Diamond Fork Middle School
Sept 9th, 2024
Respect, Courage, Compassion, Integrity, Perserverance, and Curiosty
Upcoming Important Dates
Sep 9-13 - Red Ribbon Week
- Monday- Wear Boots
- Tuesday- Fun Hair
- Wednesday-Red, White, and Blue
- Thursday- Hawaiian Shirts
- Friday- DFMS Shirts
Sep 11 - 6th Science Field Trip to Kiwanis Park
Sep 12 - 3:30-6:30 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Sep 16 - No School DDD
Sep 24 - SnakePit during 5th period
Oct 1 - Picture retakes
6th Grade Science Field Trip
Field Trip Activity Form
Here are the field trip permission slip links in English & Spanish
They open best in Google Chrome and will only work in the email that is registered in Infinite Campus.
Parent Teacher Conference
On Thursday Sept 12, 2024 from 3:30 to 6:30pm we will be having parent teacher conferences. This will be held in the cafeteria and is a great time to come in and talk with teachers about your student.
DFMS Team Store
Need DFMS gear? Get custom shirts, jackets, backpacks, and more at the DFMS Team Store! The 72 Hour 20% off sale is going on now! Everything is shipped directly to your home! Please click the link to access the team store!
Rattler Time
The purpose of rattler time is to make sure the right interventions are happening! Students that are missing work will be required to meet with those teachers to get the help that they need in those specific classrooms. Students who are failing will meet with study hall techs to get the help they need. If a Student does not need to work on anything specific they can choose an enrichment to attend. Our goal is to provide every student with the support they need in every subject.