Amy's Weekly Writeup
What you need to know for the week ahead (12/16-12/20, 2019)
Shout Out!
This week's shout out goes to Tabitha Shearer for being incredibly flexible and having such a positive attitude in spite of a lot of different faces in her room this week. Thanks, Tabitha!
To nominate someone for a shout out, just email me!
On Deck For Next Week; CCS Events and Holidays
Do you see what I see?
I will hide several penguins around the building. If you find one, bring it to the office and turn it in for a prize. (Limit: one penguin per person)
Home(made) for the Holidays:
Stop by the staff room for a cup of hot soup. I’ll make a few different kinds and have them available
Wednesday: All-school Assembly
It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year:
Today, I’d like to give you the gift of time. No staff meeting after school. Everyone is free to leave at dismissal.
Baby, It’s Cold Outside:
Stop by the staff room for a cup of hot cocoa with all the fixin’s.
Friday: 12:30 dismissal
Everyone wearing red, white, and/or green will get a candy cane!
Friday Fun
Friday Fun for Dec. 13th will be getting out at 12:30! (I know I'm not really in charge of this, but it'll still be fun~!)
News, Updates, and Reminders
- Virigina will be here on 1/8 for an Aspen refresher for those who want one. Please bring your laptop.
- I'm going to need to be out the week of Jan.6th (or most of it). I will be moving my parents back from Florida. I will try and check email periodically.
- Budget update: The initial draft of the entire MTRSD budget was an 8.3% increase over last year's. The school committee has asked us to bring back a draft that shows a 4% increase as a starting point. I will be working on this over break.
- Kindergarten update: Amy has been offered and accepted the position of Early Childhood Coordinator. I am currently seeking a long-term substitute to cover the classroom for the remainder of the year. Please let me know if you have any leads.
- I hope you all have a wonderful break full of peace, joy, happiness, and all the things and people that are special to you!