RVJHS Newsletter
January 2, 2025
Week at a Glance
Thursday, January 2 (B Day)
Friday, January 3 (C Day)
Monday, January 6 (D Day)
Tuesday, January 7 (A Day)
Wednesday, January 8 (B Day)
Thursday, January 9 (C Day)
Friday, January 10 (D Day)
JHS News!
Unified Physical Education
We are proud to announce that Rondout Valley Central School District has won the Hudson Valley Region's Unified Growth in Program Award!This prestigious recognition celebrates the District's dedication to fostering growth and excellence within our community. The District was honored at an awards dinner last week in Yorktown Heights, NY. A huge congratulations to everyone who has contributed to this achievement. Together we continue to grow and thrive!
Information from Nurse Kelly
Lunch Menu for the Week
After School Activities
After School Tutoring
Mondays with Ms. Dubois in APOD 5 for all subject areas
Wednesdays with Mr. Corigliano in C202 for all subject areas
Thursdays with Ms. Vertucci in A211 for math
Diversity Club
Diversity Club (4th-8th grade) will meet every Thursday in the Library starting October 10th. Permission slips can be picked up from Mrs. Tourtelot in the library or from Mr. O'Shea in room A101.
Environmental Club
Do you care about the environment or enjoy being outdoors in nature? The Environmental Club meets on Mondays in A204. Club advisor is Mr. Garbowski.
Yearbook Club
Yearbook Club will begin in January. Meetings will be held on Wednesdays in the Library with Ms. MacScott. Interested students should sign up with Ms. Lynch in the AP office.
Cooking Club
Session 2 coming soon!
After School activities end at 3:30. Students can be picked up by their parent/guardian or take the 3:35 late bus. Contact Ms. Cusher at x.4606 to find out which late bus your child should ride.
News from the PTSA!
This will likely be our last message for 2024! We wanted to thank you all for the support you have shown our school and our students this year! We appreciate every donation, all the volunteers and the participation in PTSA events.
We have some fun planned for 2025; including the student designed T-shirt contest, the school play, new partnerships for restaurant to the rescue, spring personality pictures, yearbook shout outs, square 1 art and more! Our General meeting on Thursday, January 16th at 6pm in the MS Library will go over all the details. We hope to see you there.
We hope you all enjoy this holiday season, your winter break and have a happy and healthy new year!
As always, thank you for supporting the RVMS PTSA!
Upcoming Dates
- Jan 16- PTSA Meeting @ 6PM
- Jan 20- No School
- Jan 24- Quarter 2 ends
- Jan 29- No School