CASY Family Newsletter
November 2023
The CASY office will be closed
Tuesday, November 7th for Election Day
Friday, November 10th in observance of Veteran's Day
Thursday, November 23rd and Friday November 24th for the Thanksgiving Holiday
A Harvest of Books for Thanksgiving
Celebrate National STEM Day with Kids
November 8th marks National Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Day. The date itself signifies inspiration for innovation! This day celebrates the many successes of the STEM field and highlights its importance in early childhood education. In order to celebrate National STEM Day, here are a few fun activities you can do at home.
How to Practice Phonics With Kids at Home
If you're the parent of a beginning reader, chances are you're hearing a lot about phonics. Here's what you need to know about how your child will learn phonics — and how you can help practice phonics at home.
Dealing with Problems at School: How to Talk With Your Child's Teacher
At some point during your child's school years, their teacher may ask you to come to school to discuss a specific concern or issue. If this happens, schedule the meeting as soon as possible, since most problems are best dealt with early.
During this parent-teacher meeting, some parents feel they are on the defensive and are unsure how to react. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind
6 Ways to Make Clean Up More Fun!
7 Fun Activities to Celebrate Fall
Fall is the perfect time for a nature walk with your child. Depending on where you live, it’s not too hot nor too cold. A nature walk is a great activity for collecting colorful autumn leaves to use for fun fall crafts and games. While walking, look for leaves of different colors, shapes, and sizes. Collecting different types of fallen leaves will help add variety to the crafts you choose. Try to choose freshly fallen leaves — those that are not dry or torn — so that they last longer.
Before you start crafting, consider preserving your leaves to help them last longer (and keep their color). Simply press leaves by placing them in a folded piece of paper (make sure they’re not overlapping)Then, place the folded paper between the pages of a heavy book — and top with another one! Leave for a couple of days, and then your leaves will be extra ready to go. A little patience will help your crafting go extra smoothly! (While you wait, get inspired by Daniel Tiger’s reminder to take care of each other by volunteering to rake a neighbor’s yard.)
Yarn-Mache Decorative Containers
Ever wondered what to do with all those yarn scraps that accumulate from various projects—too short to do anything with, but too long to throw away? Here is a creative solution: yarn-maché.
An adult will have to make the paste, but the rest of the activity is a great sensory experience for kids. We used a bowl for a mold in order to create a decorative basket, but as with paper-maché, you can use a variety of objects as molds, including balloons. The results will be colorful and unique!
Playing Outside in Winter: Tips to Keep Kids Warm & Safe
Heading outside for some wintertime fun like sledding, throwing snowballs or ice skating can be a sure-fire cure for cabin fever. It's also a great way for kids to get the 60 minutes of daily exercise they need. Just be sure your child is dressed right—and know when it's time to come in and warm up.
Children exposed to extreme cold for too long and without warm, dry, breathable clothing can get frostbite or even life-threatening hypothermia. Click here to learn more.
Winter Car Seat Safety Tips from the AAP
Winter is a tricky time for car seats. As a general rule, bulky clothing, including winter coats and snowsuits, should not be worn underneath the harness of a car seat.
Why winter coats can be dangerous in car seats
In a car crash, fluffy padding in a coat immediately flattens out from the force, leaving extra space under the harness. A child can then slip through the straps and be thrown from the seat.
Here are some tips to help strike that perfect balance between keeping little ones warm as well as safely buckled in their car seats.
Car Seats and Booster Seats
Mental health of children and parents —a strong connection
How to Help Your Daughter Have a Healthy Body Image
It’s not easy, given the pressure to be super-thin and sexy, too
Girls coming of age in the 21st century have more opportunities than any of the generations that preceded them. But they also face an array of pressures that are unprecedented. Girls are expected to become corporate executives and brain surgeons and Supreme Court justices, but they’re also expected to be beautiful and sexy — more so than ever before.
Which is why raising healthy, happy daughters has become more challenging, not less. Read more here.
Upcoming Events
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Johnson County
Sullivan County
Vigo County
Statewide Resources
Supporting the whole family
Families, teachers and children are better together. That’s why the Child Care Resource and Referral Network is proud to serve as a navigator for families, expertly assisting them in finding high-quality child care and connecting them with additional opportunities to meet their needs.
For personalized support in finding a child care program that best meets your family's needs,
contact CASY, Child Care Resource and Referral, Family Engagement Specialists
at 800-886-3952 and choose option 2.
You can also complete the referral request form by clicking here.
Our Family Engagement Specialists will follow up with you by the next business day when you submit the online form.
Click below to find your county's CCDF Eligibility Office
Stay Connected
Email: ccrr@casyonline.org
Website: http://casyonline.org/
Location: 1101 South 13th Street, Terre Haute, IN, USA
Phone: 800-886-3952
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CASY.Inc