Pick Elementary School News
February 2, 2025
Thank you for joining us last Tuesday to Read S'more Books!
With over 300 in attendance, Read S'more Books was a great success! We appreciate your flexibility and understanding as some rooms filled up more quickly than anticipated. Your TEAMWORK made this evening possible! Thank you to all of our volunteers and snack contributors. Our Title 1 Family Involvement Funds provided the books to take home. If you are interested in additional family resources, please don't hesitate to contact our Title I Teacher, Tracie Hiller at tkhiller@auburnschools.org
We are grateful so many of you were able to join us to enjoy reading together! We look forward to our STEM and Multicultural Family Involvement Nights this month, and we hope to see you there! The following spirit points were earned for being in attendance as well. Spirit Points may also be earned for attending Family Stem Night on February 13th!
PTO News and Events
This week's PTO Spirit Night date has changed to Thursday, February 6th!
Wednesday, February 5th is World Read Aloud Day!
PES students will be celebrating World Read Aloud Day with a special author visit!
Each grade level looks forward to a special assembly in the Media Center on World Read Aloud Day with author, Allan Wolf!
Reading aloud is one of the greatest ways to support student learning at home.
Enjoy these read aloud resources by clicking the links below.
Upcoming Family Involvement Events: Please join us!
THANK YOU for your ongoing involvement and support!
Pick Elementary School
Email: dtreetz@auburnschools.org
Website: https://www.auburnschools.org/pes
Location: 1320 North College Street, Auburn, AL, USA
Phone: 334-887-2110