February Newsletter

📆 Our Schedule This Month
February 2025
Feb. 3-7th – National School Counselor Week
Feb. 4th – FCPS Division Spelling Bee, 7 pm at FCHS Auditorium
Feb. 5th – Roanoke Valley Governor's School Testing
Feb 6th – Q2 Flight Night, 6pm West Hall Gym
Feb. 8th - All District Choir Event, VA Tech
Feb. 8th - MathCounts Competition, Liberty University
Feb. 13th-Rising 7th Grade Parent Night, 6 pm, West Hall Gym
Feb 14 & 15th – All-District Band Event – Martinsville High School
Feb. 15th – School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
February 17th - Presidents Day
Feb 21st – Progress Report Cards
Feb. 24-27th - Rising 6th Grade Band and Choir visits to elementary schools
Feb, 27th – 7th Grade Incentive Day - Sem 2
Feb. 27th- Rising 8th Grade Parent Night, 6 pm, The Gereau Center
Feb. 28th – 6th & 8th Grade Incentive Day - Sem 2
Looking Ahead-March 2025
March 3-7th – National School Social Worker Week
March 5th & 6th- Rising 6th Grade Students visit BFMS with elementary school
March 7th – Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day
Week of March 10th – Spring Book Fair, East & West Libraries
March 11th and 13th - Rising 6th grade parent night (snow dates 3/18 and 3/20)
March 11th and 12th- Rising 6th Grade Parent Nights, 6pm, East Hall Gym
March 12th – Southridge Area FFA Rally at Old Dominion AG Complex
March 15th – BFMS FFA Banquet, time TBD
March 20th – Music In Our Schools Concert, FCHS Auditorium, 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Night Concert at 7:00 pm at FCHS
March 19th – Spring Picture Day
March 21st – End Q3 Grading Period
March 21st - Rising 6th grade REGISTRATION FORMS due
March 21 & 22th – All Area Band – Henry County (some 7/8 band)
March 22nd – Regional Spelling Bee, Radford
March 24th – Teacher Workday / PD Day - School Closed for Students
March 26th – School Board Winter Student Recognition Night, 6 pm, Location TBD
🐝Spelling Bee Winners
The following students advanced from their classroom spelling bees to the school wide spelling bee that took place on December 4th. Congratulations to all of our grade level winners and thank you for participating!
Levi Plogger
Scarlette Maheu
Kennedy Floyd
Khloe Six
Kaidyn Roman
Alyssa Taylor
Jaiden McCorkle
Easton Chitwood
McKenzie Emmons
Edward "Dylan" Prather
Tabitha Shirley
Bentley McNeil
Bradley Jones
Reef Warden
Brianna Phillips
Amy Song
Bryan Olguin-Lopez
Thad Schweitzer
Valton Sharp
Felix Cruz, Jr.
Khaliel Slade
Haiden Nicholson
Mason Martin
Brenten Busker
Elijah Camps
Kyedan Lohrmann
Reuben Ragsdale
Wyatt Prater
Addison Brickey
Bella Arrington
Congratulations to our winners from the school wide spelling bee!
Congratulations to 7th grader Amy Song for winning the school-wide spelling bee! Amy will represent the middle school at our county wide competition at the high school in February!
Also, congratulations to 7th grader Bradley Jones who was our runner up! Bradley will take Amy's place in the event that she is unable to compete.
⭐Spotlight on Instruction
Boating Safety Course in 8th Grade
⛵Students in 8th Grade Health/PE completed a Boating Safety Course. The course requires that they have 6 hours of classroom instruction and pass a 60 question multiple choice test.
✋High five to Mr. Millard, Mr. Rombough, and Mrs. Slough
Creating Pixel Art in Math Class
6th Grade students were studying about perfect squares. The students made pixel art while constructing perfect squares. They visited https://makepixelart.com/ and started with a 1X1 perfect square. They continued to add perfect squares making sure the next square touched the previous square until they no longer could place anymore of that square in their design. Each student then turned in their shape and a poster was made of everyone's design.
✋Teacher high five to Mrs. Rogers and Mr. Flora!
Building Abacuses in Social Studies
A collaborative project took place between Ms. Pugh’s Social Studies class and Ms. Jenny Flora’s self-contained classroom.
As part Mrs. Pugh's 6th graders history study on the Industrial Revolution and the significance of the assembly line, Ms. Pugh’s students engaged in hands-on learning by assembling abacuses for Ms. Flora’s students to use as counting tools. This collaboration also involved support from Lowes, making it a true community effort.
The students in Ms. Pugh’s class experienced the teamwork and precision required for assembly line labor while producing two types of abacuses: a desktop model and a standing model. These finished products were proudly presented to Ms. Flora’s class before Christmas break, where they will serve as valuable learning tools. The time and effort invested in this project were substantial, but the educational benefits for all students involved were well worth it.
✋High five to Mr. Flora, Mrs. Pugh, and Mrs. Flora
👟Athletes of the Week
Cody Hunt
Iyana Lewis
✅Attendance Acknowledgements
6th Grade:
B. Flora - 97.57%
S. Witcher, A Day - 95.8%
7th Grade:
D. Collins - 97.62%
C. King - 96.6%
8th Grade:
B. Dudley - 97.96%
R. Pruitt - 97.12%
These classes earned a🍕 PIZZA PARTY🍕 for encouraging one another to be in attendance at school each day!
✨Students in the Spotlight
All District Choir
Congratulations to the BFMS Choir Students that were selected to this year's Virginia District 6 All-District Chorus!
These students will travel to Virginia Tech on February 8th to participate in the All District Choir Concert! Best Wishes for a great performance!
We are so proud of your accomplishments! Way to go!
Math Counts Club
The BFMS MathCounts Club recently participated in the Math Day AMC competition at Randolph College, achieving an impressive 2nd place finish among six competing teams. This remarkable achievement highlights the dedication and talent of our students and brings pride to our school community.
The American Mathematics Competition (AMC) 8 is renowned as one of the most prestigious math contests for middle school students, both in the United States and globally. The competition consists of a 25-question, 40-minute multiple-choice exam, designed to test students' mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills. Additionally, there is a team round comprising 10 questions to be solved within 60 minutes. The problems presented in the AMC 8 are crafted to challenge participants and provide them with problem-solving experiences that extend beyond the typical junior high school mathematics curriculum.
🛠️Renovation Updates
BFMS Renovation & Construction Update
Current Status
Phases 1- 4, except for East Hall Auditorium, are now complete. The work in the auditorium is ongoing. Phase 5, which includes classrooms in West Hall. is began on Monday, January 6th, 2025 and is expected to be finished by April 2025. We will then transition into Phase 6 which includes more classrooms in West Hall.
School Safety
Ensuring the safety of our students, faculty, and staff is our top priority. We have increased safety patrols around the construction area throughout the day. We are also collaborating closely with contractors to ensure all safety protocols are followed. Additionally, we are fortunate to have two School Resource Officers from the Rocky Mount Police Department and the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office on campus.
We are asking that our families continue to show us grace and patience as we navigate through these changes to our campus during morning arrival, afternoon dismissal, and events on campus. Our traffic patterns will remain the same, however there may be some delays from time to time.
Thank you to our School Board and the Board of Supervisors for their support in making this project a reality!
If you would like to receive the dial-out regarding school closings, you must register your phone number each year. Technology has taken out all the phone numbers from last school year so to receive the alerts this school year you must do the following, even if you have registered in previous years:
- Go to the FCPS main page: www.frco.k12.va.us
- Scroll down to the information center and click on the arrow until you see Community Text Alerts and click on that screen.
- Fill in your First Name, Last Name and Cell Phone Number
With the cell phone you registered, text the word YES to 67587 to complete the process. If this step is not completed, you will not receive the alerts. It will send you a confirmation text if you have successfully registered. It may take up to two business days for your number to be registered so please do so ASAP to ensure you get the alerts.
Need to change Your Student's Afternoon Transportation?
Students needing a bus pass should bring a note from their parents or guardian to the guidance office in their building. All changes for student afternoon transportation need to be in to the guidance office no later than 2:30 pm each day to ensure that your child gets the message. After 2:30 pm, we are unable to make any changes. Thank you for your help and cooperation.
Benjamin Franklin Middle School
Website: https://bfms.frco.k12.va.us/
Phone: (540) 483-5105