Transition Plus Newsletter
February 2025
Transition Plus sends out monthly newsletters to keep you informed about what is happening in our Tplus community, actions you need to take, and to make helpful information easily accessible to you. Past newsletters are also found on our website. We are so excited to partner with our students and families to make a robust year of learning and growing!
🔶¿Le gustaría traducir el boletín en español? Haga clic en el botón "translate" en la parte superior del boletín.🔶
💠Ma doonaysaa in aad ku akhrido warsidahayaga af-soomaali? Guji badhanka "tarjumo" ee ku yaal qaybta sare ee warsidaha. 💠
- February 13: Family-Teacher conferences 4:30 - 7:30pm
- February 14: No School, Family-Teacher conferences 8:30 - 2:30
- February 17: No School: President's day
- February 21: African American Celebration
- February 28: No School: Professional Development
Looking Ahead
- March 21: Disability Awareness Celebration
- March 28: No School: record keeping day
- March 31-April 4: No School for Spring break
- April 17: Tplus community Career & Resource Fair 3:00 - 5:30
Action Items
Sign up for Conferences
Tplus is hosting care-giver - teacher conferences:
- February 13th from 4:30 - 7:00
- February 14th from 8:30 - 2:00
Register for a conference time at https://www.myconferencetime.com/tplus
If you are not able to register online, please email your student's home room teacher or call the school at 612-668-4100.
Welcome Survey
Tplus is hoping to gather information about how our families feel when they visit or call Transition Plus. Please fill out this 2 question survey to share your thoughts.
Student Art Sale Friday!
Our Annual Student Art Sale is happening this Friday from 11:00 - 5:00 at Transition Plus. All sales are CASH ONLY and go directly to the artists. If you cannot make it to the sale, consider sending your student to school with some cash to make a purchase.
It is a really fun student-centered event that encourages everyone who participates!
Stay Informed
Hennepin County Transition Resource Fair
The Hennepin County Transition Resource fair is on Tuesday, February 11th from 4:00 - 7:00.
It is open to students age 14 and up, families, teachers and community members
The focus is to provide resources to students and families during and after the transition from high school.
Vendors may include:
Rehabilitation Services
Hennepin County Social Services
Social Security
Adult Vocation Services
Housing Support Agencies
Disability Services at Post-Secondary Institutions
Recreation Support Agencies
Community Resources
And many more...
Contact via email: jgloege@bccs286.org
Mailing address:
PO Box 43612
Minneapolis, MN 55443
Save the Date for our Career & Resource Fair April 17!
Every 2 years Tplus hosts a career and resource fair to help our students and their families connect to jobs and community resources they need. Mark your calendars and plan to come to the fair on April 17 from 3:00 - 5:30
What: Career & Resource fair
When: Thursday, April 17 from 3:00 - 5:30
Where: Transition Plus, 2015 E Lake St., Minneapolis, MN 55407, enter through door 6
Who: Employers and resources are selected for their accessibility to students and families with employment challenges and who benefit from connecting to community resources
Spring Student Talent Show
The talent show, which will take place Friday, May 2nd, is a social and fun event that we look forward to each year. Students who wish to be in the talent show will have to participate in their classes, worksites, and CBI classes each day they are at Tplus.
Attendance is marked daily by each teacher, so records can be accessed if questions arise. We wish to celebrate our student successes beginning with their academic and IEP successes before our fun social successes!
Resources to help Keep your Family Safe
As part of our commitment to supporting our community, we want to ensure that every family is prepared for any unexpected situations. Here are some important steps and resources to help you create a safety plan for your family:
- Know Your Rights: It's important to understand your rights and how to exercise them. The Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota offers free legal advice and resources. You can contact them at (651) 641-1011 or visit their website.
- Emergency Contacts: Make a list of important phone numbers, including family members, friends, and local organizations that can provide assistance. Keep this list in an easily accessible place. Update your school with these contacts.
- Family Plan: Discuss and create a plan with your family. Decide on a safe place to meet and how to communicate if you are separated.
- Important Documents: Keep copies of important documents (e.g., passports, birth certificates, medical records) in a safe and accessible place. Consider storing digital copies securely online.
- Delegation of Parental Authority (DOPA): A DOPA is a document that allows you to designate someone to take care of your children if you are unable to do so. This person, called an "Attorney-in-Fact," can make decisions about your child's care, custody, and property. The DOPA is effective as soon as it is signed and notarized and lasts for up to one year.
- Local Resources:
- Minnesota Welcome Center: Provides information and services to help immigrants. Located at 3921 Nicollet Ave S, Minneapolis, MN. Phone: (218) 673-1836.
- City of Minneapolis Immigrant & Refugee Affairs: Connects you with resources for shelter, food, legal help, and more. Phone: 612-394-6018. More information can be found on their website.
- Stay Informed: Follow local news and updates from trusted sources to stay informed about any changes or important information that may affect your family.
Graduation Save the Date
Our Transition Plus graduation will be held at Pantages Theater, 710 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55402 on May 30th at 11:30. Graduates are encouraged to invite family and friends.
Students who graduated earlier this year are welcome to participate in the graduation ceremony. More details to come.
💞Family Collaboration
As we plan our cultural celebrations throughout the year, we look for families to help guide us in the right direction. We would love to connect with you to create celebrations with authentic learning about a culture. Caretakers can be involved as much as they feel comfortable - from taking a leadership role in the celebration to sharing recipes or thinking of ideas. Reach out to Christina.Brantner@mpls.k12.mn.us or Colleen.Knuth@mpls.k12.mn.us
Our celebrations are on the following dates:
- Hispanic Heritage: October 11
- Native American: November 22
- Winter Spectacular: December 20
- Asian American Pacific Islander: January 31
- African American: February 21
- Disability Awareness: March 21
- African: April 11
(exact dates may change in response to Tplus community needs)
Site Council
Hey Families! We need your input and feedback! Filling out this form helps us understand if you feel we are missing something important in our program that better supports your students and reflects your family!
Helpful Links - click on the Picture
Track Your Student's School Bus
- Your student's school ID # (lunch number)
- School code: 87018
Frequent Contacts 📞
- Transition Plus Office: 612-668-4100
- Tplus Transportation: 612-668-4103
- Tplus Nurse line: 612-668-4071
- District Transportation Dispatch (before 8:30, after 4:00): 612-668-2300
Mission Statement
The mission of Transition Plus is to provide services to students with differing educational abilities & assets. We focus on meeting transition needs in post-secondary education and training, employment, and independent living to promote a successful transition from high school to adult life.
Our Vision
To provide experience and learning that will assist students to have meaningful, satisfying work and home lives as family members, leaders, employees, and citizens.
We offer students:
- Access to learning environments that help students develop their skills and confidence.
- A positive school environment characterized by peace, compassion, and the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.
- A structure of support and collaboration with our community, students, and families
- A team of highly qualified professionals with a passion for learning and sharing.
We offer:
- Continuing high school support after 18-21 years of age
- Lots of hands-on options
- Extensive learning & training in the community
- Additional resources available for individual needs
- Support the growth and maturity of each student
Transition Plus Services
Website: https://transitionplus.mpschools.org/
Location: 2015 East Lake Street, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Phone: 612-668-4100
Facebook: facebook.com/transitionplus.mps
Twitter: @MPS_Tplus