SGA August Bulletin
Sixth Grade Academy monthly newsletter
First Day of School Fun
SGA students race to see who can mummify a teacher with toilet paper the fastest while the student body cheer them on in the gym during first day of school activities.
Early Release Days
Our form of school-to-home communication at Lovington Schools called ParentSquare. This communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with our schools.
All district and school, grade level and classroom information will now be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text. For even more convenience, download the ParentSquare app (available for free for iOS and Android devices) or you can access the website by clicking the link on the parents and guardians tab at www.lovingtonschools.net.
ParentVUE isn't just for student registration. It's a great tool to check grades, assignments, attendance, calendars, and more!
- Send and receive absentee notifications
- Check grades and assignments
- Register new students
Additional Features
- Available in English and Spanish
- Manage the information for all students in your household using one ParentVUE account
- Update your student information at any time (address, phone number, email address, emergency contacts)
Student IDs
All students are required to wear IDs at all times on the SGA campus. The first ID is free, but additional IDs may be purchased for $5, lanyards for $1 and ID sleeves for $1 in the SGA office. Many parents prefer to purchase an extra ID to remain in their student's locker.
Cell Phone Policy
Dress Code
An important note:
8. Skirts or shorts shall not be higher than 6 inches from the top of the knee (as a student bends his or her knee on a chair). Pants with holes in them higher than the required 6 inch limit shall have leggings underneath. Leggings/tights shall be permitted if the garment over the leggings covers both the front and back of the student's pelvic girdle.
The following is the same as in years past, but a good reminder for students:
14. Pajamas or sleepwear shall not be worn.(No house shoes)
Failure to follow the dress code will cause the student(s) to be assigned disciplinary consequences by an administrator. If students are sent home for dress code violations, unexcused absences will be issued for the school time missed.
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) effectively rewards students for making positive choices within the school day. PBIS is at the core of developing a strong culture that meets the social and emotional learning (SEL) needs of our students. When done with consistency, PBIS encourages children to meet behavioral expectations, while simultaneously creating a warm learning environment and building strong teacher-student relationships.
Rewards are an integral component of establishing the PBIS system in our school and we use LiveSchool to award and track points for attendance and positive behavior. These rewards keep students motivated by reinforcing good behavior, and ultimately incentivizing them to keep making good choices everywhere in the school building!
The LiveSchool points will be used to purchase reward tickets from their homeroom teachers.
Labor Day Holiday Weekend Early Release
Students will be dismissed early from school on Friday, August 30 at 1:45 p.m. in observance of Labor Day on Monday, September 2.
Meet Our Administrative Team
As a staff, we are all committed to helping our students have a successful school year. Here are a few key people on our Administrative Team that students may come into contact with at school.
Steve Barron
Mona Gutierrez
Stacie Marquez
School Liaison
SGA Bell Schedule
LMS 2024-2025 School Calendar
"The mission of the Lovington School District is to inspire every student to think, learn, achieve, and serve."
SGA Information
Secretary - Mona Gutierrez
Email: steverbarron@lovingtonschools.net
Website: www.lovingtonschools.net
Location: 500 West Jefferson Avenue, Lovington, NM, USA
Phone: (575) 739-2330
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LovingtonMunicipalSchools