The Ely Happening
April, 2024
Message From Mr. Easton
Dear Ely Families,
I hope everyone had a restful Spring Break Week. We have officially begun the 4th quarter here at Ely Elementary School. With the start of the 4th quarter we have several exciting things that will be taking place this quarter and over the course of the month of April.
3rd quarter report cards will be sent home via school messenger beginning on Thursday, April 4. In addition, we will be hosting our 3rd Quarter Awards assemblies later this month. Please make sure you are checking Powerschool to stay current on grades and academics. Continue to talk with your child about what they are working on in school and work with them on any areas that they made need help with. If you are unsure of how to help, please reach out to your child's teacher for strategies and activities that will help your child grow.
This month, our 3rd and 4th grade students will be showing what they have learned as they take the Ohio State Tests for ELA/Math. There are several resources for parents and students to refer to for the upcoming testing. Please read further in this newsletter to check out some of those resources.
On Monday, April 8 Northeast Ohio will be able to view a Total Solar Eclipse. Please make sure that you take the appropriate precaution when viewing the Eclipse. If you plan on using your cellphone camera for this event please use caution as well as it may damage your lens. I hope that you and your family are able to enjoy this rare event. We have some information further in this edition of The Ely Happening regarding how to view the Eclipse.
Finally, our Ely Pride Parent Group will be organizing a Donuts With Grown Up Event. Please make sure you sign up if you plan on attending with your child. This event will begin at 8:15 in the cafeteria. Please note that each grade level is a seperate day (if you have multiple students in grade levels, please only come on one day with all of your children that attend Ely). This event will end at 8:45 each morning. At 8:45 all parents and students will be asked to leave the school through the front doors so we can prepare for morning arrival.
Thank you for your continued support. As always if you ever have any questions and or concerns please reach out to us.
Email: eastonbrandon@elyriaschools.org
Principal Easton
Go Pioneers!
Message from American Legion
Parents and visitors are not permitted to be parking at the American Legion West Lot. Parents and visitors are only permitted to use the east parking lot (corner of Gulf and Ohio).
The American Legion will be taking steps to tow cars parked there and filing trespassing charges as appropriate. Visitors should not attempt to bypass the cones restricting access to their property.
Parent Involvement & Resoucres
Pepperoni Roller Fundraiser Pick Up-4/9/24 (3:15-4:30)
Pepperoni Roller Fundraiser Pick Up
Please make arrangements ahead of time to have your orders picked up! Please note, the rollers must be refrigerated, we do not have space to store these so they will spoil if they are not picked up!
Prizes will be passed out when you pick up your order.
Any Questions? Email Elyprideparentgroup@yahoo.com OR text Shelbie 440-522-6684
Tuesday, Apr 9, 2024, 03:15 PM
Ely Elementary School, Gulf Road, Elyria, OH, USA
Coffee & Donuts With The Principal
Coffee & Donuts With The Principal
Thursday, Apr 25, 2024, 09:30 AM
Ely Elementary School, Gulf Road, Elyria, OH, USA
Donuts With Grown Ups
3rd Quarter Awards
Any student who is receiving an award will be coming home with an invitation. Please note that all Awards ceremonies begin promptly at 9:30 at Ely Elementary. Please see the schedule of the Awards below:
- 4.22-3rd Grade
- 4.23-1st Grade
- 4.24-KG
- 4.26-2nd Grade
- 4.29-4th Grade
Ohio State Testing
- 4.16-4th Grade ELA Part 1
- 4.17-3rd Grade ELA Part 1
- 4.18-4th Grade ELA Part 2
- 4.19-3rd Grade ELA Part 2
- 4.30-4th Grade Math Part 1
- 5.1-3rd Grade Math Part 1
- 5.2-4th Grade Math Part 2
- 5.3-3rd Grade Math Part 2
Check out the below link for resources for parents and students prior to testing:
Testing Tips For Parents
- Encourage Your Child
- Remain Positive
- Communicate With Teachers
- Make Sure Your Child Eats Breakfast In The Morning
- Take Practice Tests
- Get Healthy Sleep
- Adopt Positive Thoughts
- Know The Testing Dates
- Make Sure Your Child Is At School On Time
- Use Relaxation Techniques
Nordson Center Visits Ely For Read Across America
PBIS @ Ely
Stay connected with Ely and Elyria City Schools
Ely Class Dojo
Petey Podcast
Text alerts from Elyria City Schools
Have you opted in to receive text messages from Elyria Schools?
If you haven't already, please take a moment to sign up to receive automatic text messages from Elyria Schools.
This is a valuable tool in an emergency or when there's important, time-sensitive information to share.
The service is free and opting in is easy. Parents or guardians simply need to send a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our district's short code number at 67587.
Just as simple, you can opt out at any time by replying to one of our messages with “Stop.”
The text feature and the robocall system are tied directly a student's contact information that is on file with your child's school. Please make sure this information is kept up-to-date to ensure you continue receiving calls or texts from Elyria Schools.
Elyria Belief Statements
- Learners thrive when school is engaging and personally meaningful
- All Pioneers have a voice in decisions that affect them
- Excellence is achieved through vision, commitment and moral leadership
Solar Eclipse Events
Attendance Bracket Challenge @ Ely Elementary
News from the School Nurse!!
Keeping hands clean is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Encourage and practice good hand hygiene with your family. Check out Keeping Hands Clean for more helpful tips on keeping your family and friends healthy.
For questions on school immunizations or to update your child’s medical information, contact the school clinic directly at 440-284-8021.
Great Things Are Taking Place At Ely!!
Ely Pride Winners
Ely Staff Awards
Ely Elementary Kindergarten Ball
Ely Student Council
Ely Tech E Club
Contact Information
Email: eastonbrandon@elyriaschools.org
Website: https://www.elyriaschools.org/ely
Location: 312 Gulf Road, Elyria, OH, USA
Phone: (440)284-8005
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elyelementary
Twitter: @elyschool