Empowerment of Self - Research by RKT
Becoming Me Beyond My FEARS...
In my Psychology class at Rochester College the topic of study was Motivational Interviewing, This research is from that matrix and is called Self-Efficacy...
I invite you to delve into these amazing resources I have come across that will challenge and give concrete steps to becoming the YOU WERE MEANT TO BE...
I invite a discussion with yourself and help you on your journey to SELF-EFFICACY.
Personal Mastery Experiences... How have I been successful and how have I failed?
Do I have the power in myself to reinforce my belief that I can't - to I can, only then will I change my Modus Operandi.
What are your thoughts?
Richard Kerry Thompson
When facing a challenge, do you feel like you can rise up and accomplish your goal or do you give up in defeat? Are you like the famous little train engine from the classic children's book ("I think I can, I think I can!), or do you doubt your own abilities to rise up and overcome the difficulties that life throws your way? Self-efficacy, or your belief in your own abilities to deal with various situations, can play a role in not only how you feel about yourself, but whether or not you successfully achieve your goals in life.
The concept of self-efficacy is central to psychologist Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory, which emphasizes the role of observational learning, social experience, and reciprocal determinism in developing a personality.
According to Bandura, a person’s attitudes, abilities, and cognitive skills comprise what is known as the self-system. This system plays a major role in how we perceive situations and how we behave in response to different situations. Self-efficacy is an essential part of this self-system.
According to Albert Bandura, self-efficacy is "the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations." In other words, self-efficacy is a person’s belief in his or her ability to succeed in a particular situation. Bandura described these beliefs as determinants of how people think, behave, and feel.
Since Bandura published his seminal 1977 paper, "Self-Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change," the subject has become one of the most studied topics in psychology. Why has self-efficacy become such an important topic among psychologists and educators? As Bandura and other researchers have demonstrated, self-efficacy can have an impact on everything from psychological states to behavior to motivation.
Our belief in our own ability to succeed plays a role in how we think, how we act, and how we feel about our place in the world. Self-efficacy also determines what goals we choose to pursue, how we go about accomplishing those goals, and how we reflect upon our own performance.
Did you wake to an Alarm Clock or an Opportunity Clock?
I gotta go to class or I get to go to class
Do You Feel Empowered? Ask these Questions
RKT Notes from TED talk...
The psychology of self-motivation | Scott Geller | TEDxVirginiaTech
2- Will It Work? - Response Efficacy - Bandura (Educational)
Is there a difference between Education and Training?
Sex Education / Sex Training
Training = Do the behavior and feedback/feedforward
3- Is It Worth It? - Motivational Question - Skinner (Consequences)
If you answered yes to these three questions you feel confident...
Then you are self-motivated
How do you inspire people to be confident
Choice - when you believe you have the choice you are more self-motivated.
Am I working to get something
Success Seekers or Failure Avoiders...
I gotta go to class or I get to go to class
Did you wake to an Alarm Clock or an Opportunity Clock?
When you perceive choice you perceive motivation.
Community is being connected with others...
We need a sense of community...
Learned Helplessness...
We can always learn from each other...
Consequences drive us
Question number one: Can you do it? Albert Bandura calls itself self-efficacy. Do you believe you can do it? Do you have the time, the knowledge and the training to do what we’re asking you to do? If he answers yes, good.
Second question: Will it work? Do you believe that we’re asking you to do the process will work? Albert Bandura calls that response efficacy — believing that the behavior will lead the ultimate outcome. By the way, that takes education, right? We have to show them the data. We might show them some theory. We show them, teach them, why this might work. I just used the word education. Earlier I used the word training.
Is there a difference? In elementary school, if we call it education — middle school education, high school education, college, higher education. And you go to industry, what do you call it? Training. You have your training department. There must be a difference.
Well, you know the difference. Do you want your kids to have sex education or sex training? And your kids might answer the question differently, because you know that training means you do the behavior and you get feedback. That’s powerful, powerful.
Have you ever heard this word online training? It’s an oxymoron; isn’t it? I mean training is watch the behavior. Online training, it’s like plastic silverware, jumbo shrimp, legal brief, country music. That’s more like a case. So if you answer yes to will it work?
Third question. Is it worth it? So we’ve had a training question. We’ve had an educational question. This is the motivational question. Do you believe the consequences? This is about consequences. B.F. Skinner taught us this: selection by consequences. Dale Carnegie quoted B.F. Skinner and said from the day you were born, everything you did was because you wanted something for doing it. Consequences. Is it worth it?
So you have to convince people that it’s worth it. By the way if you answer yes to those three questions, you feel competent. Am I right? You feel competent at doing worthwhile work. You’ve all been there. When you feel competent at doing worthwhile work, you’re more likely to be self-motivated. You’ve been there. No one has to be looking over you. You feel — now here’s the challenge leaders, teachers: How do you inspire people to feel competent? When you give them feedback. You give them recognition. You show them they are competent.
Okay. I got one more – that’s a C word. Choice. Your common sense will tell you. When you believe you have a sense of autonomy, a sense of choice in what you’re doing, you’ll feel more self motivated. BF Skinner taught us that too in his book Beyond Freedom and Dignity way back in 1971. Reading that book changed my life because I realized that I am controlled by consequences. But sometimes I don’t feel controlled. When I’m working for a pleasant consequence, it feels good. It feels like I’m working to get something. When I’m working to avoid an aversive consequence, I feel controlled. That’s called negative reinforcement.
So here’s the challenge leaders: How do we get people to become success seekers rather than failure avoiders? First, they have introductory psychology class. I teach two classes of 600 students, maybe some of you have been in that class and remember the first day I say: How many are here to avoid failure? 80% raise your hand. I say well, thanks for coming. I know you’re motivated but you are not happy campers. You probably told your friends I got to go to class. It’s a requirement. Not I get to go to class, it’s an opportunity, you probably woke up to an alarm clock, not an opportunity clock. And it’s all how you see it really. It’s all in how you see it, it’s your paradigm, it’s how you communicate to others and how you communicate to yourself.
So Ellen Langer said in her book, Mindfulness, she said and psychologists know, when you perceive choice you perceive motivation. You’re more motivated. So the deal is for yourself sit back and reflect, be mindful of the choices you have and talk about being a success seeker rather than a failure avoider. It’s all how you talk, how you communicate to yourself and to others.
I’ve got a fourth C word: Community. Powerful word. Psychologists know that social support is critical. People who perceive a sense of relatedness, a sense of connection with other people, they feel motivated and they are happier.
Dictionary result for self-actualization
the realization or fulfillment of one's talents and potentialities, especially considered as a drive or need present in everyone.