CSD Weekly, February 6, 2025
February 6, 2025

In This Issue
- School Newsletters: Keep Up with Your School News!
- District News: 2025-27 Academic Calendar Approved, Decatur Meets with Sponsor of Bill to Ban Speed Zone Cameras, Pre-K Registration Closing Soon
- Around Our Schools: All We Do is Win, Win, Win! Academics, Sports, and Arts
- Community News: DEF's Tour deCatur Registration and K-2 iRun Program Open
School Newsletters
Find out what's happening in CSD schools by clicking on your school's newsletter name.
District News
CSD Holds HB 581 Homestead Exemption Opt Out Public Hearings in January
CSD held five hearings about the district's plans to exercise the one-time option for local governments to opt out of Georgia House Bill 581, which establishes a statewide floating homestead exemption and cap on property taxes. Following the hearings, The Board of Education will vote to adopt an opt-out resolution at the February BOE meeting and file the resolution with the Secretary of State by March 1, 2025.
Recordings of HB 581 Hearings
- Tuesday, January 14, 10 a.m. hearing recording. Passcode: w#0.pH*u
- Tuesday, January 14, 6:45 p.m. hearing recording. Recording includes BOE meeting and hearing. Hearing begins at 4:21:55. Passcode: +fCV1bH%
- Tuesday, January 21, 6:45 p.m. hearing recording. Passcode: WyJ5=C!z
- Thursday, January 30, 10 a.m. hearing recording. Passcode: 98h#xkXH
- Thursday, January 30, 6:45 p.m. hearing recording. Passcode: E^q0kWVu
Sponsor of Bill Banning Speed Zone Cameras Visits Decatur
On February 4, during the afternoon dismissal at Decatur High School and Beacon Hill Middle School, State Representative Dale Washburn (R-Macon) was in Decatur, convening with City of Decatur staff, police officers, crossing guards, commissioners, CSD board chairs, Dr. Whitaker, parents, and community members to discuss Rep. Washburn's proposed legislation aimed at banning automated school zone speed cameras in Georgia. This gathering underscored that children in Decatur walk to and from school daily and the cameras' critical role in ensuring safety.
Pre-K Registration Closes February 28
College Heights Early Childhood Learning Center 2025-2026 Pre-K Registration is now open through February 28, 2025. Children must be four years of age by September 1, 2025 to be eligible. Registration is open to all CSD residents. Register here or contact College Heights at (404) 370-4480 for assistance.
2026-2027 Academic Calendar Approved
CSD's Board of Education unanimously approved the 2026-2027 Academic Calendar. The calendar presentation with the stakeholder feedback summary can be found in Simbli's board meeting agenda.
This Week's Highlight
DHS Cyber Defense Team Places First and Second in Georgia in Air Force Academy Cyber Patriot Competition
The newly formed DHS Cyber Defense Team participated in the Air Force Academy Cyber Patriot competition in January, placing first and second in Georgia for their tier. The team also placed an impressive sixth and 23rd in the nation out of nearly 5,000 teams around the country and abroad! Gerald Winkler (pictured), a junior at DHS, founded the group and acts as its captain. Thank you to the group's advisor, Deirdre Pierce.
Around Our Schools
Watch BHMS Chorus Perform at Hawks Game, 2/28!
The BHMS Chorus will perform the national anthem on the main court of State Farm Arena before the Atlanta Hawks game against Oklahoma City Thunder on Friday, February 28! Gates open at 6:30 p.m., and attendees should arrive early to see the BHMS chorus perform at 7:30 p.m.
The CSD community may purchase a special ticket package here. A portion of each ticket purchased through this offer will benefit City Schools of Decatur. Ticket prices are subject to increase and tickets may sell out, so grab yours now!
DHS German Club Wins First- and Second-Place Awards at State Convention
Congratulations to the Decatur High School German Club, which competed at the 2025 Georgia State German Convention against schools from all over the state on January 17-18 and won first place in the Quiz Bowl group competition! The team members also earned an incredible 12 first- and second-place awards in events such as vocabulary bees, written tests, and trivia tests. Congratulations to the German Club and thank to the German teachers Timothy Snider and Michael Floyd for their support!
DHS Winter Guard Teams Win At Whitwewater Contest
Congratulations to the Varsity and JV Winter Guard teams who competed this weekend at the Whitewater Contest! The Varsity team placed first in the Scholastic National A class, and the JV team placed first in the Scholastic Regional A class! Great job to the winter guard teams and their coach, Lisa Stevenson.
BHMS Academic Bowldogs Finish Third in State
Congratulations to the BHMS Academic Bowldogs team and their coach, Micah Lewin, for their third-place finish at the PAGE Academic Bowl state championship this past weekend! This team is only two years old and was started by current eighth grader Asher Lewin when he applied for a DEF grant for a set of practice buzzers. A special thank you to the Academic Bowldogs' sponsor, BHMS teacher Liz Williams!
Student team members
Jack Barbian, Sam Charen, Nate Clement, Ben Corcoran, Sebastian Katz, Katrina Kolesnikova, Asher Lewin, Crystal Liang, Grant Mann, Avinash Rathod, Jonah Sherman-Cearly, Odin Smith, Bella Zhang
Swimming and Wrestling Teams Win Big at DeKalb County Championship Meet
The DHS girls and boys swim and dive teams competed in the DeKalb County Championship Meet. The girls' team came in second, the boys' team in fifth, and DHS had four individual race winners! Kudos to these Bulldog teams and their coach, Molly Randall!
Additionally, we are celebrating the DHS boys varsity wrestling team and their coach, Nicco Salvador, for finishing second in the DeKalb County Championships with two individual weight-class winners. The boys' and girls' wrestling teams will compete in the state championships this weekend.
Glennwood Hosts Manga African Dance Ensemble
On Friday, January 31, a West African dance and drumming ensemble called Manga African Dance visited Glennwood. The performance was funded by the Decatur Education Foundations Battle of the Bands grant that The Flock, the Glennwood parent band, and the Glennwood school community won back in September. Students and staff learned dance moves and kicked off Glennwood's Black History Month celebration.
BHMS Performs "The Lion King JR."
The much-anticipated performance of the "The Lion King JR." musical at Beacon Hill Middle School was a vibrant celebration of talent, creativity, and teamwork thanks to the student crew, volunteers and director Whitley Fowler. Parents and community members who supported the production were treated to stunning costumes, impressive choreography, and powerful performances. We look forward to more amazing theater events in the future!
Photos courtesy of Decatur Performs.
Alicia Reno Recognized as Don Cargill STEM Scholar
City of Decatur's State Representative Mary Margaret Oliver and Dr. Whitaker were present for Talley STEM Teacher Alicia Reno's recognition as a 2025 Don Cargill STEM Scholar at the Georgia State Capitol on February 3. Presented by the Georgia Youth Science & Technology Centers (GYSTC), the Don Cargill STEM Scholar Award (formally known as the Georgia STEM Scholar Award) recognizes teachers who demonstrate a passion and determination to provide students with innovative and challenging STEM experiences in the classroom. Don Cargill STEM Scholars create an atmosphere of exploration that excites, energizes, and equips their students to pursue enhanced educational opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
CSD Holds Drills for Georgia Severe Weather Preparedness Week
This week is Georgia Severe Weather Preparedness Week, February 3-7. The Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency, in partnership with the National Weather Service, encourages Georgians to learn and understand severe weather threats and prepare for various weather events. Learn more at gema.georgia.gov/plan-prepare/ready-georgia.
On Wednesday, February 5, all City Schools of Decatur schools and facilities hosted a shelter-in-place drill as part of this year's annual Georgia Severe Weather Preparedness Week initiative. Districts conduct drills to practice implementing emergency operation plans and notification systems.
Families are encouraged to discuss with their students the significance of safety drills in our collective effort to foster safe and secure learning environments. Should you have any questions or concerns, school administrators and counselors are available to support students as needed.
Public Feedback Needed
Reminder: Your Input on CSD's SEL Framework is Appreciated by February 7
This school year, CSD is developing a Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) framework that fully aligns with the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) framework. The implementation will begin in grades 6-12, as data shows these students have the most pressing SEL needs. The SEL framework for elementary schools will be introduced at a later date.
Information regarding the SEL framework was presented during the Board of Education meeting in September 2024. CSD has created a comprehensive needs assessment, finalized the CSD 6-12 SEL standards, and selected a dedicated SEL curriculum. The next steps involve drafting CSD's SEL vision and long-term objectives, establishing K-5 SEL standards, and providing SEL professional learning for middle and high school leaders and staff.
CSD appreciates all who have offered their insights and feedback. We invite families to engage in this vital work. Please complete this input and feedback form regarding the proposed CSD SEL vision and long-term goals by Friday, February 7, 2025.
Annual School Climate Survey Open through March
Your voice is is valued and vital! Please take CSD's climate survey for your K-12 school through March 31, 2025.
Clairemont Family Climate Survey
Glennwood Family Climate Survey
Oakhurst Family Climate Survey
Westchester Family Climate Survey
Winnona Park Family Climate Survey
Talley Street Family Climate Survey
Resources and Opportunities
BASC-3 BESS Virtual Info Meetings
Families interested in learning more about the Spring Administration of the BASC-3 BESS may join one of CSD's virtual info meetings. Those wishing to opt out their student may contact your child’s school for the opt-out form.
Meeting Schedule:
- Tuesday, February 11, 9:30 a.m., access virtual meeting here
- Friday, February 14, 2:30 p.m., access virtual meeting here
Standard Response Protocols Documents Available for Schools and Families
CSD has shared new Standard Response Protocols (SRP) posters and documents with schools to educate students, families and staff about best practices for responding to a crisis. Schools will display posters in highly visible areas, handouts will be sent home for families, and students will receive small reference cards to keep with them. English and Spanish versions are available for these documents.
What is SRP?
Developed in collaboration with law enforcement and the I Love U Guys Foundation, SRP is a set of terms and actions that students, CSD staff and first responders can incorporate into a school safety plan to train school communities to respond more effectively to emergencies
SRP Terms and Actions:
Lockdown: Secures a room and keeps people quiet and in place
Evacuate: Moves people from one location to another
Shelter: States the hazard and safety strategy
Hold: Students stay in their classroom or area until the "All Clear" is announced
Secure: Students get inside and lock outside doors
District Dates & Observances
- Black History Month, February 1-28
Career and Technical Education Month, February 1-28
CSD Pre-K Registration, February 1-28
Dr. Whitaker's Listening Session, February 10, 11:30 a.m., join here
School Counselor Week, February 3-7
Georgia Severe Weather Preparedness Week, February 3-7
- National Future Business Leaders of America Week, February 9-15
National Family, Career, Community Leaders of American Week, February 10-14
Board of Education Meeting, February 11
National Future Farmers of America Week, February 15-22
- Winter Break, February 17-21
Public Schools Week, February 24-28
Early Release Day, February 26
DHS Graduation Day, May 16
Community Partner News
Decatur Education Foundation
Tour deCatur Registration is Open!
Get ready, get set, get registered for Decatur Education Foundation's 23rd annual Tour deCatur! Sign up at www.tourdecatur.com!
The fun happens on Saturday, March 15, at the Decatur High School stadium. This year, in addition to the 5k (a Peachtree qualifier), the 1-Mile Fun Run, and the adorable Tot Trot (for our friends ages four and under), DEF is offering a "None-Run" for anyone who wants to support Decatur kids without breaking a sweat! This is DEF's largest fundraiser and supports programs and initiatives that remove obstacles, provide opportunities, support educators, and strengthen the Decatur community!
To prepare for the race, all K-2 elementary schools in the district are participating in the iRun program, which teaches students the fundamentals of fitness skills that make running, jogging, and walking enjoyable and safe and prepares them to run the one-mile fun run in March. For more information about DEF's initiatives and how you can get involved, please visit www.decatureducationfoundation.org.
DEF Offers Community-Wide Suicide Prevention Event
Through Joe's Fund (DEF's behavioral health fund), we offer "Let's Talk About Suicide: Prevention Takes a Community" on Monday, February 24, from 6-7:30 p.m. This adult-only event will be held at the Decatur High School Media Center (the entrance is near the bus loop on Commerce Drive). Speakers will include Erin Harlow-Parker and Dr. Kimberly Jones. Attendees do not have to be parents of CSD students. This event is open to the entire Decatur community. Please RSVP on our website.
Decatur Prevention Initiative
The Decatur Prevention Initiative (DPI) seeks the community's help in learning more about community perceptions and concerns regarding underage drinking and substance misuse among Decatur's youth. Please take this anonymous survey to help DPI plan, implement, evaluate and sustain programming.
Call for Auction Donations
Plans are underway for another amazing event to raise money for Decatur Athletics – The Bulldog Bash! Save the date for this year's event on Saturday, March 22, at Independent Distilling Company. The event will feature a live online auction that includes everything from artwork and experiences to trips, restaurant gift cards, sporting event tickets, self-care, and more.
Do you have a connection, talent, vacation home or something unique that can help us raise money for our student-athletes? If so, please fill out this form! More information to come!
City of Decatur
City of Decatur Parks and Recreation Upcoming Youth Events
Looking for a winter break camp? Find youth programs to entertain kids of all ages, from sports to theater to parents' nights out. Learn more about upcoming events and programs here, or visit the recreation center webpages:
Visit Parks and Recreation's one-stop-shop website for information about after-school programs, school holiday programs, and summer camps. To stay updated on all things Decatur Parks and Recreation, follow them on Facebook and Instagram or sign up for their monthly newsletter here!
Previous Issues of CSD Weekly
Read recent issues of CSD Weekly below. Older issues of CSD Weekly may be found on CSD's district newsletter webpage.
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Our Vision
We strive to cultivate an educational foundation that empowers students to realize their full potential, thrive as productive global citizens, ignite positive change, and create a more just and equitable world.
Our Mission
In partnership with our community, our mission is to inspire and enable student growth through meaningful and engaging learning experiences supported by highly qualified and caring educators in a safe and inviting environment.