED to Randle HS next year and want to tryout out for the dance team but missed the first tryout meeting? Not a problem, we have one additional tryout meeting remaining on Monday April 26 at 7pm.
Are you a current 8th or 9th grader zoned for the BRAND NEW Thomas E. Randle High School?
Do you want to be a part of the 1st line Randle Dance Team?
If you answered YES to either question here is what you need to do:
You must attend a Meet the Director and informational Zoom with a parent or guardian on Monday, April 26th at 7:00pm!
This is a mandatory requirement in order to try out for the dance team!
In order to get the zoom link, please register by clicking here and the Zoom invite will be emailed to your parent or guardian.
As a part of the first ever line of the dance team you will get to work closely to establish traditions and build a legacy that will impact many young Randle High School dancers to come!
What an amazing opportunity to be a part of the START of something big!
Don’t miss out!
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Questions??? Please email Ms. O’Haver at tashane.ohaver@lcisd.org
It's College Wear Wednesday!
Dual Credit course approval forms are due by May 3rd!
This process takes at least 72 hours to complete, so if you signed up for dual classes in 2021-22 please start this process now.
Please refer to the counselor’s canvas page for instructions. You will also use the assignment on the canvas page turn in your form (emailed forms will not be accepted).
Link to the Canvas page: https://lcisd.instructure.com/courses/88688
Even if you still need to take the TSI, you must complete your forms by May 3rd. Your registration will be pending scores until we get the scores we need.
Students failing to turn in forms by May 3rd will be dropped from dual credit classes.
Marci Macha, M.Ed., CSC
George Ranch High School
Counselor (Dual Credit)
Dress Code - YES, it still matters!
As it is getting warmer outside and I am seeing more shorts, skirts, and crop tops. I feel I am VERY generous, so please adhere to the few rules that I have. (I have included the visual again, just in case you needed a reminder). You may not like the rules, but they are still rules I appreciate you respecting them, as they are non-negotiable. Thanks for your support!
- T-shirts cannot cover your shorts, or that means your shorts are too short.
- Shorts and skirts should be at least 3-4 inches from your inseam (remember you are going up and down stairs)
- There should be NO mid drift skin showing between the BOTTOM of your shirt and TOP of your pant/short. Example: If you lift your arm to wave to someone and any skin shows, it's too short because the second you sit down at a desk it will be showing skin when you lean over to write.
20-21 YEARBOOKS ARE NOW SOLD OUT! Sorry, NO extras were ordered, due to cost and being advertised since October 2020.
SENIORS! Please check your school email a couple of times PER WEEK, important senior info and dates are being pushed out weekly (and sometimes daily). You don't want to miss out on the final stretch of fun!
SENIOR PROM - Friday, May 14th - 8-PM-10PM at George Ranch Historical Park. (Link closes May 7th.) Check email for PROM Ticket Link and Important Senior Dates!
Class of 20-21 Panoramic Pic - Check Your Email for Ordering Link!
Class of 2021 GRHS Graduation - Save the Date!
GRHS GRADUATION - Saturday, May 22, 2021 @ 8:00 pm
*Rain Make Up May 23, 2021 @ 9:30 am
Ticket distribution plan and more details coming in early May! You must have completed all coursework and have been cleared of any items that were checked out to you to pick them up. Must show photo id that matches Skyward to pick these up.
CAP AND GOWNS were picked up on April 15th if your placed your order through Balfour. If you ordered on-line, but you MISSED this pick up date, please stop by the GRHS front office Monday-Wednesday of this week between 8:30-11:30 to pick up.
If you STILL need to order you must do that online, and it will be shipped to your house. Keep in mind that You must have CURRENT CAP AND GOWN SET (as BALFOUR rotates fabrics every couple of years and last year 2020 was a new fabric)
Please use this link below to order!
Counselor & College Career CANVAS Resource Page! Click link below! The place for all things - including scholarship opportunities!
GRHS Virtual Learning Plan (PDF) Click below!
Canvas Support and Tech Support!
Parents needing support with CANVAS, please click the link below:
For parents needing support with TECHNOLOGY, please click the link below:
2020-2021 Bell Schedule
2020-2021 Instructional Calendar
2021-2022 Instructional Calendar!
Have a New Driver? Need a VOE? We have you covered, even remotely!
If you are needing a VOE, we are able to help you remotely by clicking this button above! Please allow 24 hour (business day) turn around on all requests.
Please allow 24 hour (business day) turn around on all requests.
Early Pick Up & Early Dismissal for Registered Drivers!
If you need to pick up your student early from school for any reason, please follow these procedures prior to 3:20 pm
- Students are not released after 3:20pm
- Call (832) 223-4234 to request your student and WAIT IN YOUR CAR
- You will be asked to provide student identification information
- Your student will be called out of class to the SSW (student service window) to sign out & go straight to your car
If your student is a registered GRHS driver and needs to leave school for any reason, please follow these procedures:
- Email Ms. Duran at iduran@lcisd.org TWO hours in advance of the time you need to leave
- Your student may pick up their pass from the SSW (student service window) and sign out prior to leaving
GRHS Admin Team Support
Our Admin Team is ready and willing to help! We are available (via email) during regular school business hours (8:00am-4:00pm) and will be promptly getting back with you for assistance within 24 business hours.
Please feel free to reach out to your child's Assistant Principal (alpha split by last name) for student specific concerns or assistance.
Heather Patterson - Principal hpatterson@lcisd.org
Brian Forshee - Associate Principal bforshee@lcisd.orgChris Cuellar - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split A-Dan) ccuellar@lcisd.org
Carrie Yanta -Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Dao-Hou) cyanta@lcisd.org
Jessie Eilenstine Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Hov-Mom) jessie.eilenstine@lcisd.org
Judy Momanyi - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Mon-Sac) judith.momanyi@lcisd.org
Quantas Floyd Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Sad-Z) qfloyd@lcisd.org
Nicholas Cavallo - GRHS Campus Athletic Coordinator ncavallo@lcisd.org
Counselors, College Career Facilitator, and Registrar Squad!
Our GRHS Counselors, College Career Facilitator, and Registrar are available during regular school business hours (8:00am-4:00pm). The best way to contact them is via email and they will be getting back with you for assistance within 24 business hours. From schedule questions, college questions, transcript requests, to any student concern our GRHS team is here to assist you and your child. Feel free to email them with any questions or concerns. (Alpha Split by Student LAST Name for Counselors)
Jamie Rufo (alpha split A-Dan) jrufo@lcisd.org
Stacey Richards (alpha split Dao-Hou)stacey.richards@lcisd.org
Abraham Vil (alpha split Hov-Mom) abraham.vil@lcisd.org
Marci Macha Dual Credit & (alpha split Mon-Sac) mamacha@lcisd.org
Ashley Hunt (alpha split Sad-Z) ashley.hunt@lcisd.org
Carin Reeves 504/AP creeves@lcisd.org
Lauren Ford - College Career Facilitator (CCF)- lauren.ford@lcisd.org
Jean Abboud -George Ranch Registrar - jabboud@lcisd.org
Congratulations to both of our Longhorns Bands that swept at UIL Concert and Sight reading! Kudos to Jordan, Piazza, Phillips and their students! Trophy @WeAreGRHS
Both Bands Received Sweepstakes with ALL 1's!
Who wants Chipotle? Tuesday, April 27th come out and support the GRHS Band. Just mention you are with the band and 20% will be donated back!
GRHS Band 2021 Virtual Auction & Raffle 4/24 through 4/30 Over 25 items ranging in values from $25 to over $250. (including parking spots for next year) If you own or know a business that would donate an item for this event, please contact Jenny DeLeon at treasurer@grhsband.org
Enchanted Gardens $20 gift cards. Great gift idea for Mother's Day, Teacher Appreciation, End of School, or just replacing plants that died in the frost.
Follow Us on Twitter! @WeAreGRHS
Please find the latest Coaches Sports Updates (all info is submitted and provided by individual coaches each week)
Congratulations to our JV and Freshmen Longhorns on a great day of district tennis play. We saw exciting things and big wins out on the courts today that have us looking forward to the future of our program! The Longhorn freshmen girls represented GR well today at their district tennis tournament and brought home the overall Team Champion win. Congrats to Julia, Lauryn, Faith, and Nadia! We are proud of y’all and can’t wait to see what big things these girls continue to do for our program!
GRHS vs. Ridgepoint
The Longhorns JV Baseball team lost to the Ridge Point Panthers 8-2 Monday Night. Ashton Guevara led the team both offensively and defensively while Chase Adams added a Sac Fly to put one of the Longhorns runs on the board.
Cole Murphy pitched 5 innings and allowed only 1 run and Reese Beheler had 3 RBIs and drove in Kyle Ford for the winning run as the Longhorns beat Ridge Point 3-2. Beau Beaty picked up the win in 2 innings of relief work. Judson Mixon also had two singles and Jacob Hodges made a stellar play in the hole in the 2nd inning.
GRHS vs Lamar
The George Ranch 9th grade baseball team defeated Lamar High School 17-2 Friday evening. Defensively, Joe Hernandez pitched 3 strong innings. Offensively, the Longhorns were led by Noah Vinton and Trevion Aikens with a combined 6 hits and 5 run batted in and. Trevion Aikens hit his 3rd homerun of the year.
GRHS vs Bush
Ben Lea had a double, triple and 4 RBIs, and Dalton Kobza hit a three-run home run. Diego Vinton threw 5 solid innings with 7 strikeouts and Johnathon Canter and Alejandro Garcia came in to slam the door shut as George Ranch Varsity beat Bush 10-2. The Longhorns are in action again at home on Tuesday night against Clements.
The JV Longhorns took on Bush HS Friday Night and came away with an 11-1 victory. The offense was led by Caleb Bratcher, Tyler Dean, & Russel Franklin as the offense stayed on the attack all night. On the mound Grant Frizzell, Connor Tallas, & Javier Puig worked to keep the Bush bats at bay, only allowing 1 run on the night.
Outstanding job to Sophomore Skylar Herrera who placed 2nd in girls' shot put! Way to compete at your first UIL regional competition!
Girls Track!
Varsity Area The Girls Varsity Track team traveled to Katy Paetow High School to compete in the 6A district 19/20 Area meet. The competition was stacked and the lady longhorns had a tough night ahead of them. But the Ladies stormed the track and took home plenty of impressive hardware, School Records, and regional qualifiers. The Ladies finished 2nd as a team, and the team is advancing to regionals in 11 different events, with 9 different athletes. Way to go girls! The School is super proud of you all!
Girls Results – 2nd place overall team 3200: Madison Haldiman 4th place and regional Qualifier (New School Record), Lexi Harkrider 5th Place 4X100 – 3rd place and a Regional Qualifier • Relay members: Gabriella Ayiteyfio, Alexis Tilford-Rutherford, Journie Franklin, Samantha Smith 800: Ava Curtis 6th Place 100: Gabriella Ayiteyfio 3rd Place and a Regional Qualifier. 4x200 – 3rd Place and a Regional Qualifier • Relay Members: Alexis Tilford-Rutherford, Journie Franklin, Gabriella Ayiteyfio, Shanaje’ Cummings 400: Kalen Goodman 7th Place, Madi Gentles 6th Place 300 meter hurdles: Britton Bielitz 6th Place 200: Journie Franklin 5th Place 1600: Lexi Harkrider 6th Place (New School Record), Madison Haldiman 8th Place 4x400 – 5th Place • Relay members: Madi Gentles, Kalen Goodman, Ava Curtis, Shanaje Cummings Long jump: Alexis Tilford-Rutherford 1st Place and a Regional Qualifier, Genesis Griffin 2nd Place and a Regional Qualifier Triple Jump: Alexis Tilford-Rutherford 1st Place and a Regional Qualifier, Genesis Griffin 2nd Place and a Regional Qualifier, Kalen Goodman 6th Place. High Jump: Gabriella Ayiteyfio 1st Place and a Regional Qualifier Pole Vault: Taylor Reeves 2nd Place and a Regional Qualifier, Olivia Raymond 6th Place Skylar Herrera Competed at the Para Regional event in San Antonio this weekend. Skylar placed 2nd in her category in the Shot Put, 400 meters, and 200 meters, and she placed 3rd in the 100 meters.
The Girls Varsity track had a strong group of ladies qualify for the Region 3 – 6A track meet this past weekend. The ladies raced hard, and really let all of region 3 know what George ranch is all about. Sophomore Madison Haldiman started the weekend off with a 7th place finish in the 3200 meters. Senior, Gabriella Ayiteyfio finished 5th fasted girl in the region in the 100 meter dash and 10th in the region for high jump. Freshman Journie Franklin finished 13th in the region in the 200 meter dash. Sophomore Genesis Griffin finished 7th in the region in triple jump, and 8th in the region in long jump. The girls 4x100 meter relay, with members: Genesis Griffin, Alexis Tilford-rutherford, Gabriella Ayiteyfio, and Journie Franklin, placed 6th in the region. Great job ladies! The girls 4X200 meter relay, consisting of 3 freshman and 1 senior: Samantha Smith, Kalen Goodman, Journie Franklin, and Gabriella Ayiteyfio, placed 11th in the region. And the 3 main highlights of the night. Junior Taylor Reeves placed 2nd in the pole vault, earning her a trip to the state meet! And Senior Alexis Tilford-Rutherford placed 2nd in the triple jump, and 1st in the long jump, securing her spot to compete in both events at the UIL state track and field meet, and Skylar Herrerra who placed 2nd in all three of her events: the shot put, 100, and 400 meters. Skylar had a personal best time in both her 100 meters and her 400 meters, and she will be competing in Austin at the UIL state track and field meet. Amazing work Ladies! This team is strong, and the whole state needs to be on look out when we show up. All of the coaches are incredibly proud of all of your hard work and accomplishments this season, you are all an amazing group of girls! Stay tuned for more as the UIL State track and field meet is May 7th and 8th at the University of Texas at Austin.