Parent Peek At the Week
Parent Peek At the Week

Parent Peek At The Week 09/02 - 09/06
- Regular schedule all classes begin at 8:45 a.m.
- iReady Testing (Reading)
- 7th/8th grade Soccer vs Magnet 4:00 p.m.
- iReady Testing (Reading)
- Minecraft Club (room 2107 Mr. Stauter) 3:45-5:00 p.m.
- 7th/8th grade Soccer vs WMS 4:00 p.m.
- iReady Testing (Reading)
- 7th/8th grade Football vs WMS 4:00 p.m.
- 7th grade Volleyball vs WMS 4:00 p.m.
FRIDAY 09/06
- 7:30-8:30 a.m. Early Morning Choir (Dr. Glogowski)
- iReady Testing (Reading)
- 6th Grade Soccer vs JWL 4:00 p.m.
- 6th Grade Volleyball vs JWL 4:00 p.m.
Thank You For Joining Us at Welcome Back Night
Calendar and Bell Schedule
Picture Day Is Coming!
Herget Athletics
This September some of our athletic teams are partnering with Cal’s Angels to spread awareness to pediatric cancer. Here is information on Cal’s Angels Foundation: https://www.calsangels.org/about.
We are having two “Going for Gold” nights where our athletes will have gold athletic gear on to promote awareness.Those dates are 9/10 cross country vs Jefferson/Geneva South/Holy Angels and 9/12 Soccer/Volleyball/Football vs Jewel.
We will be selling t-shirts to students during lunch periods (9/3 - 9/6) to raise money for Cal’s Angels. The cost of the t-shirt is $10, only cash is accepted. If a family member would like to purchase a shirt you can visit the link below to order. If you purchase a shirt we would love for you to wear them on 9/10 and/or 9/12.
If you have any questions please reach out to Mr. White, awhite@sd129.org.
Online shirt purchase order for families: https://www.calsangels.org/product/2024-pediatric-cancer-awareness-shirt
Did you hear the bell ringing during student announcements? That is the sound of the Herget victory bell! Way to go Herget football and 8th volleyball on their wins over Jefferson last night and the first ever victory bell ringers! We are proud of you!
6th Grade Soccer!
Congratulations to our first win of the season against Washington! Goals were scored by Diego S(3), Emmanuel A, and Sebastian C.! Beckham P. and Leonel G. played fantastic in goal! Great job to all of the players! Coach Andrews and Coach Jimenez are proud of everyone of you!....The Victory Bell will ring!