Nov 11-16 2024 Marysville Jr/Sr High School #dogproud364
Principal's Note
The Annual Veterans Day Ceremony will start at 10:00 AM Monday in the Activity Center at Marysville Junior Senior High School. We hope you can come join us on this important day. There is a breakfast for veterans following the ceremony in the junior high gym as well. Help us honor our veterans and their service to our country.
It's always neat to get the students and staff all together for a pic. It's not easy but we had that opportunity last Friday when Landoll Corporation and Citizens State Bank came to hand out shirts to everyone in the building.We are lucky to have such a supportive community and also lucky to have such a great group of students and staff. Yes, we are even lucky to have those senior girls with their tongues sticking out!
Tim Woodcock, Principal
Kiwanis Pancake Day
Ms. Gartner gives guidance at the pancake griddle!
These debonaire dudes dealt the hot and cold drinks!
Excellent egg cracking led to delicious scrambled eggs!
The Builders Club, JAG-K, and National Honor Society were busy last Tuesday helping the Kiwanis at their annual pancake feed held each year at the Armory on Election Day! This is the Kiwanis largest fundraiser and the day proved to the busiest ever with a great turnout. Thanks to all the help of the school organizations above. It couldn't have happened without you!
District Choir Honorees
Congrats to Liam Crain, Kenley Wilson, Elena Kramer, Astoria Frye, and Nathan Cook for being selected for our District Honor Choirs! They will perform in our District Honor Choir Clinics/Concerts on Dec 7th at Manhattan High School! Great Job Singers!
Bulldog of the Week
Junior High-Haley Dunlap is always so polite and ready for the day! Let's all be more like Haley!
High School-Garrett Staggs was walking to school a couple weeks ago when he saw a teacher at the elementary struggling to carry some pumpkins into the school. He stopped and took the time to help her without even being asked. What a great example for us all!
Week At A Glance
Monday, November 11
8:30 AM FFA Leadership School @ Holton
10:00 AM Veteran's Day Ceremony @ Activity Center
4:30 PM JH Girls Basketball @ Clay Center
6:00 PM BOE Meeting @ Bulldog Room
Tuesday, November 12
10:50 AM FBLA Trip to BVT
4:00 PM JV Scholars Bowl @ Nemaha Central
4:00 PM CNA Class @ Ag Innovation Room
4:30 PM JH Boys Wrestling @ Wamego
Wednesday, November 13
8:15 AM Career Fair for Juniors @ Centralia High School
2:47 PM AEP - FFA Meeting @ Mrs. Siemens Room
Thursday, November 14
8:00 AM UNL College Visit for Sophomores
3:45 PM FBLA Cookie Baking for American Enterprise Day
4:30 PM JH Girls Basketball @ Concordia
Friday, November 15
FBLA American Enterprise Day
Saturday, November 16
9:00 AM JH Boys Wrestling Tournament@ Concordia
KAY Week Ends with a Blast
The KAY Club week ended its Citizenship Week with its annual Beach Ball Volleyball on a Scooter. Although the sophomores had some dominating performances and claim to have gone unbeaten, the seniors above convinced Mr. Cook that they were, in fact, the winners. All the proceeds from students playing went to Heifer International, a charity working to end worldwide poverty. The KAY Blood Drive also did great things for our nationwide blood shortage by having a great turnout. All in all, it was a great week!