First Week of School
Mrs. Tessier
First Week
What a great first week it has been! It feels so good to be back in the swing of things, even though it's much different than before. "Put your mask on" and "make sure you're not too close to your friends" are new phrases that I'm not used to yet! One of my students even had to warn me to put MY mask on today! Oops!
The students have done an excellent job learning the rules and routines of our classroom! This week we took time to introduce many things like, how we line up, clean up, wash up, circle up etc! Next week we will be ready to get started on my formal learning.
Class Dojo
Please don't forget to turn ON your notifications for Class Dojo on your phone so you know when I post pictures and videos. I've added photos and videos to your students portfolios.
Drop Off and Pick up
Drop off and pick up has gone very smoothly! We will remove the cones next week- we feel the students are in their routine and know where to go!
This picture was from our adventure to the Mary grotto. This month we will be learning about the virtue of HOPE and Saint Joseph. I sent home a little piece of homework to practice for the month. As there are many new things happening in their little lives, we are going to practice saying the phrase, "Jesus, I trust in you," whenever they're scared or sad.
This first week in Math we've been playing with different shapes and just easing into our routine. We write on our calendars every day. We talk about the weather, the season, the months, days, counting strategies, coins and numbers all EVERY day for Calendar time. We introduced patterns this week using body movements. The kids caught on very quick. Try it out: Clap, Stomp, Clap, Stomp, Clap Stomp... ask your child what letter pattern it is! They should say it's an A-B pattern. The kids love using the SMART board too!
Play is such an important piece of Kindergarten that is sadly the trickiest part of coming back to school. We are doing our best to promote socialization WHILE keeping their distance!
Hopes and Dreams
Each year we have a discussion with the students about all the things they HOPE will happen this year! For Religion, we are in the year of HOPE so it goes well with this activity. We tried to brainstorm realistic hopes for the year but some still hoped for a brand new slide on the playground. I thought this "hope and dream" was too heartbreaking and sweet not to share! I hope Covid-19 ends soon too!
Name Writing
We are practicing writing our name! I can't wait to see their progress this year!
It was a great week! These kids are so kind and well behaved! Looking forward to a wonderful year becoming a classroom family!