PES Parent Newsletter
August 2024
Great Start to the Year
Arrival and Dismissal
23-24 Morning Arrival
Morning car drop-off begins at 7:30am each day. Students should not be dropped off or allowed out of cars until adult supervision is present. You may drive up directly from 178 in the morning.
23-24 Afternoon Dismissal
Afternoon Dismissal will use the traffic pattern pictured below. Do not pull up directly from 178. Please enter the carline at the intersection of S. Lewis Street and Jefferson Street.
All people picking up students in the car line each afternoon are required to have a car tag displayed in their front windshield before students will be released from class. If a car does not have a car tag displayed, the person will be asked to park and come in and show ID before the student is dismissed.
Breakfast and Lunch
All students can receive a free breakfast and lunch this year. Please check the Menu to see what is offered each day.
Breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 7:30-7:55am. If you wish for your child to eat breakfast at school, please have them here before 7:50am.
Student Council
We will have an interest meeting for 4th and 5th grade students interested in running for Student Council on Friday, August 23rd at the amphitheater immediately following announcements.
Pickens Elementary PTO
Just a reminder that they sell ice cream for $1 during lunch time. They are also doing a Skip the Car Line Raffle until August 26th. The winner will be announced on August 29th.
Please follow the Pickens PTO Facebook Page for the most up-to-date information.
Peanut/Tree Nut Safe School
Pickens Elementary Open House
We will have a Volunteer Training that evening at 5:30pm in the Cafeteria!
The Kona Ice truck will be out front if you would like to purchase one for the evening.
Thursday, Sep 5, 2024, 05:00 PM
Pickens Elementary School, Hampton Avenue, Pickens, SC, USA
Helping Our School
Help Pickens Elementary raise money by linking your grocery accounts to our school. Both Ingles and Publix have programs that gives our school a percentage of each purchase to buy supplies. Please click on the links below to sign up.
Ingles Tools for School School ID: 11460
Upcoming Events
23 - Student Council Interest Meeting 8:00am at the amphitheater
26-30 - iReady Testing Window
26 - PTO Skip the Line Raffle Money Due
29 - PTO Skip the Line Raffle Winner Announced
2 - Holiday - No School
3 - Teacher In Service Day - No School
5 - Open House 5:00-6:30pm
13 - Picture Day for the Yearbook
16-20 - Book Fair
17- Grandparents' Breakfast K4-2nd Grade 7:00-8:00am
18 - Grandparents' Breakfast 3rd-5th Grade 7:00-8:00am
Pickens Elementary School
Email: shannonlawton@pickens.k12.sc.us
Website: pes.pickens.k12.sc.us
Location: 567 Hampton Avenue, Pickens, SC, USA
Phone: 864-397-2300
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pickenselementary