Dr. Crisp Elementary School
Important Information
Notes from Mrs. Hussey
Dear Dr. Crisp Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! It is with great excitement and enthusiasm that I write to you as I begin my second year as principal of Dr. Crisp. Reflecting on last year, I am proud of the accomplishments we made together, and I am even more energized by the possibilities this new year holds.
As we embark on another year of learning, growth, and community building, I want to reaffirm our commitment to providing a nurturing and challenging educational environment for every child. Our dedicated staff is ready to partner with you to support the academic, social, and emotional development of our students. Together, we will continue to create a school community where every child feels valued, supported, and inspired to reach their full potential.
Communication and Collaboration Building strong partnerships with families is essential to our success. I encourage you to stay engaged and involved in your child’s education. Whether through attending school events, volunteering, or simply staying in touch with your child’s teacher, your involvement makes a difference. We will continue to keep you informed through our regular newsletters, social media updates, and our open-door policy. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas.
Focus for the Year This year, we will continue to focus on ELA instruction through classroom academics and provide students with more personalized instruction. We also are continuing our work with social-emotional learning and creating opportunities for our students to not only Belong here but to excel here. These initiatives align with our commitment to providing a well-rounded education that prepares our students for the future.
Upcoming Events To kick off the year, we invite you to join us for Dr. Crisp's Open House on Thursday, September 19 from 5:00 - 6:30pm. These events are great opportunities to meet your child’s teacher, connect with other families, and learn more about what to expect this school year.
As we move forward, I am confident that together we can make this school year a successful and memorable one. I look forward to seeing you soon and working closely with you throughout the year. Thank you for your continued support, trust, and partnership.
Here’s to a fantastic year ahead!
Warm regards,
Colleen Hussey, Principal
Essential Dates
Mark Your Calendars
Tuesday, August 27th -The first day of school for Grades 1 – 5
Friday, August 30st - No school/Labor Day
Monday, September 2th -No school/Labor Day.
Tuesday, September 10th - No School/Voting/In-service Day for teachers
Thursday, September 19th -Open House at Dr. Crisp. 5:00 pm - 6:30pm
Friday, October 4th - Picture Day
Monday, October 14 - No School
Thursday, October 17 - Family Engagement - International Night (Information to come)
Wednesday, October 23 - Early Release Day 12:40pm Dismissal
Tuesday, November 5 - No School/Voting/In-service day for teachers
Thursday, November 7 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00 - 7:30 pm
Monday, November 11 - No School
Tuesday, November 12 - Picture Retake Day
Wednesday, November 13 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00 - 7:30 pm
Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29 - No School
Essential Kindergarten Information
August 9th- Email letter sent to Kindergarten families with link to sign up for screening time
August 27th,28th –Kindergarten Screening: It is beneficial for us to gather some basic information about your child’s school readiness in order to create class lists. Sign up will come out in the email.
August 29st –1:00-2:00 pm: Dr. Crisp Kindergarten Orientation will begin at 1:00. Families will find out their children’s teacher at this time and learn everything there is to know about starting Kindergarten.
September 3rd & 4th First Day of School: Students will attend a full day session as follows:
Students whose last name begins with A through M come in on September 3th from 8:00 - 2:40
Students whose last name begins with N through Z come in on September 4th from 8:00 - 2:40
September 5th: All Kindergarten students attend according to the regular kindergarten day.
Email: husseyc@nashua.edu
Website: https://www.nashua.edu/Domain/13
Phone: 603-966-2100
Additional Information about the School Year
Welcome back letters
These will be sent out via mail on August 12th. Please check your mailboxes. You can check your settings to ensure that you can receive mail from Nashua.edu. You’ll be able to see your child’s teacher through the parent portal on August 21st.
21st Century After School Program Pre-Registration: https://www.nashua.edu/Page/1748
Drop off and Pick up/School Hours:
School hours are 8:00 AM to 2:40 PM. Your child will be marked absent/tardy if they come in after the 8:15 AM bell. More information on drop off and pick up procedures will be sent as we approach the start of school.
Early Release Days:
The district has Early Release days. On early release days students are dismissed 2 hours before their normal time, so they would be dismissed at 12:40PM. The early release days for this 2024-2025 school year are: October 23, December 11, March 19, April 16, and May 21.
Healthy School:
Dr. Crisp is a healthy school which means healthy meals and snacks for your children. Please refer to the policy if you have any questions on the Nashua.edu website.
We are trying to cut down on the amount of paper we send home to families. The district's goal is to do everything electronically. Which means, student information update forms to be done on-line, report cards, etc.
Construction: Dr. Crisp is currently under construction while they create a new entrance for our school. The Main Entrance currently facing Arlington Street (Door 2) will be the door families will buzz to access the school. Please note, you will need to schedule an appointment prior to entering the school. Once construction is complete, we will communicate the new Main Entrance location.
First Week of School (Arrival)
At Dr. Crisp, students enter the building through Grade level associated doors. Teachers will be out at between 7:55 am and 8:00 am with signs. Please find your child's teacher. Parents are not allowed in building.
Grade 1 - Door 2 (Arlington Street Entrance)
Grade 2 - Door 3 (Garden/Nashua Grows Entrance - to the right of Main Entrance)
Grade 3 - Door 5 (Service Road - Back of school)
Grade 4 - Door 4 (Large Playground)
Grade 5 - Door 4(Large Playground)
Kindergarten - Please come at your designated Screening Appointment time - Door 8 (Small Fenced Playground) - If you do not have a time, please call Grace Tavares at 603-966-2111
We will stay outside until most students are present, if you come and no one is outside, please buzz Main Entrance and send child inside. We will have staff helping to make sure students get to correct classrooms.
Please make sure your child/teachers knows dismissal plans.
Teachers will walk students out to Dismissal Locations at 2:40 pm.
Grade 1 - Door 12 (Next to Bowers Street)
Grade 2 - Door 3 (Garden/Nashua Grows side)
Grade 3 - Door 5 (Service Road - Back of School)
Grade 4 - Door 4 (Large Playground)
Grade 5 - Door 4 (Large Playground)
If your dismissal plans have changed, please contact the Main office at 603-966-2100 ASAP. All dismissals must be verified by Parent/Guardian.
*Please be patient during dismissal as it is our first priority to keep students safe.
Our Parking lot is for Staff ONLY during school days. Please park on Arlington St during Arrival and dismissal.
No Parking on Bowers Street.
Car Drop Off for Students
From 8:00 - 8:15 am, We will open the Car Drop off Lane, located in front of the Main Entrance, for families to Drop Off children. Those students can walk into the building via Door 2.
Use extreme caution while driving through the parking lot. We have lots of walkers.
Before School Breakfast
On Tuesday, September 3 - We will start our Before School Breakfast Opportunity. Students can enter the building through the Cafe Door (Door 7) to have breakfast starting at 7:30 ending at 8:00.
At 7:45 - Staff members will be on the playground for "Morning Recess" - Please note - No Supervision prior to 7:45.
During inclement weather, students can go to Gym at 7:45 - 8:00.
Delayed Opening Days - No Before School Breakfast will be available. Students will get breakfast during the school day.
Below are links for the District School Calendar and Breakfast/Lunch Menus