Walnut Avenue School Community
January 24, 2025
Happy Friday!
We had another Wonderful Winter Week here at WAS :)
Thank you for taking time to read through this week's newsletter.
Please reach out if you have any questions.
Celine McNally
Driveway - Drop & Go Update
We are asking families using the Drop & Go option on the driveway to please PULL UP to the Main Entrance Walkway if you are the first car. This will allow about more cars to drop off at one time.
Please DO NOT GET OUT OF THE CAR on the driveway.
Remember that students are to EXIT the car from the PASSENGER SIDE of the car.
Please DO NOT PASS ON THE LEFT AT ANY TIME - Wait for the cars to move up and out the driveway.
🍕 Ms. Savinelli Visits Preschool Classes 🍕
Our Preschool students are learning and exploring Boxes in their Unit of Study.
Ms. Savinelli, who works in our Preschool and at Vinny's Pizza, showed students how to make a pizza box and shared about her responsibilities at the pizza place.
The students enjoyed the learning experience with Ms. Savinelli :)
🛑 After-School Student Safety 🛑
It has been reported several times about student behavior after-school in recent weeks. The After-School Playground/Field Supervision notice (see below) has been on the newsletters for some time now, but nonetheless, several after-school incidents have been brought to my attention that must be addressed.
Students were spoken to today about the following:
- Tree/Stick Club no longer taking place after-school as the safety of the students and the exclusion of others are concerns.
- The P.A.L Shed is not a play area. Students are damaging the shed and hiding from adults behind the shed.
- Students must be walked across the driveway by an adult or need to understand (as they were reminded) that they are to look before crossing the driveway. The WAS Driveway is used as a through-street for many and cars exit the parking lot via the driveway. We want to keep everyone safe after-school near the WAS Driveway.
Thank you for supporting the safety of the WAS students and the community.
After-School Playground/Field Supervision
Please remember adults should be supervising the students after-school on the playground and/or field.
During the school day, we have expectations and students are supervised by adults at all times. The supervision and expectations keep students safe.
We ask that if you are allowing your student to play after-school on the playground/field that you supervise the student(s) you are responsible for in order to ensure their safety.
Dress For The Weather
Our weather has certainly turned colder.
Please know that we will go outside for recess and walks when the temperature is 32 degrees or above.
Students will be expected to wear the outerwear that they arrive to school wearing when we are out at recess and/or on walks. Remember hats and gloves :)
Label Love
Just a reminder to label student items (water bottles, lunchboxes, sweatshirts, jackets, gloves, etc.) so that if lost we are able to return them to the student.
908-709-6995 Absence Line
908-709-6995 Absence Line
Please call 908-709-6995 to report an absence.
If you have a change in dismissal on a given day, please be sure to include Nurse Stein, Ms. McNulty and Ms. McNally on your email to the teacher so we can be sure that the email was seen by the teacher.
If an aftercare program needs to be notified of the change, please be sure to reach out to the aftercare to notify them of the change in dismissal.
💙 Counselor News 💙
🥪 Pomptonian Food Service Information 🍱
Pomptonian’s 6th Annual Healthy School Lunch Challenge Information
Pomptonian’s 6th Annual Healthy School Lunch Challenge, an initiative designed to treat the cafeteria as an extension of the classroom while celebrating National Nutrition Month. It’s a wonderful opportunity to get students involved in the kitchen and excited about creating healthy meals.
Here are key details:
• Students are invited to submit a healthy recipe by February 24th.
• Submissions will be divided into three categories: Pre-K through 5th grade, 6th through 8th grades, and 9th through 12th grades.
• For each category, we’ll select two Grand Prize Winners and one Super Grand Prize Winner.
• The top three high school contestants will compete in a cooking challenge at Driscoll Foods in their professional kitchen on March 7th from 8:30AM-2:30PM.
Here is a video detailing the competition: 6th Annual Healthy School Lunch Challenge.
Check out last year’s High School Lunch Challenge Cook-Off video and take a look back at one of our Super Grand Prize Winners: Healthy School Lunch Challenge Winner: Antonella Marinelli.
🍐 Nutrition News 🍐
Here is the latest edition of Nutrition News, which highlights Asian Pears: "They're Pearfect."
While these pears are typically farmed in Asia, we are fortunate to have an Asian pear farm, Evergreen Farms, right here in the Garden State.
These delicious pears will be featured on our menus in January, so keep an eye out
for this special treat!
PTA Membership
PTA Membership Information
LINK to PTA Membership Information
Joining the PTA is a great way to make a direct impact on your child's education and school environment. It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect with other parents and teachers who share your commitment to helping students thrive.
To ensure you can volunteer at school activities and make a meaningful impact, it's important to become a PTA member. By joining the PTA, you not only gain access to these volunteer opportunities but also help strengthen our school community. Your involvement can make a real difference.
Please note that even if you signed up last year, you will need to sign up again this year as the membership is good for only one calendar school year.
If you have any questions please contact Shannon Tyahla PTA Membership Chair at shannonmbarry@gmail.com
💘 PTA "Wee" Deliver 💘
"Wee" Deliver
Please see attachment for our Valentine's Day Fun at
Walnut Avenue School.
📅 Important Dates 📅
Important Dates
- Friday, January 31, 2025 - PTA K-2 Pajama BINGO Night at 6:30 PM
- Monday, February 3, 2025 - Single Session for Students
- Monday, February 17, 2025 - School Closed for Presidents' Day
- Monday, March 10, 2025 - Single Session for Students
- Monday, April 14, 2025 - School Closed for Spring Break - Friday, April 18, 2025
- Tuesday, May 6, 2025 - Art Show & Spring Chorus at 5:30 PM
- Monday, May 27, 2025 - School Closed for Memorial Day
📆 2024-2025 District Calendar 📆
📅 Kindergarten Single Session Calendar 📅
**Kindergarten single sessions will alternate between AM & PM classes
according to the following schedule:
Monday, February 3, 2025- AM only (No PM session)
Monday, March 10, 2025- PM only (No AM session)
Wednesday, June 18, 2025- AM only (No PM session)
Thursday, June 19, 2025- PM only (No AM session)
Lunchroom Assistants Needed
We are still very much in need of lunchroom assistants. Hours are 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM.
If you are interested in this wonderful opportunity - CLICK HERE
January Family SEL Resource
The article - Ultimate Strategies for Effective Goal Setting for Kids: A Parent's Guide - linked HERE, is a guide for effectively setting goals - one of our Full Value Principles - in the New Year.
February Family Academy: Bullies to Buddies
February Family Academy: Bullies to Buddies
Thursday, February 20th
6:30pm - 8:00pm
OAS Cafeteria
For parents/guardians grades PK - 12, and Students Grade 3 and Up.
RSVP Link: https://calendly.com/willner-ccc/family-academy-bullies-to-buddies-2-20-25
Please join us on Thursday, February 20th for our Bullies to Buddies Parent Program. We will be serving ice cream! Feel free to bring your children Grades 3 and up! In this workshop, we will discuss the differences between conflict and bullying. You will learn how to teach your child how to respond to verbal issues from others in a way that immediately decreases the incidence of bullying and increases resilience.
SEL Calendar 2024-2025
Please CLICK HERE for the Cranford School District Social Emotional Learning Calendar for the 2024-2025 School Year
CFEE Trivia Night - Saturday, February 22, 2025
Walnut Avenue School
Email: mcnally@cranfordschools.org
Website: http://was.cranfordschools.org/
Location: 370 Walnut Avenue, Cranford, NJ, USA
Phone: (908) 709 - 6253