Cardinal Connection
East Parent/Caregiver June 2, 2024
Greetings East High School scholars, families, and caregivers,
The final week of classes has finally arrived. As we approach the end of the academic year and the final Cardinal Connection newsletter, I want to thank you for your participation and dedication. You can find some summertime tools and activities for our scholars in this edition. In the upcoming academic year, we hope to collaborate with you.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach us by calling the main office where one of our administrative assistants will assist you.
Go Cardinals!!
Renee Coleman, Principal
Christine Mitlyng, Associated Principal
Heidi Walter, Associated Principal
Senior Cardinal Updates
Important Senior Announcement
Seniors-Very important Announcements below for wrapping up your Senior year here at SP EAST:
Device Collection for Seniors will begin on June 3, 2024 for seniors and will take place in the LMC between SP30 and lunch time on that day. Students must return both any overdue library materials, their charger and Chromebook at that time.
Seniors will lose access to their district accounts on June 30, 2024 and should begin transferring their data as soon as possible to avoid loss of files.
Fines for overdue library materials, missing Chromebooks and chargers will be assessed on June 7th. Seniors must return their devices before graduation on June 7th, 2024. Any materials needing to be returned after this date should be brought to the District Service Center at 501 S. Bird St.
Final Senior Transcripts Information
For students who need a transcript, please order through
Seniors please follow these directions to get the most updated transcript sent:
1. Log on to
2. Make your request for your transcript to be sent to your college
3. Be sure to click “Hold for Grades.”
Selecting “Hold for Grades,” means that your transcript will not be sent until your 2nd Semester grades are on your transcript. If you do not select “Hold for Grades,”
your transcript will be sent the next business day and may not include all
of your grades. After you order and select "Hold for Grades," your final transcript will be sent from the high school in June when final grades are posted to the transcripts.
Pro Tip: Be sure to use your personal e-mail account. Your school e-mail
account will not work after you graduate. If you used your school e-mail
account when registering at, you can go to their Support Page to request to get that changed.
Class of 2025 Section
As part of your communication with incoming students, please let families know the importance of having their student's photo taken through Empire. If they do not, their photo will not be included in the class composite that lives on our history walls. We know that many students choose to have senior class photos taken outside of the school, but they also must have their photo taken by Empire to be included.
Upcoming SPEHS Cardinal Fundraiser
SPEHS Mental Health Awareness Activities
Make A Stress Ball in Student Services
Upcoming Sun Prairie Community
Upcoming Summer Opportunities for SPEHS scholars
SPEHS Student Service Corner
Caregivers, if your student will need credit recovery (the ability to retake a course required for graduation), you can sign them up for summer school through Infinite Campus. Complete directions can be found here or on the summer school website. There is no deadline to register for credit recovery, however, if your student will need transportation, you will need to register them by May 17th to ensure they have transportation at the start of the program. If your student might fail a course this semester, it is better to enroll them in summer school credit recovery now. You can always cancel the registration later if they end up passing, rather than waiting until the end of the semester to determine if they need to sign up. If you have any questions about summer school, you can reach out to your child’s school counselor or contact teacher.
Upcoming Events
June 3rd - 9th grade Pinning Day during SP30
June 4th - 10th grade Half-Cap Ceremony during SP30
June 5th - Senior graduation walk and Junior Pinning Day
June 7th - Last day of school
June 7th - Graduation ceremony at 7:30 Alliant Center