SUNsational News!
Sunset Valley's Parent Newsletter | Week of August 5th
Message from the Principal
We are back! SVES Staff is gearing up for the Meet the Teacher Night and The First Day of School! There is excitement in the building as we await our students to join us. Our Newsletter is filled with important informtion, so be sure to read it! We look forward to seeing you on Meet the Teacher Night on Monday, August 12, 2024.
Mr. Nunn
Returning Student Verification Process
If you have not completed the Returning Student Verification Process, it must be completed by Tuesday, August 6, 2024. Beginning July 15th, Keller ISD began sending emails from Power School with your child's specific code to complete registration verification. If this is not completed, your student will not be assigned to a class. We sincerely want to avoid that inconvenience for you and your student. Should you have any questions, please contact debbie.rush@kellerisd.net.
It's the Final Countdown!
Are you ready for your students to get back to school? We are busy here on campus preparing for our students! There are less than three weeks left until we kick off the 2024-2025 school year, and we couldn't be more excited! Enjoy the rest of your summer, and we look forward to seeing you at Meet the Teacher on Monday, August 12, 2024!
Mr. Nunn
Workbook Completion Incentive
Before school ended, students were given a Scholastic Workbook to help prevent the "Summer Slide" that students often experience after being out of school for 2.5 months. We are offering an incentive for students who bring their completed workbooks back to school. The first 100 students who return their workbooks will receive a coupon for a free Marco's pizza or cheesy bread. Thanks Marco's!
Only the first 100 students will receive the reward- Monday, August 19, 2024 is the last day to participate!
Kindergarten Soft Start
SVES will be starting the school year differently with our Kinder friends. Kindergarten students will not be assigned a teacher to start the year, but will be assigned once we have an opportunity to get to know your kids. We refer to this process as a "soft start" and many Keller elementary schools are moving to this model. We believe that this will provide a much better placement for our Kinder friends. There will be more information to come, so stay tuned!
Free and Reduced Meals
Keller ISD is currently accepting Free and Reduced Meal Applications for the 2024-25 school year online. Families who qualify for free and reduced meals must submit an application in order to secure free or reduced lunches for the upcoming school year. Visit SchoolCafe.com/KellerISD to apply.
Save the Date(s):
8/12- SVES Meet the Teacher
8/14 - First Day of 2024-25 School Year
8/19- Kindergarten Parents Yahoo/Boohoo Breakfast
9/2- Labor Day Holiday- No School for Students
Sunset Valley Elementary
Email: roby.nunn@kellerisd.net
Website: kellerisd.net/sves
Location: 2032 Canchim Street, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Phone: 817-743-8200