EVE Weekly Director's Highlights
January 17, 2025
Weekly Highlights from Ms. Manning
Wow! It seems like we have been struggling to get a full week of school since before winter break. One more short week next week and then we will be rocking and rolling for a little while before there are some more student days out. Students came in this week ready to work and we are excited about that.
I am excited to highlight some amazing things that happened this week. First our very own Dyson Peoples was honored and presented with the 2025 Susie G. Everett Youth Community Service Award from the Martin Luther King Jr. Commission. We are extremely proud of Dyson and the amazing things that he is doing for our community. Keep up the great work!
Thursday, students attended a presentation of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in honor of his birthday and legacy. Our own, Mr. Robinson, did a fabulous job in getting this event together. Students learned about Dr. King and his legacy of service. Here are some photos from the presentation.
EVE was also the host to the MLK Commission Chest Tournament on Thursday afternoon. Students of various grade levels competed. Congratulations to our winners!
🥓🥣 Monthly Breakfast & Lunch Menus🍕🍟
❗ Important Information ❗
Early Action Open Enrollment
Early Action Open Enrollment begins TODAY! If your child will be starting kindergarten in 2025, now is the time to apply! Submit your application HERE. We would LOVE to have your child join our eStem family for the upcoming school year, so apply today!
We understand that where your child attends school is a big decision, and we appreciate your support of eStem. As current eStem families, we believe that YOU are the best advocates for our schools, and we would love for you to share your experiences with friends and families that may be interested in sending their children to eStem too! We find that word of mouth is the BEST way to share the amazing things we’ve got going on in all of our schools.
Please share our website with anyone who may be interested in seeing the eStem difference for themselves! We have several opportunities for you to visit our schools, ask any and all of your questions, and experience the eStem difference for yourself!
Check out our website for important enrollment information, campus tour dates, and more admissions information!
Experience the eStem Difference!
School Swag
From the Health Room
eTeam Information
✨Community Events✨
🔅🔅General School Information🔅🔅
Attendance and Absences
Students should attend school unless illness or an extenuating circumstance justifies an absence. Students are required to maintain prompt and regular attendance in accordance with school policy. Parents have the responsibility to monitor attendance and to familiarize themselves with policies pertaining to the educational program of the school. Parents can monitor student attendance through the Home Access Center (HAC).
If a student is unable to attend school, the parent/guardian must notify the school by email at the school attendance email by 7:45AM on the day of the absence. Email is the preferred method of notification. Do not email the Director, Teacher or other staff members. To ensure documentation is recorded correctly use the attendance email address listed above. Documentation needs to be emailed or turned into the office within 5 days of the student returning to school. Email: evelemattendance@estemschools.org
When a student has or exceeds 10 unexcused absences in a semester (can be a full days or combination of morning and afternoon absences) in a semester the District shall notify the prosecuting authority. The parent/guardian/person in loco parentis shall be subject to a civil penalty as prescribed by law.
Student Check-out
Check-outs should be reserved for medical appointments or emergencies only. When students are checked out early, they are missing important instruction.
A student may be checked out of school in the case of an emergency or for a medical appointment. Please provide documentation to the office for appointment.
The student will be released from class when the parent/guardian arrives at the student’s school office.
No check-outs after 2:00 p.m.
Early check-out may not be used to avoid the carpool line.
Early check-outs will be monitored and excessive use may result in parent conference with Administration.
Early check-out also causes your student to miss very important instruction at the end of the day and can be counted towards tardies and absences.
Email, Address, or Phone Number Changes
If you have an address, email, or phone number change, please email those changes to our registrar, Mrs. Ginny Parker, at Ginny.Parker@estemschools.org. This helps us make sure our records are up to date and so we can provide you with pertinent information.
Social Media
Please follow us on Instagram @eastvillagek6 and BAND https://band.us/n/a3afA1dfZeP8w where we share important information, upcoming events, stream our various student celebrations, and so much more. There is also a link in our bio that you can click on to access our school website, pay for cash for casual, myschoolbucks, and meal fees. You can also tag us in your posts and stories so that we can share them with our EVEK6 community!
Dress Code and Cash for Casual
eStem East Village Elementary is a uniform school. It is expected that all students wear the prescribed uniform each school day. (Exception of paying $1 to dress out of dress code for cash for casual on Fridays only). Any student who is not in uniform is subject to the provisions of the “Dress Code” section of the eStem Dress Code Violation Policy in the student handbook. The dress code will be strictly enforced, and the Director of School has final authority on all matters relating to the other dress code. Repeated violations of the dress code will result in detention, loss of privileges, or suspension. If a student misses class due to a dress code violation, the student will be responsible for making up any missed work.