WMS Friday Forecast
November 30, 2018 - Week 14
Wait Until 8th… Really!
Dear Parents:
In the past few years, we have seen some significant increases in issues related to cell phone and social media use in our schools. I found this article on a website called “Wait Until 8th”. The website share stories and encourages parents to wait until at least 8th grade to allow their kids to use social media or have a smartphone. As a school, we have seen the harm that comes from kids on social media and using their phones in ways that even their parents don’t expect.
With the holidays coming, many of you may be considering buying your child a cell phone. Frankly, I would discourage it. We have found that 99% of our middle school kids are not ready for the responsibility, or how to react when things go wrong in social media. And even our parents are not sure how to monitor what their kids are doing on social media.
If you want your eyes opened, I would suggest you read this article. Titled, “Middle School Misfortunes Then and Now, One Teacher’s Take,” it explains how social media has changed the social-emotional landscape in our schools and in the lives of our students.
I have been in middle schools for about 24 years. In my career, I have never seen anything like the damaging power of social media on young people. And this is coming from a strong technology advocate. Certainly, technology can have some strong points, but it also must be used at the right age. At the elementary and middle school levels, kids are not emotionally prepared for what may happen. The longer you keep your kids off social media and off smartphones, I think you will find the happier they will be. (I get that they may be mad in the short run, but that is what being a grown-up is all about.)
The easiest solution… blame me and tell your kids you are going to “Wait Until 8th!”
Thank you-
Tim Loversky, Principal
Wredling Middle School
Dear Parents:
Attention Wredling Musicians!
Arts Advocacy Day
Great News!
Parent Satisfaction Survey Is Coming December 3
Every year, District 303 conducts a satisfaction survey that gives us meaningful feedback from our students, teachers and parents. For the last decade, we have administered a local survey that has provided us with comparable data.
This year, as part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) we will now be participating in the statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey. As a parent, this opportunity will allow you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness in a survey about your child’s school.
You will receive an email communication on December 3 with the link to the 5Essentials Survey. We appreciate your participation in this anonymous tool used to gather information about our schools.
Calling all musicians!
A representative from Blue Lake Summer Music Camp will be visiting Wredling on Monday, December 3rd to do scholarship auditions during all performance music periods. NO auditions will take place after school. In order to be eligible for an audition time you MUST have a signed permission slip from a parent. Music directors will be handing out the permission slips. Instrumental students that are interested in auditioning should prepare two scales and an excerpt of a prepared piece, while vocalists should prepare several vocal warm-ups and an excerpt of a prepared song. Good luck on your audition!
Music Department
We are currently in the process of getting all of the club information on there!
Talking to your Child about the Dangers of Drug & Alcohol Use
Mindful Parenting Book Study
Between school pressures, extracurricular activities, homework, and demanding careers, it’s hard to find time just to get dinner on the table. In Mindful Parenting, child and family psychologist Dr. Kristen Race speaks directly to today’s busy families who make up what she calls “Generation Stress” and presents an alternative – a mindful approach. Drawing on the latest research, she shows how mindfulness helps us – and our children – feel happier, healthier, calmer, less anxious, less stressed, and more focused. Come discuss the book with your fellow parents.
As part of the book study discussions, we will explore
How the brain works and why parents and kids today are more stressed, anxious, and angry than ever before.
Practical solutions that parents can do to create a more relaxed and happier home.
Not able to attend the face-to-face discussions? No problem! We will be offering virtual discussion threads so that people can connect from home. Information about virtual discussion links will be sent to participants in January.
Can’t come to all book discussions? No problem! Feel free to join any or all of the discussions.
All parents who register will receive a copy of the book. Books may be picked up on December 10 in the Administration Center, 201 S. 7th Street from 10:00-11:00 a.m. or 5:30-6:30 p.m. If you are unable to pick up on December 10, please contact Dr. Cindy Ruesch at cindy.ruesch@d303.org.
Dear RedHawk Families:
The Salvation Army’s annual Jim Wheeler Toys for Kids program is once again in full swing. This program, which collects and distributes toys for the needy boys and girls of the Tri-City area, is celebrating its 35th year. The program has been named in honor of the late Jim Wheeler who was the creator and driver behind this effort.
Once again, we are asking for your support of this program for children at Christmas time. We are looking for new unwrapped toys and games and also will be accepting monetary contributions and gift cards to help make this Christmas a very special one.
Collection Boxes are currently at Wredling in the Main Office.
NOTE: Collection Ends AND BOXES WILL BE PICKED UP ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 10TH - This is an earlier date than originally posted on the flyer.
Especially Important With It Getting Darker Earlier!
Wredling Middle School - Home of the Redhawks
Website: Wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wredling-Middle-School-537757163011275/
Twitter: @WredlingD030