Emmott Eagle News
Friday, November 10, 2023
We want to thank our Emmott community for helping us and our students raise money through our fundraiser PoP (Power of Purpose). To help celebrate the hard work that all of our Emmott Eagles put forth, the students will have a Day of Awesomeness on November 28. This student event will be our way of saying THANKS!
Emmott Book Fair ~ Nov. 8th - Nov. 15th
Emmott Book Fair will open on Wednesday, Nov. 8th. Students will be able to shop during their scheduled time during the day. Late Night will be Nov. 14th.
Say goodbye to cash and hello to eWallet—your child’s digital payment account. Before the Fair, set up eWallet for worry-free, cash-free purchases. Anyone can contribute! Share each child’s eWallet so friends and family can add funds and give your kids more books to enjoy. Click the eWallet link here to add cash to your child's account.
Nature Trails for 3rd & 5th Grade
3rd & 5th grade students will be attending a field trip to the Millsap Nature Trails on Nov. 16th & 17th. Permission slips were sent home with students several weeks ago. Please sign and return forms to your child's homeroom teacher by Tuesday, Nov. 14th. Permission slips are required in order for students to attend the field trip. If your student's permission slip was misplaced, a printable copy is attached below.
Listed below are the homerooms and dates for which each class will attend:
Thursday, Nov. 16th - 3rd Grade Teachers: Ms. Jackson, Ms. Pitarra, and Ms. Columbus
Friday, Nov. 17th - 3rd Grade Teachers: ;Ms. Hernandez & Mr. Anderson; 5th Grade Teachers: Ms. Omar, Ms. Vu, Ms. Crawford and Ms. Bazan.
Family Night ~ Tuesday, Nov. 14
We look forward to seeing all of our EAGLE families at our Academic Family Night onTuesday, November 14! It is going to be a great evening full of activities for all grade levels. Students and their parents will have the opportunity to visit several stations, receive games to play at home, and visit the library for our Book Fair. Mark the date and come ready to be engaged in learning!
See the flyer below for more information.
October Updates
Classroom visits
- During October, the counselors were excited to visit each classroom for guidance lessons. In PK-2nd grades students learned and discussed ways to "Control Myself". In 3rd – 5th grades students learned and discussed “Healthy & Unhealthy Friendships” and ways to stand up for themselves or others when someone is being unkind.
Minute Meetings
- These brief meetings give us the opportunity to connect with every student 1st-5th individually and help us see the needs of our students so we can better support them. Counselors met with 404 students for scheduled minute meetings.
Bringing Out the Best
- The district focus for October was "Reliability". Students discussed "the ability to be trusted to do or provide what is needed".
Extracurricular activities
- At Emmott Elementary, our goal is to provide students with opportunities to acquire skills needed to be successful in school and throughout life. One of the ways we have chosen to achieve this goal is by offering a variety of leadership opportunities, extracurricular groups, and other opportunities for students to be actively involved in their school.
- September 20th - Kicked off Emmott’s Step Team with a fantastic group of 4th and 5th graders. These students are learning to work as one team, representing Eagle PRIDE, and looking forward to some future performances!
- Our Welcome Buddies and Red-Carpet Crew met for the first time October 3rd & 4th and have begun welcoming new students to Emmott by giving campus tours, and partnering with new students in the classroom as they adjust to their new school.
- Cool Down Crew wrapped up November 3rd. These small group counseling sessions helped students learn and practice different strategies for self-regulation.
- Emmott teachers, Ms. Grant, Ms. Omar, & Ms. Bazan, got Student Council started off with nominations and elections in early October. Since then, the council has organized a schoolwide Food Drive to help local families during the upcoming Holiday Season. Be sure to bring in items by November 13th!
- PALs started October 25th. High School students in the Peer Assistance Leadership class visit once per week with selected 1st and 3rd grade elementary students.
§ PALs is a peer mentoring program that applies basic prevention strategies by implementing the program as informal, extra-curricular activities, or as structured, evidence/curriculum- based programs. The high school PAL and the elementary PAL are paired up for the school year.
- Ms. Ivie & Ms. Bernas will host a Board game group after Thanksgiving break, during recess. The first round will be open to 4th graders who previously signed up.
Happening Now
Classroom visits
- During the month of November, the counselors will visit each classroom for lessons over "Expressing Your Feelings" in grades KG–2nd and “Evaluating Solutions and Consequences” in grades 3rd–5th.
Bringing Out the Best
- The district focus for November/December will be "Generosity". Students will discuss "A willingness to give” within our schools, at home, and in their community.
- Permission letters for students in grades KG-5th grade went home November 1st so parents may opt-in to a lesson that helps children proactively develop and use problem-solving skills to protect themselves from harmful situations. Check your student’s backpack and get the form returned by December 1st.
Gifted & Talented Referrals
- Currently enrolled students in grades 1-5 may be referred by parents or teachers for the HORIZONS program. The Emmott counselors are asking for referrals by November 17th for students to be assessed this school year. If students in grades 1-5 qualify, services will begin in the 2024-25 school year.
- For Kindergarten students, no referral is needed. All Kindergarten students will be assessed for Gifted & Talented in the spring. For Kindergarten, services will start in March 2024.
- For more information about the HORIZONS program and referral process, please refer to the CFISD Gifted & Talented HORIZONS link HERE. To refer your student for testing, please contact the Emmott Counseling Office by November 17th.
November Observances
Weekly Observances
- Nov. 13-21 National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week
Daily Observances
- Nov. 11 Veteran’s Day
- Nov. 24 Random Acts of Kindness Friday
Alexandria Stumbaugh PK, KG, 2nd, 4th
281-897-4502, ext. 1
Kristal Shaikh 1st, 3rd, 5th
281-897-4502, ext. 2
Individual Picture Retakes - Tuesday, Nov. 14th
Parent Lunch Visits
Parent lunch visit have begun and we are so excited to have parents/guardians visit their students during lunch. We will have two days available for lunch visitors, Tuesdays and Thursdays. This year we will be encouraging our parent/student lunch tables to serve as a PHONE FREE ZONE. We ask that if you choose to have lunch with your child during their lunch period, that our EAGLE PRIDE continues and you allow your child to teach you our EMMOTT ways and share the great things happening in their classrooms through positive conversations!
Please remember that ALL Visitors must have a form of Identification (ID) in order to visit the campus. IDs must be present and given to the receptionist upon check in. No cell phone ID pictures permitted.
Please refer to the following per CFISD Student Handbook:
- 3.1 Adult Visitors on Campus All non-district visitors (including parents/guardians) should enter a building through the front/designated entrance, state their reason for visiting the campus prior to entering the secured vestibule, and receive a name badge to be visibly displayed at all times while the visitor is in the building. The principal may require any person not having legitimate business to leave. All visitors, regardless of how frequently they are in a building, will be required to sign in at the front desk and wear a visitor’s badge for the duration of their visit. Visitors will be required to present a valid driver’s license or government issued picture ID, and each visitor’s name will be processed through the RAPTOR database. Parents or legal guardians who volunteer as chaperones/drivers for after-hour activities will be required to present a valid driver’s license or government issued picture ID and be processed through the RAPTOR database.
Thank you for your continued support as we ensure safety for all of our Eagle Community.
Our school motto is:
We Can’t Hide Our Eagle Pride
Please ask your child about our November class “cornucopia” incentive. Also, ask your child if their class spun the wheel for completing their October “pumpkin” incentive.
P.R.I.D.E. stands for:
Our students are earning PBIS reward points and PRIDE bucks for showing “PRIDE” behavior. Ask your child about their classroom store and the school store.
Transportation Changes
If you are needing to change your child's transportation, please contact the front office at
281-897-4500 before 2:45 p.m. Reminder from our Parent Reference Guide:
- in order to maintain a safe and secure method of dismissal, no changes will occur after 2:45 p.m.
Lost & Found
As our weather becomes cooler, please label student jackets, hats, mittens, lunch kits, etc. Our lost and found has a tendency to grow during this time of the year. By labeling your child's garments, we as a staff can identify and return the lost items to the child's homeroom. You may also visit the front office to receive a visitors pass for the cafeteria, where the lost and found is located to search for lost items.
Dates To Remember
Nov. 14 - Fall Retakes of Individual Pictures
Nov. 14 - Late Night Book Fair
Nov. 14 - Parent/Student Academic Night
Nov. 15 - Book Fair Ends
Nov. 16 - 3rd Grade Nature Trails/Columbus, Pitarra, N. Jackson
Nov. 17 - 3rd Grade Hernandez/Anderson & 5th Grade Nature Trails/All of 5th
Nov. 20 - 24 - Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 27 - Classes Resume
Nov. 28 - Day of Awesomeness