Slate Ridge Weekly Newsletter
November 8, 2024
Dr. Parlar, Principal
Dear Slate Ridge Families,
We had a fantastic Trunk or Treat event this week—thank you to all who joined us! We also celebrated our second RISE assembly, recognizing our students' successes and commitment to our values.
Next Thursday, November 7th, our 5th graders are heading to COSI for an exciting field trip. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s teacher.
Please remember that there is no school for students on November 5th, Tuesday.
Thank you for your continued support!
Dr. Parlar
Important Dates
November 11: Veterans Day
November 27-29: No School-Thanksgiving Break
December 10: Award Ceremony (Students Only)
December 16-19: Spirit Week
December 20: No School-Teachers PD Day
December 23-January 3-Winter Break
January 6: No School-Teachers PD Day
January 20: No School-Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Field Trips
Kindergarten: Slate Run Living Historical Farm, April 11, 2025
1st Grade: Franklin Park Conservatory, late April
2nd Grade: Franklin Park Conservatory, May 16, 2025
3rd Grade: Reynoldsburg Historical Museum Tour, May 7, 2024
4th Grade: Kelton House, February 27, 2025
This weeks' Positive Office Referral Winners!
Our Positive Office Referral winners have earned their prizes and recognition by exemplifying the RISE expectations—showing responsibility, integrity, self-control, and engagement.
Parents Right to Know!
1. Whether the teacher has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;
2. Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived; and
3. Whether the teacher is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher;
4. Whether your child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
In addition, parents of participating children will be provided:
1. Information on the level of achievement of their child(ren) on the required State academic assessments; and
2. Timely notice that the parent's child has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who does not meet applicable State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned. Currently all elementary schools in Reynoldsburg City Schools have schoolwide Title I programs.
You may ask for this information by emailing the Reynoldsburg City Schools Director of Compliance at brittany.griffin@reyn.org
Home-School Compact for Student Learning
Arrival Time to Slate Ridge!
AM Arrival 9:10-9:20am - Enter from Taylor Rd., pull through the car rider loop, and drop students along the sidewalk in the pickup/drop zone. Exit through the neighborhood. Students will enter the building through the back gym entrance. Students arriving after 9:20am will be marked tardy and must be signed in by a parent/guardian at the front office.
Our Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support (PBIS) program is central to fostering a positive and safe environment for our students. We emphasize consistent language between staff and families to support student growth. This November, our focus is on citizenship, with students practicing what it means to be responsible, respectful members of our community. They will develop this trait with the support of their peers, teachers, our School Counselor, and Social Worker. If you have any questions or want to learn more, please reach out to your student's teacher.
PTO Corner
The Salvation Army Christmas Cheer Toy & Food Program
Serving Franklin County Families
May we serve you? Applications for Christmas TOYS for children 14 years of age and under
and a hearty Christmas FOOD BOX will be taken: