The Bee's Knees
Barfield Early Childhood February 2023 Newsletter
Message from Mr. G
It is hard to believe that registration for the 23-24 school year begins next week. I am very excited that our morning students will attend Tuesday through Friday, and our afternoon students will attend Monday through Friday. We remain limited on when students are able to attend. All of our three-year-old students will continue to attend the morning session next year and all of our four and five-year-old students will attend our afternoon session. There are two reasons why we do not offer classes for three-year-old students in the afternoon. The primary reason is that we just do not have enough classrooms. We have twenty-one classrooms, and we need every single one for the all of kindergarten-bound students we have. Secondly, many three olds still nap. With a three-hour instructional day, we do not have time for naps!
As I indicated in my email, I believe this is just the first step in a larger plan to provide more preschool options for our families. I have had several meetings with Dr. Tormala, our superintendent, and she is a staunch advocate of early education. I am excited for next year and what lies beyond for early education in the WSD!
Kevin Garcia
Important Dates
Feb. 13 - Re-Enrollment for 2023-2024 Opens
Feb. 13 - Everything Bundt Cakes Pick Up 11:30 - 5:00
Feb. 20 - No School PK-12, Presidents Day
Feb. 21- BEC PTO Fundraiser Chick-fil-A Dine Out @ New Hawk Ridge (Lake St. Louis) &
Wentzville locations 6:30 a.m.-9 p.m.
Feb. 21 - No School PK-12, PD Day
Feb. 27 - Open Enrollment for 2023-2024
March 2 - BEC PTO Meeting 6:00
March 20-24 Spring Break
Barfield Annual Chili Cook Off Returns
Note From the Nurses
Dental Screening
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services has a program in which a dental hygienist will come to Barfield to do a dental screening. They will be here in March for the screening. A consent form will be going home with your child for you to sign if you would like them to participate. Please be aware that this does not replace a regular dental check-up. If you have any questions please email or Immunizations:
If your child is going to be attending Kindergarten next year, please feel free to send us your child's updated immunizations. We will be sending home information in the future to let you know what immunizations, if any, your child needs.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
636-561-5757 ext. 19233
Parents As Teachers
The Nothing Bundt Cakes fundraiser was a huge success! Thank everyone that purchased cakes! You can pick up your orders this Monday, Feb. 13, from 11:30 to 5:00.
The BEC PTO has invited the School Board candidates to speak at the March 2nd PTO meeting. Several of the candidates will be attending after a meeting at the Wentzville Middle School. Please join us to meet the candidates!
Parking Lot Safety
Upcoming BEC PTO Fundraisers
Preparing for Kindergarten
BEC Students Are Too Cute!
One Last Thought
Thank you.
Kevin Garcia
About Us
Location: 2025 Hanley Road, Dardenne Prairie, MO, USA
Phone: 636 561-5757