HTHS Newsletter
August 2, 2024
HTHS Student Registration
Online registration for HTHS students is now past due. If you have not registered your student, please do so immedicately. Students may not attend school until registration is complete and approved.
All parents of returning students have received a registration code via email. Please use this code to access the registration form. If you did not receive a code please contact HTHS Registrar, Lauren Cooley at 228-4030 or lauren.cooley@trussvillecityschools.com.
Student Class Schedules
Student class schedules are now viewable in PowerSchool upon approved registration.
Please remember that the HTHS master schedule was created based on student course requests completed in the spring. If the student schedule matches the student course requests (including alternate electives) the schedule will stand.
If an error was made, the grade level counselor will be happy to correct the mistake. If your student wishes to attempt a more rigorous version of a core course i.e. Advanced or AP we will also make that adjustment. No other course change requests will be granted.
When contacting counselors concerning student schedules, always make the contact via email. Calls, voicemails and personal visits for this purpose are discouraged. Counselors can make the most efficient use of their time handling these requests via email.
School Fee Payments
The payment portal for school and class fees is now open. Compare your student’s schedule to the 2024-25 HTHS Fee Sheet to determine which fees are due. Link for 2024-25 HTHS Fee Sheet: https://al50000063.schoolwires.net/Page/6066. This link includes a Google form to complete for any questions regarding fees. Fees are payable via check, cash, or credit/debit card. Click the online payment link or scan the QR code below for card payments. Please include your student’s State ID Number on all payments. This ID number is located in PowerSchool and begins with “19”.
Online School Fee Payment Link: https://trussvilleal.csiepay.com/.
Bus Route Information
For the safety of our students, families, and bus personnel, our bus routes are not public information. Bus routes are made available via the PowerSchool Parent-Student Portal. You will need login credentials to access the bus routes within PowerSchool. If you have forgotten your login credentials or have never received them, please contact Lauren Cooley, lauren.cooley@trussvillecityschools.com or 228-4030.
Please visit the TCS Transportation Department website for route request forms and permission forms to ride a different bus.
Changes to Student Medication Guidelines
The Alabama Department of Education has recently made some updates regarding medication at school. Click below for a brief description of what is required for student medications to be administered at school. Links to required forms are included.
Advanced Placement - Important Information for Students and Parents!
Advanced Placement exams will be administered in May 2025. AP students must complete 2 steps to ensure AP exams are ordered and accurate. Please note the deadlines listed below to avoid late fees.
Step 1:
Join AP classroom for each exam no later than Friday, August 23, 2024. See your AP teacher for the class-specific join code.
- Refer to the AP class syllabus for the exam(s) you should register and pay for.
- Physics I students should consult their teachers for information regarding the Physics C exam option.
Step 2:
AP students must pay a $40.00 fee per exam.* See the School and Class Fee Payments section above for payment links and information.
- Refer to the AP class syllabus for the exam(s) you should register and pay for.
- The AP exam payment option in the online payment portal will be available from July 29th until 3:00 pm on November 7th and will reopen November 16th.
- Only cash or check payments will be accepted from November 8th – November 15th.
- All payments received after 2:00 pm on November 15th will be assessed a $40.00 late fee per exam. THE EXAM FEE WILL BE $80.00 PER EXAM AFTER THIS TIME.
- Enter the student’s State ID located in PowerSchool on all payments: Student Id field online, memo line of check, or note included with any cash payments.
- Select the individual exam(s) you are paying for in the online payment portal. Please indicate which exams you are paying for when sending cash or check.
*Please note that AP European History and AP Music Theory exams are $98 each. AP Research exam is $146.
Parking Permit Registration and Permit Pick-Up Dates
Parking permits require:
- Completed and approved school registration.
- Completed parking permit registration with copy of license and tag number
- Payment of $40 parking fee and $5 drug testing fee. Payment portal is now open.
First come first serve when payments and registration are received. Please know that we will try our very best to honor the parking lot (Trees or No Trees) that you prefer, but parking is limited in certain areas. We will not be able to switch parking spots due to preference. Thank you so much for your understanding!
Sophomores who have a valid driver's license should access the parking permit registration form via the link below:
Link for sophomores only: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSelQD5tkM5ybcOD7sf8q-qn_V5qF4gDf6iXWa39n62AxfVnRw/viewform
After registration is complete and parking and drug testing fees have been paid, students can come to the HTHS front lobby to pick up their parking decal on Monday, August 5 and Tuesday August 6 from 9 am to 11am and 1 pm to 3 pm.
For any further questions, please contact Rebecca.strange@trussvillecityschools.com.
First Day of School
- Wednesday, August 7, last name K-Z
- Thursday, August 8, last name A-J (full school day, no early dismissal)
- Friday, August 9 all students attend
Doors open for students to enter the building each day at 7:25 am. Students will be expected to proceed to the PE Gym, the lunchroom or the band room (if they are in the band) until 8:00 am.
Note that on August 7 and 8 students will be directed to the auditorium at 8:00 am for an 8:10 am orientation meeting.
Car Rider Drop-off and Pick-up Location
Car rider morning drop-off and after school pick-up takes place in the semi-circle drive in front of the school. Students should only exit and enter vehicles from the semi-circle in front of the school.
The far left lane is an emergency lane and should be used for exiting traffic only. For safety reasons, student drop-off and pick up is prohibited on all other parts of the campus. No vechicles are allowed in the bus loading area at any time.
School Supplies
General school supplies needed by all students include:
- pens, pencils and highlighters
- composition notebooks
- 3-ring binders
Teachers will share additional supply needs with students once school begins. Most teachers also appreciate donations of paper towels, disinfectant wipes and Kleenex.
Appropriate Handling of Student Related Concerns
HTHS Administrators, counselors and teachers are committed to working together to help students move forward on positive path toward college and career readiness. Please help us by addressing any concerns that arise in the following manner:
- Start with contacting the teacher if the concern is class related. The teacher will be responsive, helpful and understanding.
- If there are continuing concerns or if the concern is not class related, please contact the grade level counselor or assistant principal.
- The counselor or assistant principal will consult Mr. King, HTHS Principal as needed. However, if for any reason the concern is not resolved by the counselor or assistant principal, please contact Mr. King, HTHS Principal
New Discipline Procedures for Tardies to Classes, Unexcused Check-ins and Check-outs
Student attendance to all classes every day is critical for learning.
Unexcused check-in's and check-out's during the school day will be tracked along with tardies to all classes. When added together the following consequences will be assigned:
- Total of 3 - tardies to any class, unexcused check-ins or check-outs - 5 days morning detention
- Total of 6 - tardies to any class, unexcused check-ins or check-outs - 1 day ISD
- Total of 9 - tardies to any class, unexcused check-ins or check-outs - 2 days ISD
- Total of 12 - tardies to any class, unexcused check-ins or check-outs - Class II Offense and 3 days ISD
Totals will reset to zero quarterly.
Students who need to check out during the school day will have these options:
- Parents or other adults on the students' contact list can come to the school to check out a student.
- The student can bring a signed parent note to the attendance clerk upon arrival to school. The attendance clerk will process the check out request and provide a check out slip to the student at the time of check out.
- We can also accept an email to our attendance clerk prior to 12 pm. The email must include a parent phone number. Mrs. Joganic will follow up with a parent phone call for verification purposes. jill.joganic@trussvillecityschools.com
- Doctor's note within 3 days
- Funeral for immediate family - preapproved
- College visit - preapproved by principal
- Military Enlistment - preapproved
- Other Administrative Approved Absence
For student safety reasons, the attendance clerk will not accept phone call or text message requests for check out.
TCS Parent and Student Handbook
Please see the updated TCS Parent and Student Handbook link below. Please review the important sections noted below:
- Attendance Policy - page 24
- Student Dress Code - page 43
- Student Code of Conduct - page 42
Handbook link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DO3B0EWC0mblzdNHplpxLmhDZyfrGSezjd_YXlTk8CM/edit
TCS Dress Code
Parents, please review the TCS Student Dress Code with your student and ensure compliance on the first day. We will also be reviewing the dress code with students and providing reminders. Thank you in advance for partnering with us to ensure your student is dressed appropriately for the school environment each and every day.
All clothing must cover undergarments and midriff at all times and should cover the body in an appropriate manner. Midriff is defined as the region of the front of the body between the chest and the waist.
Clothing which has open sides, back, or reveals midriff area is prohibited. Midriff is defined as the region of the front of the body between the chest and the waist.
Tank tops must have a 2 finger width on all straps to be worn without coverage.
Halter and spaghetti straps are not allowed unless worn underneath clothing that complies with dress code.
All yoga pants, biker shorts, tights, leggings, or jeggings must cover the student’s undergarments and may not reveal midriff.
Shorts, skirts, dresses and skorts should be measured using the student’s closed fist when hands are down at their sides.
There should be no holes or rips revealing skin above the area of the closed fist on pants shorts, dresses, or skirts.
Baseball caps, hats, sweatshirt hoods, toboggans and sunglasses are not to be worn at any time in the school building.
- Clothing and/or personal items bearing reference to alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, drugs, drug-related slogans, sexual activity, violence, or any other wording, drawing, or picture that in any way is questionable or can be reasonably interpreted as inappropriate are prohibited.
Clothing or personal items, or visible references which identify a student as associated with a gang, or any subversive, unlawful, or unauthorized organizations are prohibited.
Rubber or hard soled shoes must be worn.
Pajamas, pajama pants, pajama onesies, snuggies, house shoes or bedroom slippers, and blankets are not allowed.
Air pods or headphones may not be worn during the school day unless for academic purposes.
Principals may establish different rules for dress for special occasions during the school day or extracurricular events.
New Student Orientation
New to TCS students are invited to attend a new student orientation, Sunday, August 4 from 2 pm to 4 pm in the HTHS lecture hall. There will be a separate but simultaneous Q&A session during this time for any parents who wish to attend. New to district freshmen are welcomed to attend both this orientation and freshmen orientation. Students will have the opportunity to:
· Tour the building
· Find your classes
· Locate /set up lockers
· Locate parking spot
· Ask all your questions!
Students from our Leadership Team will be present to give tours, share information and answer any questions new students may have. HTHS Principal, Aaron King, will also be present to talk with students. Dress is casual and comfortable. Refreshment provided. Please contact dana.depew@trussvillecityschools.com for questions.
2023-24 Yearbook Pick-Up Dates and Times
HTHS 2023-24 yearbooks can be picked up Friday, August 2nd from 9 am to 3 pm in the HTHS main lobby.
Summer Reading
Please remind your student that they have just a few days to complete their summer reading! For summer reading requirements, look under Quick Links on the HTHS website:
Mark Your Calendar for Fall and Spring Exams!
Please mark your calendar with the following dates for Fall and Spring Semester Exams. All students must be present on these dates. Please plan your family travel accordingly!
Fall Semester Exams - December
16-Mon Exams Periods - 1, 2; Dismissal at 12:40pm
17-Tue Exams Periods - 3, 4; Dismissal at 12:40pm
18-Wed Exams Periods - 5, 6; Dismissal at 12:40pm
19-Thu Exams Periods - 7, 8; Dismissal at 12:40pm
20-Fri Make-up Exams 8am-noon; Dismissal at Noon
Spring Semester Exams - May
12-Mon Senior Exams (Part 1) - Periods 1, 3, 5, 7
13-Tue Senior Exams (Part 1) - Periods 2, 4, 6, 8
14-Wed Senior Exams (Part 2) - Periods 1, 3, 5, 7
15-Thu Senior Exams (Part 2) - Periods 2, 4, 6, 8
16-Fri Underclass Exams - Periods 7, 8
19-Mon Underclass Exams - Periods 5, 6
20-Tue Underclass Exams - Periods 3, 4; HTHS Graduation, 7pm
21-Wed Underclass Exams - Periods 1, 2
22-Thu Underclass Make-up Exams; Noon Dismissal
Save These Important Dates!
Homecoming Game and Dance - Friday, October 11
Prom - Saturday April 12
Senior Awards Day - Thursday April 24; 9 am
Graduation Practice- Monday May 19; 6 pm
Graduation Ceremony - Tuesday May 20; 7 pm
Donate or Receive Back to School Supplies
Back to school supplies can be dropped off or picked up at the address below!
Looking Ahead
- 2 Yearbook Pick-up 9 am - 3 pm
- 4 New to TCS Student Orientation 2 - 4 pm
- 5 & 6 Parking Decal Pick-up 9-11am; 1 - 3 pm
- 7 Students K-Z First Day of School
- 8 Student A-J First Day of School (no early dismissal)
- 9 All Students Attend
- 13 HTHS Open House 6 pm
- 15 Band Halftime Show Reveal 7 to 8 pm Husky Stadium
- 16 Husky Night 4:30 - 6:30 pm
- 17 TCS Foundation Paws for a Cause at the Gateway Entertainment District 6 pm
- 20 Class of 2025 Parent Night
- 2 Labor Day Holiday