Millbury Monthly - Happenings @ MHS
From the desk of Christopher Lowe, Principal

Community Newsletter : February 2025
And just like that, January is gone!
We are happy to share that our second semester is underway and off to a great start. Students and staff are settling into the new courses nicely.
Course selection for the 2025-2026 school year will be starting this month, so be on the lookout for more information regarding that process.
The second half of the year looks to be filled with some amazing experiences and we hope to see you all there! Please be on the lookout for social media posts and emails as the dates for each of the events comes closer.
See you all in March!
Chris Lowe
In This Issue:
- Student Spotlight
- Housekeeping/Reminders
- From the School Counseling Department
- Our Schedule for the Month
- Looking Ahead
- Athletics Department Information
- Woolie Gear
Student Spotlight 🙌
The Woolie Cafe
Functional communication
Social skills
Cooking skills and following a recipe
Following multi-step directions
Kitchen safety skills
Money management
Job skills, such as time management, teamwork, and having responsibility
Problem solving skills
Students in the program are responsible for all aspects of running a small business:
- Shopping for products
Creating advertisements
Managing and counting money
Taking and organizing orders
Making orders and following a recipe
Delivering orders
Cleaning and maintaining their work space
Planning each week for the business
Skills learned by running the Woolie Cafe can increase job opportunities for our students, such as:
Gaining employment in the food service industry
Taking classes to obtain a Servsafe certification
Building skills to add to their resume to increase employment opportunities
Obtaining skills that are also necessary for everyday independent living
Without question, our Woolie Cafe students are making an impact on our school culture!
We are so proud of the work that our students and program staff have been doing with their new program!
Jr. High - Kindness Counts Presents: Allieann & Nolan
Thank you both for going out of your way to be a kind peer and always thinking about others.
Kindness Counts!
As part of our Kindness presentations for 7th and 8th grade, we had our English teachers look for random acts of kindness. The students chosen received an award and were entered into a raffle! We plan on doing this weekly to encourage other students to spread kindness around the building!
We’re excited to announce our Random Acts of Kindness Award winners! These students have gone above and beyond to spread kindness and positivity in our school community. Let’s celebrate their efforts to make a difference, one kind act at a time.
Taevyn Neault, Phoenix Rano, Cameron Brunell
Thank you for being role models of compassion and care! Keep up the great work—kindness is contagious!
#BeKind #MakeADifference
Update to Electronic Device Protocol
Please click the link below for a recent update to our electronic device protocol for semester 2.
Class of 2025 Timeline of Events
Please click the link below for an updated timeline of events for the Class of 2025.
Please note that these dates are tentatively scheduled.
February Art Month Challenge
Next Woolie Book Discussion : February
Please see the update from our Woolie Book Club.
iReady Benchmark Dates
Please see the attached visual for updates on our iReady Benchmarking Dates for the 2024-2025 school year.
High School MCAS/AP/EPP/SoBL Testing Dates Information
Please see the visual for the update on this year's High School testing calendar.
**Please note that some of these dates are subject to change.**
Jr. High School MCAS Testing Dates Information
Please see the visual for the update on this year's Junior High School testing calendar.
**Please note that some of these dates are subject to change.**
From the School Counseling Department
February Newsletter
Check out what's going on in the School Counseling Department for the month of February.
📆 Our Schedule For This Month
Register now for Spring Sports
Please visit our Athletics Homepage or reach out to our Athletic Director, Mr. Josh MacCreery for more information.
Audition Jr. Districts: February 1 @ Grafton High School
Please see Mr. Dooley or Ms. Hammer for more information.
Term 2 Report Cards Ready for Viewing: February 3
Reports are ready for viewing in the Portal.
Half Day PD - February 3
Dismissal for students is at 11:00.
Junior High School Grade Level Meetings: February 3rd
On Monday February 3rd we will be holding the 7th and 8th grade level meetings to go over the New Electronic Device Protocol along with other housekeeping items.
7th grade at approximately 8:15am
8th grade at approximately 8:50am.
Freshmen Fundraiser - Flowers Sale with a Delivery Date Feb 14th: February 3 - 7
The Freshmen will be selling flowers from February 3 - 7 with a delivery date of February 14.
February MCAS BIO Retest: February 4 and 5
Identified students needing to take the February Biology Retest will be doing so on February 4 and 5.
G.S.A. Summit @ Westborough High School: February 4
Our G.S.A. will be attending a regional summit on February 4 at Westborough High School.
Humanities Scholar Field Trip to Clark University: February 5
Humanities Scholars will be departing for Clark at 8:15 on February 5. They will be returning to school by 1:30.
Seal of Biliteracy Test (SoBL): February 6
Students registered to take the Seal of BiLiteracy Test will be doing so on the morning of February 6.
Participating students and their families have been notified.
Peer Ed Trip to Shaw: February 6 from 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Winter Showcase Concert: February 6 @ 7:00 pm in the Auditorium
Our Music Department will be hosting the Winter Showcase on February 6 in the Auditorium.
Winter Carnival: February 7 - 14
Winter Carnival officially begins Friday, February 7!
More info to come.
Winter Carnival Kick-OFF Dance: February 7 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm in the Gym
We will be kicking off Winter Carnival festivities on February 7 from 6-8 pm in the Gym.
Junior High Spirit Week Information
The JH will participate in Winter Carnival Spirit Days to earn points for their class. Points will carry over to their total for Spring Carnival.
For more info, please reach out to MRs. Comeau or Mrs. Channell, our junior high advisors.
Our School Counseling Department hosts: On the Spot Decision Day: February 10, 12, 13, and 14
Has your Senior applied to college yet? Are they interested in Quinsigamond Community College, Fitchburg State University, Framingham State University, or University of Massachusetts Dartmouth? From February 10th to the 14th, the Millbury Jr./Sr. High School guidance department will be hosting their second annual On The Spot Decision Day. Colleges and Universities from around Massachusetts will come in to give on the spot decisions to our students for admission to their institution. They will be at the school on specific days (see below) to meet with our students. Students have been asked to apply to the schools prior to the event and will receive a decision when they meet with the respective admissions counselor. Please have them fill out the interest form below and ask them to meet with their guidance counselor to receive the minimum requirements each institution is looking for.
Event Days:
Monday, February 10th
Quinsigamond Community College
Wednesday, February 12th
Fitchburg State University
Thursday, February 13th
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Friday, February 14th
Framingham State University
Club and Activities Photos: February 12
We will be hosting our Clubs and Activities Photos for the yearbook on February 12. Various clubs and activities will be called down throughout the day.
Class of 2028 Fundraiser: Panera Bread: February 12 from 4:00 -8:00 pm
Please see the attached flyer for more information.
School Committee: February 12 @ 7:00 pm in the Media Center
Carpenters Union Workshop Series: February 13
Our Carpenters Union Cohort will be attending a Workshop Series on February 13.
Set Building for Spring Musical: February 18 - 20
Some students in the upcoming Spring Musical will be constructing the set design February 18 - 20. Please reach out to Ms. Rieder for more information.
9th Gr BIO/ELA Interdisciplinary Project Kick Off Event Animal Adventures Presentation: February 2 @ 10:444 @ 10
As part of our Interdisciplinary between our Freshmen Bio and ELA courses, we will be hosting a kickoff event with representatives from Animal Adventures.
School Council: February 25 @ 8:30 am
School Council will be meeting on February 25 @ 8:30 am.
School Committee: February 26 @ 7:00 pm in the Media Center
Grade 10 ELA/Bio Interdisciplinary New England Aquarium Trip: February 26
As part of our Interdisciplinary between our Sophomore Bio and ELA courses, we will be headed to the New England Aquarium.
Looking Ahead 🗓
MCAS ELA / Retest Session 1: March 6 and 7
Athletics Department Information
Woolie Gear 24/7 Online Store
Need some Woolie Gear? We have you covered.
Be on the lookout for more gear that will be available during the year through fundraisers and extra-curriculars!
Millbury High School Website
Millbury Memorial Junior-Senior High School
Email: clowe@millburyschools.org
Website: https://hs.millburyschools.org
Location: 12 Martin Street, Millbury, MA, USA
Phone: 508.865.5841 Facebook: facebook.com/mjshswoolies
The Millbury Public Schools ensures equal employment and educational opportunities for its employees and students and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity (M.G.L. c. 151B and 151C, Title VI, Title VII, and Title IX), or on the basis of disability (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973/ADA) or homelessness. In addition, the Millbury Public Schools does not discriminate against its employees on the basis of age (M.G.L. 151B/ADEA) on the basis of veteran's status, or genetic information.